
[Mycolleagues] [ISWCS'09] Call for papers of ISWCS 2009, Siena, Italy - Deadline March 16

Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP.

*************************  CALL FOR PAPERS   ***************************

The Sixth International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems

             "Broadband Ubiquity for Society Needs"

ISWCS'09 Siena-Tuscany, University of Siena, Italy, September 7–10, 2009
              URL: http://www.iswcs.org/iswcs2009/

For information: iswcs09@dii.unisi.it

Published papers will appear on IEEE Xplore

Important Dates:
Submission deadline (extended abstracts of full papers): March 16, 2009
Notification of acceptance: May 25, 2009
Camera-ready of accepted papers: June 22, 2009

This event is co-located with IWSSC 2009 (for more details see:


Technical Co-Sponsorship by IEEE Communications Society.
This event is supported by the Vehicular technology Society.

The objective of this symposium is to provide a forum for researchers and technologists to present new ideas and contributions in the form of
technical papers, panel discussions as well as real-world evaluation of
many ideas in wireless communications and networking employed to support the needs of the Information Society. This sixth symposium, intends to bring together various wireless communication systems developers to discuss the current status, technical challenges, standards, fundamental issues, and future services and applications. ISWCS'09 seeks to address and capture highly-innovative and state-of-the-art research from the wireless industry as well as standardization advances. The scope of the conference includes a wide range of technical challenges encompassing wireless communications,
quality of service support, wireless networking, cross-layer air interface design for improved performance, wireless broadband access, and cooperative networking.

IMPORTANT: the authors of the best papers of ISWCS 2009 will be asked to submit their journal-versions to the Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET) Journal (by Springer, http://www.springer.com/engineering/signals/journal/11036)
that has devoted to us a special issue!

The topics of interest include but are not limited to the following one:

- Cooperative communication systems
- Cognitive radio networks
- Radio resource management
- Wireless access techniques
- Cross-layer air interface design
- Mobile Internet
- Wireless privacy and security
- Wireless IP
- Wireless network architecture and technologies systems
- Digital signal processing
- Standardization in working groups IEEE 802.11, 802.15, and 802.16
- Vehicular Networks (VANETs)
- End-to-End QoS provision
- Coding modulation and equalization
- DVB and DAB techniques
- Novel wireless routing techniques
- Mobility management
- RFID networking
- Traffic control and engineering
- Wireless Mesh Networking
- Wireless sensor networks
- Innovative services and applications

Paper Submission Guidelines:

Acceptance will be based on an extended abstract or a full paper.
In case of an extended abstract submission, diagrams, results, and
bibliography have to be provided to allow the reviewers to assess
the contribution of your work. In addition to the paper submission,
an abstract (approx. 150 words) shall be submitted. The submission
has to be performed electronically by March 16, 2009 via the
EDAS system; look at the instruction on the conference web
site: http://www.iswcs.org/ISWCS2009/instructions.html.
For information, please send email to the organization: iswcs09@dii.unisi.it.


Proposals for tutorials should consist of a 1000 word summary plus
a 150 word abstract with a cover page listing the details of the
author(s); tutorial submissions should be made via email to
iswcs09@dii.unisi.it by March 16, 2009. The social event will be
organized in the surroundings (country-side) of Siena so that
participants will taste the real Tuscany! For information, please
send email to: iswcs09@dii.unisi.it.

Organizing Committee:

General Chair
Giovanni Giambene, University of Siena, Italy

General co-Chair
Yuming Jiang, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway

Finance Chair
Boon Sain Yeo, SensiMesh Pte Ltd, Singapore

Technical Program Chair
Rajeev Shorey, GM Research, Bangalore, India
Technical Program co-Chairs
Falko Dressler, University of Erlangen, Germany
Archan Misra, Telcordia Research, USA

Panel Chair
Maria Luisa Merani
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy

Tutorial Chair
Andreas Kassler
Karlstad University, Sweden

Publication Chair
Paolo Chini, University of Siena, Italy

Web Chair
Ciro Guariglia, University of Siena, Italy

Steering Committee
Boon Sain Yeo (Chair), SensiMesh Pte Ltd, Singapore

Local Organizing Committee
Giuliano Benelli, Paolo Chini, Samuele Giannetti,
Snezana Hadzic, University of Siena, Italy

Conference Secretariat:
Giuliana Pasquini, University of Siena, Italy,
Tel: +39 0577232136, Email: pasquini@unisi.it

[Mycolleagues] Paper submission deadline is extended to March 11, WORLDCOMP'09 federated congress

Dear Carlos:

I would be most grateful if you would share the announcement below
with those who may be interested. The paper submission deadline
is extended to March 11, 2009. Thank you.

Call For Papers

Extended Paper Submission Deadline: March 11, 2009

The 2009 World Congress in Computer Science,
Computer Engineering, & Applied Computing
Date and Location: July 13-16, 2009, Las Vegas, USA


Due to numerous requests, the paper submission deadline has been
extended to March 11, 2009. You are invited to submit a paper; see
below for submission instructions. All accepted papers will be
published in the conference proceedings (in printed books).

Academic Sponsors include: United States Military Academy, Network
Science Center; various research laboratories and centers affiliated
with Harvard U. / MIT; Argonne National Lab.; U. of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign; Minnesota Supercomputing Institute; U. of Texas at
Austin; George Mason U.; Vienna U. of Technology; U. of Siegen;
National Institute for Health Research; U. of Iowa; Russian Academy
of Sciences; U. of North Dakota; Texas A&M U./Com.; The European
Commission, and many others. For the complete list of sponsors,
refer to:

The 2009 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering,
and Applied Computing (WORLDCOMP'09) is composed of the following
conferences (all will be held simultaneously, same location and
dates: July 13-16, 2009, USA). A link to each conference's URL can
be found at

BIOCOMP'09: International Conf. on Bioinformatics &
Computational Biology
CDES'09: International Conf. on Computer Design
CGVR'09: International Conf. on Computer Graphics & Virtual
CSC'09: International Conf. on Scientific Computing
DMIN'09: International Conf. on Data Mining
EEE'09: International Conf. on e-Learning, e-Business,
Enterprise Information Systems, & e-Government
ERSA'09: International Conf. on Engineering of Reconfigurable
Systems and Algorithms
ESA'09: International Conf. on Embedded Systems & Applications
FCS'09: International Conf. on Foundations of Computer Science
FECS'09: International Conf. on Frontiers in Education: Computer
Science & Computer Engineering
GCA'09: International Conf. on Grid Computing & Applications
GEM'09: International Conf. on Genetic & Evolutionary Methods
ICAI'09: International Conf. on Artificial Intelligence
ICOMP'09: International Conf. on Internet Computing
ICWN'09: International Conf. on Wireless Networks
IKE'09: International Conf. on Information & Knowledge
IPCV'09: International Conf. on Image Processing, Computer
Vision, & Pattern Recognition
MSV'09: International Conf. on Modeling, Simulation &
Visualization Methods
PDPTA'09: International Conf. on Parallel and Distributed
Processing Techniques & Applications
SAM'09: International Conf. on Security and Management
SERP'09: International Conf. on Software Engineering Research
and Practice
SWWS'09: International Conf. on Semantic Web and Web Services


Prospective authors are invited to submit their draft papers by
uploading them to http://worldcomp.cviog.uga.edu/ .
Submissions must be received by March 11, 2009 and they must be in
either MS doc or pdf formats (about 5 to 7 pages - single space,
font size of 10 to 12). All reasonable typesetting formats are
acceptable (later, the authors of accepted papers will be asked to
follow a particular typesetting format to prepare their papers for

The length of the Camera-Ready papers (if accepted) will be limited
to 7 (IEEE style) pages. Papers must not have been previously
published or currently submitted for publication elsewhere. The
first page of the draft paper should include: title of the paper,
name, affiliation, postal address, and email address for each author.
The first page should also identify the name of the Contact Author
and a maximum of 5 topical keywords that would best represent the
content of the paper. Finally, the name of the conference that
the paper is being submitted to must be stated on the first page.

Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity,
impact, and soundness. Each paper will be refereed by two experts
in the field who are independent of the conference program committee.
The referees' evaluations will then be reviewed by two members of
the program committee who will recommend a decision to the chair of
the track that the paper has been submitted to. The chair will make
the final decision. Lastly, the Camera-Ready papers will be reviewed
by one member of the program committee.


March 11, 2009: Extended deadline for Submission of papers
(about 5 to 7 pages)
April 9, 2009: Notification of acceptance
May 1, 2009: Camera-Ready papers and Registration due
July 13-16, 2009: The 2009 World Congress in Computer Science,
Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing
(WORLDCOMP'09 - 22 joint conferences)


12 to 15 tutorials are currently being planned - all tutorials are
free to conference registrants. Tutorial subjects include:
various aspects of supercomputing (parallel and distributed systems
and processing), visualization, preparation for teaching online
courses, various areas of security, sensor networks, bioinformatics
for computer scientists, web services for mobile and wireless systems,
ABET accreditation as it relates to computing, inverse problems in
computer vision, data mining, ...


This set of joint conferences is the largest annual gathering of
researchers in computer science, computer engineering and applied
computing. Many of the joint conferences in WORLDCOMP are the
premier conferences for presentation of advances in their
respective fields. We anticipate to have 2,400 or more attendees
from over 85 countries participating in the 2009 joint conferences.

WORLDCOMP'09 will be composed of research presentations, keynote
lectures, invited presentations, tutorials, panel discussions,
and poster presentations. In recent past, keynote and/or tutorial
speakers included: Prof. David A. Patterson (U. of California,
Berkeley); Prof. Michael J. Flynn (Stanford U.); Prof. John H.
Holland (U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor); Prof. H. J. Siegel (Colorado
State U.); Prof. Barry Vercoe (MIT); Prof. Ruzena Bajcsy (U. of
California, Berkeley); Prof. Jun Liu (Harvard U.); Dr. Jim Gettys
(OLPC + developer of X Window); and many other distinguished
speakers. For this year's conference, the keynote speakers include:
Prof. Ian Foster (Father of Grid Computing), Dr. Eric Drexler
(Father of Nanotechnology), Prof. Brian Athey (Head, NIH National
Center for Computational Medicine & Biology), Dr. Jose Munoz (Deputy
Director, National Science Foundation Office of Cyberinfrastructure),
and many other distinguished speakers.

The motivation is to assemble a spectrum of affiliated research
conferences into a coordinated research meeting held in a common
place at a common time. The main goal is to provide a forum for
exchange of ideas in a number of research areas that interact. The
model used to form these annual conferences facilitates communication
among researchers from all over the world in different fields of
computer science, computer engineering and applied computing. Both
inward research (core areas of computer science and engineering) and
outward research (multi-disciplinary, inter-disciplinary, and
applications) will be covered during the conferences.


The conferences will be held in the Monte Carlo hotel, Las Vegas,
Nevada, USA (with any overflows at other near-by hotels). This is
a mega hotel with excellent conference facilities and over 3,000
rooms. It is minutes from the airport with 24-hour shuttle
service to and from the airport. This hotel has many recreational
attractions, including: waterfalls, spa, pools, sunning decks, Easy
River, wave pool, lighted tennis courts, health spa, nightly shows,
a number of restaurants, ... The negotiated room rate for
conference attendees is very reasonable. The hotel is within
walking distance from most other attractions (recreational
destinations, Golf courses, ...)
Mycolleagues mailing list

[Mycolleagues] CFP with extended deadline of Mar. 11, 2009: WORLDCOMP'09 (The 2009 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing), USA, July 13-16, 2009

I would appreciate if you would share the announcement below
with those who might be interested. The paper submission deadline
is extended to March 11, 2009.

Call For Papers

Extended Paper Submission Deadline: March 11, 2009

The 2009 World Congress in Computer Science,
Computer Engineering, & Applied Computing
Date and Location: July 13-16, 2009, Las Vegas, USA


Due to numerous requests, the paper submission deadline has been
extended to March 11, 2009. You are invited to submit a paper; see
below for submission instructions. All accepted papers will be
published in the respective conference proceedings (in printed books).

Academic Sponsors include: United States Military Academy, Network
Science Center; various research laboratories and centers affiliated
with Harvard U. / MIT; Argonne National Lab.; U. of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign; Minnesota Supercomputing Institute; U. of Texas at
Austin; George Mason U.; Vienna U. of Technology; U. of Siegen;
National Institute for Health Research; U. of Iowa; Russian Academy
of Sciences; U. of North Dakota; Texas A&M U./Com.; The European
Commission, and many others. For the complete list of sponsors,
refer to

The 2009 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering,
and Applied Computing (WORLDCOMP'09) is composed of the following
conferences (all will be held simultaneously, same location and
dates: July 13-16, 2009, USA). A link to each conference's URL can
be found at

BIOCOMP'09: International Conf. on Bioinformatics &
Computational Biology
CDES'09: International Conf. on Computer Design
CGVR'09: International Conf. on Computer Graphics & Virtual
CSC'09: International Conf. on Scientific Computing
DMIN'09: International Conf. on Data Mining
EEE'09: International Conf. on e-Learning, e-Business,
Enterprise Information Systems, & e-Government
ERSA'09: International Conf. on Engineering of Reconfigurable
Systems and Algorithms
ESA'09: International Conf. on Embedded Systems & Applications
FCS'09: International Conf. on Foundations of Computer Science
FECS'09: International Conf. on Frontiers in Education: Computer
Science & Computer Engineering
GCA'09: International Conf. on Grid Computing & Applications
GEM'09: International Conf. on Genetic & Evolutionary Methods
ICAI'09: International Conf. on Artificial Intelligence
ICOMP'09: International Conf. on Internet Computing
ICWN'09: International Conf. on Wireless Networks
IKE'09: International Conf. on Information & Knowledge
IPCV'09: International Conf. on Image Processing, Computer
Vision, & Pattern Recognition
MSV'09: International Conf. on Modeling, Simulation &
Visualization Methods
PDPTA'09: International Conf. on Parallel and Distributed
Processing Techniques & Applications
SAM'09: International Conf. on Security and Management
SERP'09: International Conf. on Software Engineering Research
and Practice
SWWS'09: International Conf. on Semantic Web and Web Services


Prospective authors are invited to submit their draft papers by
uploading them to http://worldcomp.cviog.uga.edu/ .
Submissions must be received by March 11, 2009 and they must be in
either MS doc or pdf formats (about 5 to 7 pages - single space,
font size of 10 to 12). All reasonable typesetting formats are
acceptable (later, the authors of accepted papers will be asked to
follow a particular typesetting format to prepare their papers for

The length of the Camera-Ready papers (if accepted) will be limited
to 7 (IEEE style) pages. Papers must not have been previously
published or currently submitted for publication elsewhere. The
first page of the draft paper should include: title of the paper,
name, affiliation, postal address, and email address for each author.
The first page should also identify the name of the Contact Author
and a maximum of 5 topical keywords that would best represent the
content of the paper. Finally, the name of the conference that
the paper is being submitted to must be stated on the first page.

Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity,
impact, and soundness. Each paper will be refereed by two experts
in the field who are independent of the conference program committee.
The referees' evaluations will then be reviewed by two members of
the program committee who will recommend a decision to the chair of
the track that the paper has been submitted to. The chair will make
the final decision. Lastly, the Camera-Ready papers will be reviewed
by one member of the program committee.


March 11, 2009: Extended deadline for Submission of papers
(about 5 to 7 pages)
April 9, 2009: Notification of acceptance
May 1, 2009: Camera-Ready papers and Registration due
July 13-16, 2009: The 2009 World Congress in Computer Science,
Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing
(WORLDCOMP'09 - 22 joint conferences)


12 to 15 tutorials are currently being planned - all tutorials are
free to conference registrants. Tutorial subjects include:
various aspects of supercomputing (parallel and distributed systems
and processing), visualization, preparation for teaching online
courses, various areas of security, sensor networks, bioinformatics
for computer scientists, web services for mobile and wireless systems,
ABET accreditation as it relates to computing, inverse problems in
computer vision, data mining, ...


This set of joint conferences is the largest annual gathering of
researchers in computer science, computer engineering and applied
computing. Many of the joint conferences in WORLDCOMP are the
premier conferences for presentation of advances in their
respective fields. We anticipate to have 2,400 or more attendees
from over 85 countries participating in the 2009 joint conferences.

WORLDCOMP'09 will be composed of research presentations, keynote
lectures, invited presentations, tutorials, panel discussions,
and poster presentations. In recent past, keynote and/or tutorial
speakers included: Prof. David A. Patterson (U. of California,
Berkeley); Prof. Michael J. Flynn (Stanford U.); Prof. John H.
Holland (U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor); Prof. H. J. Siegel (Colorado
State U.); Prof. Barry Vercoe (MIT); Prof. Ruzena Bajcsy (U. of
California, Berkeley); Prof. Jun Liu (Harvard U.); Dr. Jim Gettys
(OLPC + developer of X Window); and many other distinguished
speakers. For this year's conference, the keynote speakers include:
Prof. Ian Foster (Father of Grid Computing), Dr. Eric Drexler
(Father of Nanotechnology), Prof. Brian Athey (Head, NIH National
Center for Computational Medicine & Biology), Dr. Jose Munoz (Deputy
Director, National Science Foundation Office of Cyberinfrastructure),
and many other distinguished speakers.

The motivation is to assemble a spectrum of affiliated research
conferences into a coordinated research meeting held in a common
place at a common time. The main goal is to provide a forum for
exchange of ideas in a number of research areas that interact. The
model used to form these annual conferences facilitates communication
among researchers from all over the world in different fields of
computer science, computer engineering and applied computing. Both
inward research (core areas of computer science and engineering) and
outward research (multi-disciplinary, inter-disciplinary, and
applications) will be covered during the conferences.


The conferences will be held in the Monte Carlo hotel, Las Vegas,
Nevada, USA (with any overflows at other near-by hotels). This is
a mega hotel with excellent conference facilities and over 3,000
rooms. It is minutes from the airport with 24-hour shuttle
service to and from the airport. This hotel has many recreational
attractions, including: waterfalls, spa, pools, sunning decks, Easy
River, wave pool, lighted tennis courts, health spa, nightly shows,
a number of restaurants, ... The negotiated room rate for
conference attendees is very reasonable. The hotel is within
walking distance from most other attractions (recreational
destinations, Golf courses, ...)

Mycolleagues mailing list


ICST - eHealth 2009 - Call for Papers

Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this
call for papers.


eHealth 2009
2nd International ICST Conference on electronic healthcare:
Patients or Users - who are we developing services for?


23-25th September 2009 - Istanbul, Turkey

Sponsored by ICST, Technically co-sponsored by Create-Net
ACM In-cooperation (pending)



Building on a very successful eHealth 2008 conference, the aim of eHealth 2009 is to bring
together experts from academia, industry and global healthcare institutions to stimulate cutting-
edge research discussions, share experience with real-world healthcare service providers and
policy makers as well as provide numerous business opportunities.

Despite substantial budgets spent on eHealth in recent years, existing healthcare services do not
sufficiently address the issue of patient privacy, trust, quality-assurance nor the potential in
e-learning and web minding for delivering 21st century healthcare system for European citizens.
The key topic of eHealth 2009 is investigating a realistic potential of the Internet in providing
evidence-based medical advice and quality-assured education for patients to improve wellbeing
of European and global citizens.


1. Privacy, Trust and Security - electronic patient records, models for trust and privacy, novel
mobile encryption technologies, identity federation, role based access control, privacy enhancing
2. Epidemiology and Early Warning Systems and Outbreak Detection - information and IT support
systems for early warning and outbreak detection programs, data management issues, data
collection and analysis for surveillance and epidemiology.
3. Healthcare Ontologies and Knowledge Management Systems - annotation, health care
ontologies, coding standards, communication standards, quality tagging and quality of service,
distribution issues, coding systems and ontologies mapping, search, users customisation, alert
4. E-learning, Educational Games and the Impact of Information Delivery to Patients and
Professionals - using digital Libraries in building online communities, moderated discussion
groups, qualitative and quantitative evaluation studies, user attitude towards the knowledge,
studies of changes of user attitude with respect to digital libraries.
5. Web 2.0 in Healthcare, Wellbeing and Online Communities Of Practice - Community of
practice, Web 2.0, user support groups, blogs, online support for healthy lifestyle, wellbeing and
public interventions.


• Keynote Talks
• Academic Papers Sessions
• Industrial Paper Sessions
• Research Projects and Industrial Products Demos
• Industrial and SME/Start-Up Companies Exhibitions
• PhD Students Session
• Poster Sessions
• Panel Discussions


General and Scientific Chair: Patty Kostkova, City ehealth Research Centre, City University,
London, UK

Programme Co-Chair: Rajarajan Muttukrishnan, Mobile Networks Research Centre, City
University, London, UK

Local Chair: TBC

Publicity Chair: David DoHerty, 3G Doctor, Ireland

Industry Chairs
Knowledge Transfer Co-chair: Steve Bunting, City University, London, UK
Industry Co-Chair: Simon Thompson, BT
Poster and PhD Student Session Chair: Jason Bonander, Associate Director, Health Informatics
Strategy, CDC, Atlanta
Global Healthcare Chair: Anouk Berger, WHO
Web Site Editor: David Liang, City University, UK
Venue: Best Western, The President Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey
Publications: Springer LNICST

Important Dates
Paper Submission Date:1st May 2009
Notification Date: 1st June 2009
Camera Ready Date: 1st July 2009
Conference Date: 23-25th September 2009

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To unsubscribe, please visit the following page: http://ipool.icstserver.org/unsubscribe.php?p=sfdbytbctr and enter your email address.

[Mycolleagues] ADAMUS 2009: Deadline extended to March 8, 2009

* * * Extended deadline - March 8, 2009 * * *

Please accept our apologies if you receive
multiple copies of this Call-for-Papers

Call for Papers:

Third Workshop on Adaptive and DependAble Mobile Ubiquitous Systems


In conjunction with the ACM International Conference on
Pervasive Services (ICPS'09), to be held in London, UK,
July 13-17, 2009

( ICPS '09 web site : http://http://icpsconference.org/2009/

ADAMUS web site : http://www.adamus.ua.ac.be/

ADAMUS'09 CfP pdf : http://www.adamus.ua.ac.be/CFP_adamus09.pdf

ADAMUS 2009 Best Papers will be invited to extend for possible
publication in a special issue of the International Journal of
Adaptive, Resilient, and Autonomic Systems
(IJARAS, www.igi-global.com/IJARAS)


Advances in mobile and wireless communication are enlarging and
enhancing the services offered to and provided by mobile systems
at any time and in any place. This new scenario asks for effec-
tive solutions to design, develop, and maintain novel ubiquitous
services notwithstanding abrupt changes and challenging depend-
ability requirements imposed by the highly heterogeneous and er-
ror-prone mobile provisioning environment. However, currently de-
ployed mobile systems are often too inflexible and unable to
rapidly adapt to change and this in turn leads to situations
where quality-of-service and quality-of-experience are strongly
and negatively affected.

To overcome the intrinsic limitations of mobile devices and envi-
ronments, a variety of research studies have produced supporting
methods, proof-of-concept prototypes, and disciplines. As an ex-
ample, Resilience, or "the ability of the network to provide and
maintain an acceptable level of service in the face of various
faults and challenges to normal operation", is being recognized
more and more as a fundamental attribute for truly effective mo-
bile and ubiquitous services of today and tomorrow. However, it
is still unclear whether current solutions can satisfy the chal-
lenging adaptability and dependability requirements of the emerg-
ing mobile ubiquitous services, such as mobile commerce, wireless
control of robots, healthcare computing, and video-surveillance.

The ambition and mission of ADAMUS is to put on the foreground
all above issues and to foster the exchange of ideas and lively
discussion in order: to devise conceptual models and paradigms
for change tolerance; to propose mechanisms to model, design, and
develop mobile ubiquitous systems; to provide analytical and sim-
ulation tools to measure system ability to withstand faults and
to optimally re-adjust to new environments; to develop scalable,
maintainable, cost-effective middleware infrastructures able to
support and ease the development of adaptive and dependable mo-
bile ubiquitous services.

Building on the success of the last two editions, ADAMUS 2009
aims at serving as a meeting ground and common platform of dis-
cussion for research and industrial bodies in the field of adap-
tive and dependable mobile ubiquitous systems. In particular, the
focus of this Workshop edition will be on service continuity de-
fined as the ability to grant continuous distribution of mobile
ubiquitous service despite the occurrence of potentially signifi-
cant and sudden changes or faults in the infrastructure and the
surrounding environment. Researchers and practitioners are en-
couraged to participate with high quality papers able to identify
open issues, to discuss the limits and/or advantages of existing
solutions, or to propose original and innovative techniques for
adaptive and dependable applications over mobile environments.
The main topics of the Workshop include, but are not limited to
the following:

* Dependability and adaptation requirements and open issues for
mobile ubiquitous systems;
* Resilience software engineering for mobile systems and services;
* Design principles, models, and techniques for realizing dependa-
ble and adaptive mobile ubiquitous systems;
* Context data provisioning and modelling, and context-based infr-
* Human-machine interaction and usability;
* Multi-device and highly heterogeneous ubiquitous systems;
* Cross-layer adaptation techniques;
* End-to-end approaches to the quality of experience of mobile
* Autonomous systems for adaptation and dependability;
* Mobile-enabled middleware architectures and standards for heter-
ogeneous wireless networks;
* Dependability and scalability of web technologies to ubiquitous
* Architectures for resource and network monitoring and adaptation
to networks conditions;
* Dependability measurement studies of mobile systems and services.


ADAMUS 2009 invites authors to submit original and unpublished
work. Papers must be written in English and should not exceed 6
pages in ACM double-column proceedings style. All submissions
will be handled electronically. Authors should submit a
PostScript or PDF file through the submission Web site
(http://www.adamus.ua.ac.be/). Submission implies that at least
one of the authors will register and present the paper. Submis-
sion implies that at least one of the authors will register and
present the paper. The selection process will involve peer re-
views and reviews by program committee members. All papers will
be selected for the workshop based upon their originality, tech-
nical soundness, and relevance to the field of adaptive and de-
pendable mobile ubiquitous systems. Notification of acceptance
will be sent to contact authors by March 27th, 2009. Authors of
accepted papers will be requested to provide the camera-ready
version of the paper by April 13th, 2009. All accepted papers
will appear in the ICPS'09 proceedings published on CD by the ACM
and in the ACM Portal. Post workshop publication of selected best
papers in a special issue of IJARAS (the International Journal of
Adaptive, Resilient, and Autonomic Systems, see below for further
information) has been foreseen.


Important Dates:
* Paper submission deadline (extended deadline): March 8, 2009
* Notification of acceptance: March 27, 2009
* Final camera-ready manuscripts due: April 6, 2009


ADAMUS 2009 also encourage authors to submit demo proposals of the
works presented to the workshop to the demo session organized by
the main conference; for more information please refer to ICPS'09
Call for Demonstrations

ADAMUS 2009 Best Papers and Special Issue of IJARAS

International Journal of Adaptive, Resilient, and Autonomic Systems
Official publication of the Information Resources Management Association

A special issue of IJARAS shall host extended versions of
selected best papers of ADAMUS 2009 (the Third Workshop on
Adaptive and DependAble Mobile Ubiquitous Systems), this year held
in conjunction with the ACM International Conference on
Pervasive Services (ICPS'09), London, UK, July 13-17, 2009.


Workshop Co-Chairs:
- Vincenzo De Florio, PATS group, University of Antwerp, Belgium
- Luca Foschini, Mobile Middleware group, Università degli Studi
di Bologna, Italy

Organizing Committee:
- Chris Blondia, PATS group, University of Antwerp, Belgium
- Marcello Cinque, Mobilab group, Università degli Studi di Napoli
Federico II, Italy
- Filip De Turck, Intec group, University of Ghent, Belgium
- Cristiano Di Flora, Nokia Research Center, Finland

Technical Program Committee:
- Gabriella Caporaletti, EICAS s.p.a., Italy
- Domenico Cotroneo, Università di Napoli Federico II, Italy
- Bart Dhoedt, University of Ghent / Intec, Belgium
- Markus Endler, PUC-Rio, Brasil
- Stephane Frenot, INRIA, France
- Ibrahim Habib, CCNY, USA
- Valerie Issarny, INRIA, France
- Eija Kaasinen, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
- Konrad Klöckner, Fraunhofer FIT, Germany
- Rodger Lea, University of British Columbia, Canada
- Nguyen Manh Tho, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
- Gianluca Mazzini, Università di Ferrara, Italy
- Joe McCarthy, Nokia Research Center, Palo Alto, CA, USA
- Ali Abu-Rgheff Mosa, School of Computing, Communications and
Electronics, Plymouth, UK
- Eric Pardede, Latrobe University, Australia
- Kostas Pentikousis, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
- Massimiliano Rak, Università di Napoli, Italia
- Augusto C. Redolfi, IMEC, Belgium
- Oriana Riva, Nokia Research Center, Finland
- Sotirios Terzis, University of Strathclyde, Scotland
- Francisco Valera, UC3M, Madrid, Spain
- Sven Van der Meer, TTSG, Ireland
- Michael Voorhaen, PATS group, University of Antwerp, Belgium
- Katarzyna Wac, Université de Genève, Genève, Switzerland
- Xinheng Henry Wang, Swasea University, UK


Vincenzo De Florio
Performance Analysis of Telecommunication Systems (PATS)
Dept. Mathematics & Comp.Science, University of Antwerp
Middelheimln 1, Bld.G, Room G1.11, 2020 Antwerp, Belgium
(T) +32 3 265 3905 +32 3 265 3777 (F)
(W) http://www.pats.ua.ac.be vincenzo.de.florio (Skype)
(M) vincenzo.deflorio@ua.ac.be

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ICST - GridNets 2009: Call for Papers

(Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message)

++++ GridNets 2009 ++++
Third International ICST Conference on Networks for Grid Applications
September 7-9, 2009 - Athens (Greece)

++ Sponsored by ICST ++
In cooperation with ACM SIGARCH (pending)
Technically co-sponsored by Create-Net and EU-IST

++ Paper submission deadline: May 8, 2009 ++

GridNets provides a focused and highly interactive forum where
researchers and technologists have the opportunity to present and
discuss leading research, developments, and future directions in the
Grid networking area. The goal of this event is to serve as both the
premier conference presenting best Grid Networking research and a forum
where new concepts can be introduced and explored.

Grid developers and practitioners are increasingly realizing the
importance of efficient network support. Entire classes of applications
would greatly benefit by a network-aware grid middleware, able to
effectively manage the network resource in terms of scheduling, access
and use. Conversely, the peculiar requirements of grid applications
provide stimulating drivers for new challenging research towards the
development of grid-aware networks.

Cooperation between grid middleware and network infrastructure driven by
a common control plane is a key factor to effectively empower the global
grid platform for the execution of network-intensive applications,
requiring massive data transfers, very fast and low-latency connections,
and stable and guaranteed transmission rates. Large e-science projects,
as well as industrial and engineering applications for data analysis,
image processing, multimedia, or visualisation just to name a few are
awaiting an efficient grid network support. They would be boosted by a
global grid platform enabling end-to-end dynamic bandwidth allocation,
broadband and low-latency access, interdomain access control, and other
network performance monitoring capabilities.

-- TOPICS --

* Network architectures and technologies for grids;
* Integration of advanced optical networking technologies into the
grid environment;
* The network as a first class grid resource: network resource
information publication, brokering and co-scheduling with other
* Interaction of the network with distributed data management systems;
* Network monitoring, traffic characterisation and performance analysis;
* Inter-layer interactions: optical layer with higher layer protocols,
integration among layers;
* Experience with pre-production optical network infrastructures and
exchange points;
* Peer-to-peer network enhancements applied to the grid;
* Network support for wireless and ad hoc grids;
* Data replication and multicasting strategies and novel data transport
* Cluster and high performance networks;
* Networks for Data Centers;
* Networks & Cloud computing issues;
* Fault-tolerance, self healing networks;
* Security and scalability issues when connecting a large number of sites
within a virtual organization VPN;
* Energy awareness and power consumption in grids.


Authors are invited to submit papers through the ASSYST conference
management system, according to the indications given on this page:

* http://gridnets.org/submission.shtml

Regular papers should be up to 16 pages. Only original papers,
written in English, which have not been published previously elsewhere,
will be considered for publication, after a peer-review process.

At least one author of each accepted paper must register and present
the work at the conference.


The event is organized by ICST in cooperation with the ACM Special
Interest Groups on Computer Architecture (SIGARCH; pending).
All accepted papers will be published by Springer in the ICST Lecture
Notes (LNICST) series. The proceedings will be published by Springer and
will be available both as paper-based copies and via Springerlink,
Springer's digital library.


Optical Grids - September 7, 2009
Organized by:
Kyriakos Vlachos, RACTI (Greece);
Dominique Verchere, Alcatel-Lucent (France).

Wireless Grids - September 7, 2009
Organized by: Frank Fitzek, Aalborg University (Denmark).


Submission deadline: May 8 2009
Notification of acceptance: June 19, 2009
Camera ready: July 12, 2009
Conference: September 7-9, 2009


Steering Chair
* Imrich Chlamtac, CREATE-NET

General Chairs
* Ioannis Tomkos, AIT

Local Chair
* Yvan Pointurier, AIT
* Konstantinos Kanonakis, AIT

Publicity Chairs

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[Mycolleagues] Cfp: Deadline extension (15th March): SAPSE -- IEEE COMPSAC WORKSHOP


EXTENDED DEADLINE **** March 15th, 2009 ****


Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP



1st IEEE Workshop on Security Aspects of Process and Services Engineering

SAPSE 2009

Seattle,Washington, July 20 - July 24, 2009
In conjunction with the 33rd Annual IEEE International Computer
Software and Applications Conference COMPSAC 2009 co-located with




PAPER SUBMISSION DEADLINE **** March 1st, 2009 ****

New challenges arise in the area of processes and services engineering,
where research is devoted to the software engineering ofservice-oriented
applications and the goal is to provide effective solutions to the
development, deployment and management of the resulting software systems.
Security plays a fundamental role, since the resulting applications are
expected to function correctly and resist also to malicious attacks in
different and changing threat scenarios. Service integrators, software
developers, and service providers need to create novel methodologies,
tools, and techniques to take into account the security issues related
to the development and use of dependable services and service oriented
applications. Even if recently many standards providing basic
properties and protocols for the secure composition
of business processes and services have appeared, many security problems
need to be addressed. The engineering of complex processes and service
oriented software still lacks powerful, effective methods and tools to
build better, more robust and more secure systems.

The SAPSE workshop is intended to provide a forum for presentation and
discussion of a wide range of topics related to the security aspects of
software processes and services engineering. Researchers from both
academia and industry, working in the areas of process engineering,
service-oriented computing, and security are invited to discuss state of
the art solutions, novel issues, recent developments,
applications, methodologies, techniques, experience reports, and tools
for the development and use of secure service oriented systems.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

* Trust, security, and privacy in service oriented systems
* Secure business process composition
* Service dependability, survivability, and reliability
* Design and development of secure service oriented systems
* Security specification of service oriented systems
* Certification of service oriented systems
* Verification, validation and testing of security properties of
service oriented systems


March 15, 2009 EXTENDED Deadline for paper submission
April 15, 2009 Decision notification (electronic)
April 30, 2009 Camera-ready due


Papers must be submitted electronically via the Electronic Submission
Page. The format of submitted papers should follow the guidelines for
the IEEE conferenceproceedings. All papers will be carefully reviewed by
at least two reviewers.
Papers can be submitted as regular papers (six pages), and the
acceptance will depend on reviewer feedback. Accepted papers will be
published in the workshop proceedings of the 33rd IEEE Computer Software
and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2009) by the IEEE CS Press. At
least one of the authors of each accepted paper must register as a full
participant of the workshop to have the paper published
in the proceedings. Each accepted paper must be presented in person by
an author.


PC Chair

Stelvio Cimato
Department of Information Technology
University of Milan,
26013 Crema (CR), Italy

Program Committee

Rafael Accorsi, University of Freiburg, Germany
Carlo Blundo, University of Salerno, Italy
Chiara Braghin, University of Milan, Italy
Ernesto Damiani, University of Milan, Italy
Isao Echizen,National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Clemente Galdi, University of Naples, Italy
Antonio Mana Gomez, University of Malaga, Spain
Sigrid Guergens, Fraunhofer Institute, Germany
Frank Innerhofer-Oberperfler,University of Innsbruck, Austria
Dimitris Karagiannis, University of Vienna, Austria
Florian Kerschbaum, SAP, Germany
Norbert Luttenberger, University of Kiel, Germany
Alexander Pretschner, Fraunhofer IESE, Germany
Seth Proctor,SUN, USA
George Spanoudakis, City University, UK
Stelvio Cimato
Dipartimento di Tecnologie dell'Informazione
Universita' degli studi di Milano
Via Bramante, 65
26013 Crema (CR) - Italy
Tel: +39 02 503 30086 /0373 898 086
Fax: +39 02 503 30010 /0373 898 010

Mycolleagues mailing list


[Mycolleagues] (Deadline Extended: 6 March 2009) UPGRADE-CN workshop at HPDC 2009

*** We apologize if you receive multiple copies.***
*** Please distribute the CFP among your colleagues***

Dear Colleagues:

Please find below the Call for papers for UPGRADE-CN 2009 workshop with
HPDC 2009 (Extended Submission deadline: 06 March, 2009). Please be
informed that UPGRADE-CN 2009 papers will be published by ACM and
selected papers will be invited to extend for possible publication in an
International Journal. Please consider submitting a paper in UPGRADE-CN

For more information, please visit: http://2009.upgrade-cn.org/

Best Regards,

Mukaddim Pathan
Grid Computing and Distributed Systems (GRIDS) Lab: http://gridbus.org
Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering
The University of Melbourne
Room # 5.30a, ICT Building, 111 Barry Street
Carlton, Melbourne, Victoria 3053, Australia.
Contact: +61-3-8344 1355 (Lab); +61-433349410 (Cell)
URL: http://www.csse.unimelb.edu.au/~apathan
: apathan@csse.unimelb.edu.au


The 4th UPGRADE-CN Workshop on Content Management and Delivery in
Large-Scale Networks
to take place during
ACM/IEEE HPDC (High Performance Distributed Computing)
June 10, 2009, Munich, Germany

Content Distribution Networks (CDNs) have emerged to improve the
efficiency of static, time-dependent and rich media content delivery
atop large-scale IP-based networks. The main objective of current CDNs
is the efficient delivery and increased availability of content to the
consumers. However, modern applications do not just perform retrieval or
access operation on content but also create, modify and manage content,
and actively place content at appropriate locations. To deal with such
new requirements, more general Content Networks (CNs) are being
introduced. Design and implementation of robust and efficient CNs in
large-scale computing environments demand for emerging paradigms and
software technologies. Agent, P2P and Grid computing paradigms have
already demonstrated their suitability in supporting the development of
high-performance systems over large-scale, dynamic and heterogeneous
environments. Therefore their use, which accounts for dynamism (P2P),
robustness (Grid), and intelligence (Agents), can augment the
effectiveness and boost the efficiency of future content distribution
infrastructures. Moreover new interesting distributed computing
paradigms such as Service-Oriented Computing and Cloud Computing can be
used for effectively supporting CNs.

Areas of interest
In this workshop we are interested in the exploitation of P2P, Grid, and
Agent paradigms and technologies as well as service-oriented and cloud
computing to support the effective design and efficient implementation
of high-performance Content Networks. In particular, the areas of
interest are the following (although this list should not be treated as
* Architectures for general-purpose content networks
* Architectures for streaming content distribution networks
* Architectures for mobile dynamic CDNs
* Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)-based CDNs
* Grid/P2P/Agent-based content delivery and management
* Novel architectural models for Cloud Computing
* Content Delivery Networks using Storage Clouds
* Protocols and mechanisms for content management, delivery, discovery
and distribution
* Platforms and tools for content production
* Mechanisms for content-based request redirection
* Mechanisms for cooperative caching
* Frameworks and toolkits for the development of CNs
* Economics-oriented modelling in CDNs
* Novel applications based on CNs
* CDN pricing and support for market aware CDN services
* Experience with research content network test-beds
* Novel applications of cloud computing
* CNs for bio-informatics
* CNs for scientific computing

Program Chairs
Giancarlo Fortino, Università della Calabria, Italy, g.fortino@unical.it
Carlo Mastroianni, ICAR/CNR, Italy, mastroianni@icar.cnr.it
Mukaddim Pathan, University of Melbourne, Australia,
Athena Vakali, University of Thessaloniki, Greece, avakali@csd.auth.gr

International Program Committee
Jemal H. Abbawajy, Deakin University, Australia
Cyril Briquet, University of Liege, Belgium
James Broberg, University of Melbourne, Australia
Rajkumar Buyya, University of Melbourne, Australia
Vitalian Danciu, Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich
Giuseppe Di Fatta, University of Reading, UK
Marios Dikaiakos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Kolja Eger, Siemens, Germany
Zongming Fei, University of Kentucky, USA
Alfredo Garro, Università della Calabria, Italy
Dimitris Katsaros, University of Thessaly, Greece
Jaime Lloret, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
Carlos Palau, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
George Pallis, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Thomas Plagemann, University of Oslo, Norway
Wilma Russo, Università della Calabria, Italy
Giandomenico Spezzano, ICAR/CNR, Italy
Weisong Shi, Wayne State University, USA
Michael Schiffers, Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich
Ian Taylor, University of Cardiff, UK
Rainer Unland, University of Essen, Germany
Eugenio Zimeo, Universit… del Sannio, Italy

Web Site and contact email for inquiries
email: info@upgrade-cn.org

Submission Guidelines
Original papers from the above-mentioned or other related areas will be
considered. Please submit full papers: 10 pages maximum in ACM SIGS
publication style. Please follow this link to submit your paper:
http://www.lrz.de/hpdc2009/. Each submission will be reviewed by at
least three members of the International Program Committee.

The workshop proceedings will be published by ACM and distributed at the

Journal Special Issue
As for the past three editions, selected papers will be invited to a
special issue of an international journal. The special issue of the 1st
edition was published in FGCS (Elsevier), the special issue of the 2nd
edition is going to be published in MAGS (IOS Press), and the special
issue of the 3rd edition will be published in JNCA (Elsevier).

Important Dates
March 06, 2009: Submission of Papers (Extended Deadline)
March 20, 2009: Notification of Acceptance/ Rejection
April 10, 2009: Submission of Camera-Ready Copies
June 10, 2009: Workshop Takes Place

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ICST - BROADNETS 2009. Call for Papers

Sixth International Conference on Broadband
Communications, Networks,and Systems

Sponsor: ICST
Technical sponsor: CreateNet

September 14 - 17, 2009
Madrid, Spain


BROADNETS 2009 is an international conference focusing on broadband
communications, networks, and systems and covers the entire gamut of
next generation networks, communications systems, applications and
services. The conference welcomes papers in three tracks, covering
topics (including, but not limited to):

MIMO and OFDM techniques * Modulation and coding schemes * MAC
protocols * Mobility management * Radio resource management * Packet
scheduling algorithms * Routing protocols * Network architecture and
topology design * Hybrid networks * Wireless traffic management *
Cross-layer design and optimization * Wireless QoS * Multihop and
relay networks * Mobile ad hoc networks * Wireless sensor and mesh

WDM transmission technologies and systems * Optical cross-connects
and optical packet and burst switches * Optical packet, burst and
circuit switching networks * Optical access networks - FTTx networks
and systems * Hybrid packet / circuit nodes and architectures * Radio
over fiber based networks * FTTx networks and systems * Optical grids
in access and core * SAN extensions * Multilayer optical networks
(incl. Ethernet, IP, G-MPLS technologies) * Cross-layer design (incl.
application layer dependence) * Reliable optical networking * Optical
networking for green information and communications technology *
Traffic grooming and processing * Modelling and design of optical
networks and systems * Network operations and management * Passive
Optical Networks * Techno-economic aspects of optical networks *
Demonstrations and field-trials.

Routing * Scheduling * Congestion control * Traffic engineering *
Network modeling * Network measurement * Network management * Network
QoS * Network security * Overlay networks * Peer-to-peer networks *
Content distribution networks * Web technologies * Media technologies
(VoIP, IPTV, video streaming) * Location-based services * "Clean-slate"
Internet architectures, algorithms, protocols, and services


Authors are invited to submit full papers of up to 8 pages in
two-column, no less than 10pt font, IEEE conference proceedings format.
Papers should be submitted only in PDF format.

Authors of accepted papers are required to register at regular
registration rates in order for the paper to appear in the conference

For instructions on how to submit a paper to BROADNETS 2009, please


Paper submission : March 1, 2009
Acceptance notification: May 13, 2009
Camera-ready submission: May 30, 2009


General Co-Chairs Dr. Srinivasan Ramasubramanian, University of Arizona, USA
Dr. Javier Aracil, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain

Technical Program Co-Chairs
Dr. Kyriakos Vlachos, University of Patras, Greece
Dr. Arunita Jaekel, University of Windosor, Canada

Dr. Biplab Sikdar, Rensselear Polytechnic, USA
Dr. Yan Zhang, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway

Dr. Pascale Vicat-Blanc Primet, INRIA, France
Dr. Aaron Striegel, Notre Dame University, USA

Workshops Chair Dr. Franco Callegati, University of Bologna, Italy

Web Chair Dr. Loukas Lazos, University of Arizona, USA

Publicity Chair Prof. Jorge Lopez de Vergara, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain

Conference Coordinator Maria Morozova, ICST

Steering Committee Members Dr. Imrich Chlamtac (Steering Committee Chair), CreateNet, Italy
Dr. Krishna Sivalingam, Univ. of Maryland at Baltimore County, USA
Dr. Thomas Hou, Virginia Tech, USA
Dr. Ioannis Tomkos, Athens Information Technology, Greece

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ICST - ISGIG 2009: Call for Papers

Second International ICST Symposium on Global Information Governance (ISGIG)
Conflict and Collaboration in Compliance, Governance and Risk

ISGIG 2009 - the Internet of the Future
Prague, Czech Republic: 15th, 16th and morning of 17th September 2009



The explosion in the use of broadband over the last 5 years has connected people, organizations, commercial firms, and government agencies throughout the world. The large number of devices connected to the networks has changed the Internet to a "network of things and computers". These trends, plus the rise of collaborative technologies, virtual worlds and tele-presence raise issues of privacy, management, compliance, governance, and risk.
The Internet of the Future is the theme of ISGIG 2009. Specifically, its goal is to improve communication among academics, regulators, compliance officers, business managers and IT managers by exposing problems, and uncovering potential problems, in the areas of privacy, compliance, governance, and risk. Each of these issues creates situations for both conflict and cooperation between different constituencies. This conference is an opportunity to advance models of effective management and collaboration.
The conference will rely on a judicious mix of research papers, invited speakers and structured discussions to extend the communities' communication and identify opportunities for mutually beneficial outcomes.

Topics of Interest
We invite researchers, academicians, practitioners, and others to submit original papers describing new research, applications, or case studies. Papers covering technical, legal, societal, or other aspects of these areas are solicited. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Frameworks and Overarching Issues of Network Governance
o Privacy - a pervading issue
o Attribution and identify management; anonymity and ID

* Physical and policy infrastructure of the Internet, and its role governance:
o Designing, building, and managing changes to the Internet infrastructure
o National and regional frameworks for IT governance
o Compliance with government regulations for multi-national corporations and networks

* Emerging issues, including
o Cyber-terrorism and cyber-crime
o Virtual worlds, and the development of new modes of social and economic interaction that challenge how we translate physical world structures into virtual worlds
o Green computing
o Collaborative tools, and their use in politics and e-government

* Security and anticipating and responding to attacks that cross international boundaries; cyber crime

* Other emerging areas for conflict and cooperation in the evolving Internet

Important Dates
Abstracts due (optional but encouraged): March 20, 2009
Full Papers due: April 17, 2009
Author notification with reviewer's comments: May 22, 2009
Final revised papers due in camera-ready format: June 12, 2009
Conference: September 15-17, 2009

How to Submit
Papers should be submitted to www.assyst-online.org by April 17. Papers of any length are encouraged, but a preferred length is 10 pages (not including citations) on letter or A4 with one inch margins and 11 point font.
All submissions will be peer reviewed, and acceptances will be provided by May 22.

The Proceedings from ISGIG 2009 will be published in LNICST and appear in SpringerLink and ICST's digital library, the EU-DL.

Organizing Committee
Jeffrey Hunker, General Chair, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Michael Froomkin, Co-chair, University of Miami, USA
Matt Bishop, Co-chair, University of California Davis, USA

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ICST - QuantumComm 2009: Call for Papers

QuantumComm 2009


October 26 - 30, 2009
Vico Equense, Sorrento peninsula, Naples, Italy


Sponsors: Create-Net (www.create-net.org), ICST (www.icst.org)


Scope: This meeting brings together communities
of experts in quantum communication, quantum
information, quantum nanoscale physics,
photonics, and networking. In the framework of
quantum information processing the quantum
communication mainly deals with encoding and
securely distributing quantum states of light in
optical fiber or in free space providing grounds
for quantum cryptography applications.
Advancements in quantum communication area over
last decade have made the metropolitan quantum
networks a reality. The practical secure
satellite communication is clearly within the
It became clear with rapid advancement of modern
nanoscale technology that quantum photonic
devices naturally communicate with each other
either electromagnetically or by virtue of an
electron transport. Basic laws of quantum physics
and quantum electromagnetics govern this type of
communication at nanoscale. To a macroscopic
observer such nanoscale systems could appear in a
form a structured or unstructured network. The
cross-disciplinary merger of quantum physics and
nanophotonics with principles of networking in
communication opens new perspective for
developing modern quantum communication
applications with an eye on practical devices.
This conference is devoted to the discussion of
new challenges in quantum communication and
quantum networking that extends from the
nanoscale to a global satellite communication
networks. It will place particular emphasis on
basic quantum science effects and on emerging
technological solutions leading to practical
applications in communication industry.

Technical Topics and Program Chairs:

1. Free-space Quantum Communication on Earth and Space
Chair: Paolo Villoresi (University of Padova, Italy)
2. Long-distance quantum communication in telecom fiber networks
Chair: Harald Weinfurter (University of Munich, Germany)
3. Quantum electron transport in nanoscale semiconductor structures
Chair: Axel Lorke (University of Duisburg, Germany)
4. Nanophotonics devices for quantum communication
Chair: Lorenzo Pavesi (University of Trento, Italy)
5. Hybrid quantum systems: connecting Photons - Atoms - Solid state devices
Chair: Jörg Schmiedmayer (Technical University of Vienna, Austria)
6. Superconducting nanoscale devices in quantum communication
Chair: Andrea Fiore (Technical University Eindhoven, Netherlands)
7. Nanomechanical quantum systems and their interaction with nonclassical light
Chair: Markus Aspelmeyer (University of Vienna, Austria)
8. Entanglement as a resource for quantum communication
Chair: Saverio Pascazio (University of Bari, Italy)
9. Practical applications of quantum communication and networking
Chair: Andreas Poppe (Austrian Institute of Technology -AIT)

SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: All authors are required
to submit a 2-page Summary of their presentation
followed by a PDF version of the full paper in
English. Papers are limited to 12 pages (invited
papers), or 8 pages (contributed papers), and
must fulfill the submission details listed at:
http://www.quantumcomm.org/submission.shtml and
the Author's Kit for the LNICST style listed at:
Presentation will be either oral or in poster
format, as deemed appropriate by the Technical
Program Committee.

PUBLICATION: All submitted papers will be subject
to a rigorous peer-review. Accepted papers will
be published by Springer in the QuantumComm
Conference Proceedings, under the LNICST - joint
publication series of ICST and Springer

Special Sessions, Workshops, and Tutorials are
encouraged. Potential Workshop and Tutorial
organizers should submit a proposal outlining
scope/motivation of the session/tutorial, list of
invited papers (still subject to peer-review).

Imrich Chlamtac (Chair) Create-Net, Trento, Italy
Andrea Simoni (Co-Chair) FBK, Trento, Italy
A. Sergienko (Co-Chair) Boston University, USA

Alexander Sergienko
Boston University, USA

Saverio Pascazio
University of Bari, Italy

Shawn Doria,
Boston University, USA

Robert Varga, ICST


Workshop/Tutorial Proposals:
March 15, 2009

Paper Submissions:
May 31, 2009

Acceptance Notification:
July 15, 2009

Camera-Ready Version:
August 30, 2009

QuantumComm Conference:
October 26-30, 2009

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[WPMC'09] [Important!] WPMC2009 Call for Papers - Deadline extension till March 31 2009

Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP.

*Attention!* The deadlines for paper submission and tutorial proposal to WPMC'09 has been extended to *March 31, 2009*.

[Call for Papers]
The 12th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC'09)

September 7 - 10, 2009
Hotel Metropolitan Sendai, Sendai, Japan
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
YRP R&D Promotion Committee

Submission Deadline: *Extended to March 31, 2009*

You are cordially invited to submit full papers (5 page maximum), or
proposal on tutorials to the 12th International Symposium on Wireless
Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC'09), to be held in Sendai in
September 2009.
Please visit and bookmark; http://www.wpmcsymposium.org/

Conference Date: September 7 - 10, 2009
Place: Hotel Metropolitan Sendai, 1-1-1, Chuo, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8477,

Papers Submission
Prospective authors are requested to submit full papers
(A4, 5 pages maximum) in English with your contact information.
For details on how to submit papers, please visit:

*Important Dates*
Paper Submission: March 31, 2009(EXTENDED!)
Tutorial Proposal Submission: March 31, 2009(EXTENDED!)
Notification of Acceptance: June 20, 2009(EXTENDED!)
Camera Ready Submission: July 20, 2009(EXTENDED!)

Symposium Scope
Air-Interface Technologies
* Techniques for Capacity and Range Extension
* Opportunistic and Cognitive Radios
* MIMO Techniques and Smart Adaptive Antennas
* Radio Propagation

Wireless Networks
* Convergence of Networks and Future Network Topologies
* Co-Operative Communications
* Radio Resource Management and Spectrum Policies & Management
* Trustworthy Networks, Privacy and Security Models

Applications and Services
* Experiments, Trials and Development
* SDR and Other Implementation Technologies
* Location Based Services and Positioning
* Mobile Multimedia and Mobile TV
* Wellness and Healthcare

Systems and Regulation
* Mobile Cellular Systems Future Development
* IEEE 802 Systems Evolution
* Spectrum Policies, Sharing and Coexistence
* Mobile Multimedia Satellite Systems
* Harmonization and Systems Coexistence

General Chair
Fumiyuki Adachi, Tohoku University, Japan

TPC Co-Chairs
Asia Pacific: Iwao Sasase, Keio University, Japan
Americas: Uma Jha, Qualcomm, USA
Europe: Matti Latva-aho, CWC, Oulu University, Finland

WPMC 2009 Symposium Secretariat



S-CUBE 2009
The first international conference on Sensor Systems and Software
September 7-9, 2009 - Pisa, Italy
http:// www.s-cubeconference.org

Sponsored by ICST

S-CUBE - the First Conference on wireless Sensor network (WSN) Systems and Software - provides an ideal venue to address the research challenges facing system development and software support for wireless sensor networks based systems that have the potential to impact society in many ways. Currently, wireless sensor networks introduce innovative and interesting application scenarios that may support a large amount of different applications including environmental monitoring, disaster prevention, building automation, object tracking, nuclear reactor control, fire detection, agriculture, healthcare, and traffic monitoring.

The widespread acceptance of these new services can be improved by the definition of frameworks and architectures that have the potential to radically simplify software development for wireless sensor network based applications. The aim of these new architectures is to support flexible, scalable programming of applications based on adaptive middleware. As a consequence, WSNs require novel programming paradigms and technologies. Moreover the design of new complex systems, characterized by the interaction of different and heterogeneous resources, will allow the development of innovative applications that meet high performance goals. Hence, WSNs require contributions from many fields such as embedded systems, distributed systems, data management, system security and applications. The conference places emphasis on layers well above the traditional MAC and routing, and transport layer protocols.

The aim of the conference is to create a forum in which researchers from academia and industry, practitioners, business leaders, intellectual property experts and venture capitalists may work together in order to compare and debate different innovative solutions.

The conference will feature a highly selective technical program consisting of regular papers, short papers, and posters as well as specialized tracks at the intersection of business and technology.

Technical papers describing original, previously unpublished research, not currently under review by another conference or journal, are solicited. The specific topics of the conference, related to wireless sensor networks and wireless multimedia sensor networks, include but are not limited to:

* Sensor Application Programming Paradigms
* Sensor Application Development Support Systems
* Sensor Network Middleware
* Novel Sensor Applications
* Sensor Prototypes & Testbeds
* Underwater and underground wireless sensor networking
* Cooperative sensing
* Capacity planning and admission control, especially for multimedia sensor networks
* Resource management and QoS Provisioning
* Resource and service discovery
* Self organization and network management
* Security, Privacy & Trust
* P2P, overlay, and content distribution architectures for sensor networks
* Mobile sensor networking, Vehicular sensor networks and protocols
* Pervasive/embedded solutions
* Data models oriented to wireless distributed applications
* Distributed coordination algorithms including clustering and topology control
* Localization, time synchronization, coverage, connectivity and deployment issues
* Network Management and monitoring
* Modelling, analysis and performance evaluation
* Mesh networking connectivity to sensor networks

Important Dates

* Notification of Acceptance: May 30th, 2009
* Camera Ready Deadline: July 1st, 2009

The proceedings of S-Cube 2009 will be published by Springer as part of the new series Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering (LNICST) and will be available through Springer's digital library.


Organizing Committee

-Conference General Co-Chairs:
*Stephen Hailes, University College of London, United Kingdom
*Sabrina Sicari, Università dell'Insubria, Italy

-Technical Program Chair:
*George Roussos, University College of London, United Kingdom

-Local Chair:
*Gianluca Dini, Università di Pisa, Italy

-Publications Chair:
*Luca Mottola, Bruno Kessler Foundation, Italy

-Publicity Co-Chairs:
*Matteo Cesana, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
*Houda Labiod, Telecom Paris, France

-Web Chair:
*Pietro Colombo, Università dell'Insubria, Italy

-Steering Committee Chair:
*Imrich Chlamtac, Create-Net, Italy

-Conference Coordinator
*Robert Varga, ICST

Technically sponsored by:
CREATE-NET - http://www.create-net.org

in cooperation with
ACM SIGBED - http://www.sigbed.org
IEEE UKRI - http://www.ieee.org.uk
Università di Pisa - http://www.unipi.it

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[Mycolleagues] CFP: Workshop on Nano, Molecular, and Quantum Communications




             Workshop on Nano, Molecular, and Quantum Communications


                                              (NanoCom 2009)


 (in conjunction with ICCCN 2009, August 2 - 6, 2009, San Francisco, CA, USA)






Nanotechnology is fundamentally changing the field of networking in medicine, computing, and sensing. Interesting applications of nano-networking include devices that enable delivery of targeted drugs directly into cancerous tumors or the use of nano robots to conduct inspection in harsh environments. The small size of micro and nanoscale devices imposes constraints on communication, information processing, and propulsion. As the fields of nanotechnology, molecular biology, and quantum computing come together, it has created a rich avenue of interdisciplinary research that will shape the future of nano and molecular information networks. This workshop aims to bring together researchers from the disciplines of information theory, biology, nano-engineering, and computer science to address the communication and information processing issues in nano and molecular networks.


This workshop welcomes anyone including researchers, practitioners, and students. The areas of interests include, but are not limited to, the following areas:


   ** Molecular Communication **


        Biological implementation of communications, Molecular Motors, Microtubules, Calcium Signaling, etc...


     ** Quantum Communication Networks **


        Hybrid classical quantum communication networks, repeaters, teleportation, entanglement swapping, nanoscale photon detectors, quantum dot networks, networks and quantum robotics, etc...



    ** Novel Information and Graph Theory Aspects of Nano-Networks **


        Network architectures and topologies, Statistical mechanics approach to nano-communications, Routing/addressing issues in nano-networks, Nano-coding, Applications of complex network theory, Self-organization in nano-scale systems, Modeling of Nano/Bio Communication Channels.


     ** Applications for Nano-Networks **


        Wireless nanoscale transmitters and receivers, nano-sensors and actuators, nanorobotics, medical and in-vivo imaging and sensing, lab on a chip, swarm micro and nano-inspection, embedding sensing, etc...



    ** Modeling, Simulation, Standards and Architectural Aspects of Nano-Networks **


        Physical characterization/modeling of nano-scale interconnects and devices, Fault-tolerant and reliability of nano-devices, Self-healing properties of nano-networks, CAD flows for NoCs and MP-SoC platforms, NoC performance and trade-off analysis, Energy efficiency, Bio-inspired aspects.



     ** Device Physics and Interconnects **


        Nano-technologies and devices for on-chip interconnects (CNTs, graphene nano-ribbons, semic., metallic and DNA-templated nanowires), Molecular, optical and wireless interconnects, Interconnects for non-charge-based devices, emerging 3D-interconnect technologies.



     ** Nano-Robotics **


        Communication systems and networking protocols for sub-inch robotic systems, including low-bandwidth coordination schemes for nano-robot teams and range and bearing devices for inter-robot relative positioning.



     ** Bio-nano Applications **


        Bio-Micro/Nanoelectronics, Molecular scale chemical and biosensors, Bio-MEMS technology, Data and power management, Nano-scale and molecular communications and information processing, Information theory analysis of biological communications, Molecular Computation using molecular cells, Chemical computing.


Note that:



    * The proceedings of the workshop will be included in the IEEExplore digital library and indexed by the EI.


    * One registration of ICCCN'08 covers up to three papers (including both main conference and workshops). Please refer to ICCCN'08 registration policy for detail.


Submission Guidelines


    Authors are invited to submit original and unpublished papers limited to 6 pages. Please see the Author Information page for submission guidelines in the ICCCN 2009 website.


Important Dates


    Paper submission due................10 Mar 2009

    Author notification.......................1 May 2009

    Camera-ready due.....................15 May 2009

    Author registration.....................15 May 2009


Organizing Committee


General Chair


* Stephen F Bush, GE Global Research, USA


Program Committee Chair


* Sanjay Goel, University of Albany, USA


Technical Program Committee


* Sasitharan Balasubramaniam, TSSG, Ireland

* Jian-Qin Liu, NiCT, KARC, Japan

* Maggie Cheng, Missouri S&T, USA

* Nikolaus Correll, MIT

* Andrew Eckford, York University, UK

* Darren Brock, Lockheed Martin Nanosystems, USA

* James Lyke, USAF

* Paul Sotiriadis, Johns Hopkins, USA

* Murat Yuksel,University of Nevada, USA

* Aristides A. G. Requicha, USC, USA

* Guillermo Rueda, Intel Corporation, USA

* Alhussein Abouzeid, RPI, USA

* Kota Murali, IBM, India

* Satoshi Hiyama, NTT DOCOMO, Japan

* Feng Cheng, University of Potsdam, Germany

* John Barker, University of Glasgow, Scotland

* Harish Sethu, Drexel, USA

* Michael Shur, RPI, USA

* Kevin Mills, NIST, USA

* Jirí Wiedermann, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

* Ian Akyildiz, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

* Jianfeng Wang, Philips Research, North America


Contact Us


You are welcome to contact Stephen F Bush (bushsf@research.ge.com) for with any questions regarding the workshop or the IEEE Emerging Technologies Committee on Nano-Scale, Molecular, and Quantum Networking.