
[Tccc] ** Deadline extended** CFP - Special Issue on Wireless Internet, IJIPT

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International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology (IJIPT)
Special Issue on Wireless Internet

Call for Papers

This special issue will bring together researchers to present
new research findings and analyze different challenging and
important areas for enabling our wireless Internet in future.
We are soliciting original research comprehensible to all
readers of the journal. Topics of interest for this special
issue include, but not limited to:

-- Wireless Access Technologies
-- Seamless Integration of Heterogeneous Networks
-- Wireless Internet Platforms and Software
-- Cross-layer Design and Optimization
-- Multi-hop Wireless Networks
-- Transport layer protocol for wireless Internet
-- LTE and wireless Internet
-- Emerging Technologies and Applications

Author Guidelines:
All papers are refereed through a double blind process. A
guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant
information for submitting papers are available at

Manuscript Submission and Schedule:
Authors should submit the papers in, preferably, PDF file
formats. A prospective author should email the manuscript
to the corresponding editor, Eddie Law (Email:
eddie@ee.ryerson.ca), and a copy to the Inderscience
Editorial Office (Email: editorial@inderscience.com).
Please indicate in the subject of your email that it is a
submission to the Special Issue on Wireless Internet of
International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology (IJIPT).

Important Deadlines:
Full-length papers submission (extended) February 28, 2010
Notification of acceptance April 30, 2010
Final papers submission May 31, 2010
Publication of Special Issue Third quarter of 2010

Guest Editors:
Eddie Law
Ryerson University,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Cheng Li
Memorial University of Newfoundland
St. Johns, Newfoundland, Canada

Ivan Lee
University of South Australia
Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

Henry Leung
University of Calgary
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Tccc mailing list

[Tccc] Job: congestion control and wiressless LANs (game theorists wanted)

Dear all,

This is a reminder about the 1 -- 3 year opening at the Centre for
Advanced Internet Architectures at Swinburne University of Technology
in Melbourne, Australia. <http://caia.swin.edu.au/positions.html>
We are particularly looking for candidates with experience in game theory.

Applications close: 12 February, 2010.

Salary: AUD$48,946 - AUD$82,683 (depending on experience) plus 17%

Duration: Full-Time, Fixed-Term for 12 months, possible extension of
24 months subject to good progress - Hawthorn Campus

This is a fixed-term position to support two ARC-funded projects,
entitled "Congestion Control for an Efficient Internet" and "Mechanism
Design for Next Generation Random Access Wireless Protocols".

The first project will develop and analyse new techniques to
respond to congestion in the internet. In addition to the traditional
aim of balancing the rates of user flows given fixed network capacity,
this research will investigate ways in which network-induced energy
consumption can be minimized, by exploiting periods of low congestion.
This research will fit into both the New TCP project and the GREEN
project <http://caia.swin.edu.au/green>.

The second project will apply game theory to explore resource
allocation for wireless networks, to provide differentiated service
but avoid the common problem of given data users an incentive
to claim to be real-time users. This will involve game theoretic
analysis, protocol modelling and protocol design. This research
will fit into the MAGIC project <http://caia.swin.edu/magic>.

A PhD is highly desirable, but excellent candidates without PhDs are
also encouraged to apply.

Please see the online Position Description
<http://caia.swin.edu.au/pd/PD28039-7jan10.pdf> for the full range of
selection criteria and position responsibilities.

Applications: Applications must be made online through Swinburne's
Jobs Portal <http://www.swin.edu.au/jobs>. Select "Academic" positions
and search for "Research Fellow" position 28039.
Closing Date: Applications must be made by 12 February, 2010

The Centre for Advanced Internet Architectures is part of the Faculty
of ICT: <http://www.swinburne.edu.au/ict/>

For more information on Melbourne (capital of Victoria) as a place to
live, see

For specific queries, contact
Lachlan Andrew <http://caia.swin.edu.au/cv/landrew> or
Hai Vu <http://caia.swin.edu.au/cv/hvu>.

Lachlan Andrew Centre for Advanced Internet Architectures (CAIA)
Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia
<http://caia.swin.edu.au/cv/landrew> <http://netlab.caltech.edu/lachlan>
Ph +61 3 9214 4837
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[Tccc] CFP: BIONETICS 2010

[Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message]

CALL FOR PAPERS: BIONETICS 2010 (http://www.bionetics.org/)
The 5th Int'l Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information
and Computing Systems

December 1 - 3, 2010
Boston, MA, USA

Sponsored by ICST (Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics
and Telecommunications Engineering)

Technical cooperation with Create-Net

BIONETICS 2010 aims to provide a world-leading and unique opportunity
for bringing together researchers and practioners from diverse
disciplines that seek the understanding of the fundamental principles
and design strategies in biological systems and leverage those
understandings to build bio-inspired systems. We are soliciting
high-quality original papers in the following topics (but not limited

* Signal/information processing and communication models in biological
* Bio-inspired formal models and methods
* Bio-inspired algorithms and mechanisms
* Bio-inspired software and hardware systems
* Biomimetics, bioenginereing and synthetic biological systems
* Self-* properties in bio-inspired systems and biological systems
* Design and performance issues in bio-inspired systems and synthetic
biological systems
* Tools, testbeds and deployment aspects in bio-inspired systems and
synthetic biological systems
* Real-world applications and standardization of bio-inspired systems
and synthetic biological systems
* Socially-aware, game theoretic and other metaphor-driven
interdisciplinary approaches to bio-inspired systems and synthetic
biological systems

Application domains include, but not limited to, autonomic computing,
bioinformatics, biological engineering, computer networks, computer
vision, data mining, green computing and networking, grid/cloud
computing, intelligent agents, mechanical engineering, molecular
communication, nano-scale computing and networking, optimization,
pervasive computing, robotics, security, software engineering, and
systems engineering.

All accepted papers will be published by Springer.

A selected number of best papers will be considered for publication in
leading journals such as ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive
Systems (TAAS; http://taas.acm.org/) and Int'l Journal of Autonomous and
Adaptive Communications Systems (IJAACS;

Important Dates:
Paper submission due: July 16
Notification of acceptance: September 12
Camera ready paper due: October 10

Steering Committee:

Tatsuya Suda, University of California, Irvine, USA (committee chair)
Iacopo Carreras, Create-Net, Italy
Imrich Chlamtac, Create-Net and University of Trento, Italy
Falko Dressler, University of Erlangen, Germany

General Chair:

Junichi Suzuki, University of Massachusetts, Boston, USA

PC Chair:

Tadashi Nakano, Osaka University, Japan

PC Vice Chairs (tentative):

Nuirt Haspel, University of Massachusetts, Boston, USA
Jian-Qin Liu, National Institute of Information and Communications
Technology, Japan (Artificial Life and Bio-inspired Robotics)
Shih-Hsi "Alex" Liu, California State University, Fresno (AI and
Software Engineering)
Marc Pomplun, University of Massachusetts, Boston, USA (Bio-Inspired
Machine Vision)
Hideaki Suzuki, National Institute of Information and Communications
Technology, Japan (Algorithmically Transitive Networks)
Athanasios Vasilakos, University of Western Macedonia, Greece (Game
Theory and its Applications)

Workshops Chair:

Marc Pomplun, University of Massachusetts, Boston, USA

Publication Chair:

Foad Dabiri, University of California, Los Angels, USA

Publicity Chairs (tentative):

Pruet Boonma, Chiang Mai University, Thailand
Michael Moore, University of California, Irvine, USA

Local Arrangement Chair:

Tyler Garaas, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, USA

Web Chair:

Chonho Lee, University of Massachusetts, Boston, USA

Pruet Boonma
Department of Computer Engineering
Chiang Mai University

Tccc mailing list

[Tccc] CFP: IEEE Globecom'2010, Ad Hoc, Sensor, and Mesh Networking Symposium, December 6-10, 2010, Miami, Florida, USA

CFP: IEEE Globecom'2010, Ad Hoc, Sensor, and Mesh Networking Symposium,
December 6-10, 2010, Miami, Florida, USA

[Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message]

* *
* The 2010 IEEE Global Communications Conference
(Globecom'2010) *
* Ad Hoc, Sensor, and Mesh Networking Symposium
* December 6-10, 2010, Miami, Florida, USA *
* *


Sponsoring Technical Committees:
* Ad Hoc and Sensor Communications and Networks
* Wireless Communications
* Information Infrastructure

Scope and Motivation:
As wireless networks nodes proliferate and as applications using
Internet become familiar to a wider class of customers, those customers
will expect to use networking applications even in situations where the
Internet itself is not available. The basic solution to meet such
requirements is to allow mobile computer users with (compatible)
wireless communication devices to set up a (possibly) short-lived
network just for the communication needs of the moment- in other words,
an ad-hoc network. A mobile ad hoc network (Manet) is a system of
wireless mobile nodes dynamically self organizing in arbitrary and
temporary network topologies. People and vehicles can thus be
internetworked in areas without a pre-existing communication
infrastructure, or when the use of such infrastructure requires wireless
extension. Therefore, such networks are designed to operate in widely
varying environments, from military networks (with hundreds of nodes) to
low-power sensor networks and other embedded systems. Dynamic
topologies, bandwidth constraints, energy-constrained operations,
wireless vulnerabilities, and limited physical security are among the
characteristics that differentiate mobile ad hoc networks from fixed
multi-hop networks.

The field of ad hoc, sensor and mesh networking is reemerging amid
unprecedented growth in the scale and diversity of computer networking.
Wireless mesh networks (WMNs) are considered as a key technology for
next-generation wireless networking. Wireless mesh networks often
consist of mesh clients, mesh routers and gateways, where mesh routers
have minimal mobility and form the backbone of WMNs. Mesh clients can be
either stationary or mobile, and can form a client mesh network among
themselves and with mesh routers. The gateway and mesh routers are
utilized to provide the internetworking of WMNs with other networks such
as the Internet, IEEE 802.11, IEEE 802.15, IEEE 802.16, cellular
networks, wireless sensor networks, or combinations of several types of
networks. Because of the many advantages, WMNs are undergoing rapid
development and inspiring numerous deployments. A wireless sensor
network (WSN) is a wireless network consisting of large populations of
spatially distributed sensor nodes to cooperatively monitor physical or
environmental conditions, such as temperature, sound, vibration,
pressure, motion or pollutants, at different locations. A sensor node is
an autonomous device which is capable of computation, communication, and
sensing. Wireless sensor networks have many useful applications such as
hostile environment surveillance, industrial process monitoring,
environment and habitat monitoring, healthcare applications, home
automation, and traffic control.

This symposium aims at providing a forum for sharing ideas among
researchers and practitioners working on state-of-the-art solutions to
the challenges above. We are seeking papers that describe original and
unpublished contributions addressing various aspects of ad hoc, sensor
and mesh networks.

Topics of Interest:
The Ad hoc and Sensor Networking Symposium seeks original
contributions in, but not limited to, the following topical areas:
* Applications and Evolutions of Ad Hoc, Sensor, and Mesh Networks
* Autonomic Networking
* Wireless, Ad Hoc, and Sensor Devices
* Physical Layer Design of Ad Hoc, Sensor and Mesh Networks
* Frequency and Channel Allocation Algorithms
* Topology Control and Management
* Algorithms and Modeling for Localization, Target Tracking,
and Mobility Management
* Architectures of Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing
in Ad Hoc, Sensor and Mesh Networks
* MAC Protocols for Ad Hoc, Sensor, and Mesh Networks
* QoS Provisioning in Medium Access Control and Routing for Ad
Hoc and Mesh Networks
* Analytical, Mobility, and Validation Models for Ad Hoc,
Sensor, and Mesh Networks
* Performance Evaluation and Modeling of Mobile, Ad Hoc,
Sensor, and Mesh Networks
* Integrated Simulation and Measurement based Evaluation of Ad
Hoc and Sensor Systems
* New Simulation Languages, Methodologies, and Tools for
Wireless Systems in Ad Hoc, Sensor and Mesh Networks
* Analysis of Correctness and Efficiency of Protocols
* Data Management, Data Aggregation, Data Dissemination, and
Query Processing
* Distributed Algorithms in Ad Hoc, Sensor and Mesh Networks
* Pricing Modeling and Solutions
* Pervasive and Wearable Computing
* Co-existence Issues of Hybrid Networks
* Energy Saving and Power Control Protocols for Ad Hoc, Sensor,
and Mesh Networks
* Resource Management Algorithms in Mobile, wireless Ad Hoc and
Mesh Networks
* Synchronization and Scheduling Issues in Mobile and Ad Hoc
* Service Discovery for Wireless Ad Hoc, Mesh, and Sensor Networks
* Cross-layer Design and Interactions in Ad Hoc, Sensor and
Mesh Networks
* Mobile Service and QoS Management for Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
* Survivability and Reliability Evaluation and Modeling for Ad
Hoc, Sensor, and Mesh Networks
* Ubiquitous and Mobile Access for Wireless Mesh Networks
* Security and Privacy Issues in Wireless Ad Hoc, Mesh, and
Sensor Networks

Important Dates:
* Paper Submission: 15 March 2010
Paper Submission Link: http://www.edas.info/newPaper.php?c=7409
* Paper Acceptance: 1 July 2010
* Camera-ready Paper: 1 August 2010

Hossam Hassanein, Lead Co-Chair
Queens University, Canada
Phone: 613-533-6052, Email: hossam@cs.queensu.ca

Xiaohua Jia
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Phone: 852-2788-9670, Email: csjia@cityu.edu.hk

Sirisha Medidi
Boise State University, USA
Phone: 208-426-2623, Email: sirishamedidi@boisestate.edu

Cheng Li
Memorial University, Canada
Phone: 709-737-8972, E-mail: licheng@mun.ca

Tccc mailing list

[Tccc] CFP: IEEE Globecom'2010, Ad Hoc, Sensor, and Mesh Networking Symposium

CFP: IEEE Globecom'2010, Ad Hoc, Sensor, and Mesh Networking Symposium,
December 6-10, 2010, Miami, Florida, USA

[Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message]

* *
* The 2010 IEEE Global Communications Conference
(Globecom'2010) *
* Ad Hoc, Sensor, and Mesh Networking Symposium
* December 6-10, 2010, Miami, Florida, USA *
* *


Sponsoring Technical Committees:
* Ad Hoc and Sensor Communications and Networks
* Wireless Communications
* Information Infrastructure

Scope and Motivation:
As wireless networks nodes proliferate and as applications using
Internet become familiar to a wider class of customers, those customers
will expect to use networking applications even in situations where the
Internet itself is not available. The basic solution to meet such
requirements is to allow mobile computer users with (compatible)
wireless communication devices to set up a (possibly) short-lived
network just for the communication needs of the moment- in other words,
an ad-hoc network. A mobile ad hoc network (Manet) is a system of
wireless mobile nodes dynamically self organizing in arbitrary and
temporary network topologies. People and vehicles can thus be
internetworked in areas without a pre-existing communication
infrastructure, or when the use of such infrastructure requires wireless
extension. Therefore, such networks are designed to operate in widely
varying environments, from military networks (with hundreds of nodes) to
low-power sensor networks and other embedded systems. Dynamic
topologies, bandwidth constraints, energy-constrained operations,
wireless vulnerabilities, and limited physical security are among the
characteristics that differentiate mobile ad hoc networks from fixed
multi-hop networks.

The field of ad hoc, sensor and mesh networking is reemerging amid
unprecedented growth in the scale and diversity of computer networking.
Wireless mesh networks (WMNs) are considered as a key technology for
next-generation wireless networking. Wireless mesh networks often
consist of mesh clients, mesh routers and gateways, where mesh routers
have minimal mobility and form the backbone of WMNs. Mesh clients can be
either stationary or mobile, and can form a client mesh network among
themselves and with mesh routers. The gateway and mesh routers are
utilized to provide the internetworking of WMNs with other networks such
as the Internet, IEEE 802.11, IEEE 802.15, IEEE 802.16, cellular
networks, wireless sensor networks, or combinations of several types of
networks. Because of the many advantages, WMNs are undergoing rapid
development and inspiring numerous deployments. A wireless sensor
network (WSN) is a wireless network consisting of large populations of
spatially distributed sensor nodes to cooperatively monitor physical or
environmental conditions, such as temperature, sound, vibration,
pressure, motion or pollutants, at different locations. A sensor node is
an autonomous device which is capable of computation, communication, and
sensing. Wireless sensor networks have many useful applications such as
hostile environment surveillance, industrial process monitoring,
environment and habitat monitoring, healthcare applications, home
automation, and traffic control.

This symposium aims at providing a forum for sharing ideas among
researchers and practitioners working on state-of-the-art solutions to
the challenges above. We are seeking papers that describe original and
unpublished contributions addressing various aspects of ad hoc, sensor
and mesh networks.

Topics of Interest:
The Ad hoc and Sensor Networking Symposium seeks original
contributions in, but not limited to, the following topical areas:
* Applications and Evolutions of Ad Hoc, Sensor, and Mesh Networks
* Autonomic Networking
* Wireless, Ad Hoc, and Sensor Devices
* Physical Layer Design of Ad Hoc, Sensor and Mesh Networks
* Frequency and Channel Allocation Algorithms
* Topology Control and Management
* Algorithms and Modeling for Localization, Target Tracking,
and Mobility Management
* Architectures of Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing
in Ad Hoc, Sensor and Mesh Networks
* MAC Protocols for Ad Hoc, Sensor, and Mesh Networks
* QoS Provisioning in Medium Access Control and Routing for Ad
Hoc and Mesh Networks
* Analytical, Mobility, and Validation Models for Ad Hoc,
Sensor, and Mesh Networks
* Performance Evaluation and Modeling of Mobile, Ad Hoc,
Sensor, and Mesh Networks
* Integrated Simulation and Measurement based Evaluation of Ad
Hoc and Sensor Systems
* New Simulation Languages, Methodologies, and Tools for
Wireless Systems in Ad Hoc, Sensor and Mesh Networks
* Analysis of Correctness and Efficiency of Protocols
* Data Management, Data Aggregation, Data Dissemination, and
Query Processing
* Distributed Algorithms in Ad Hoc, Sensor and Mesh Networks
* Pricing Modeling and Solutions
* Pervasive and Wearable Computing
* Co-existence Issues of Hybrid Networks
* Energy Saving and Power Control Protocols for Ad Hoc, Sensor,
and Mesh Networks
* Resource Management Algorithms in Mobile, wireless Ad Hoc and
Mesh Networks
* Synchronization and Scheduling Issues in Mobile and Ad Hoc
* Service Discovery for Wireless Ad Hoc, Mesh, and Sensor Networks
* Cross-layer Design and Interactions in Ad Hoc, Sensor and
Mesh Networks
* Mobile Service and QoS Management for Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
* Survivability and Reliability Evaluation and Modeling for Ad
Hoc, Sensor, and Mesh Networks
* Ubiquitous and Mobile Access for Wireless Mesh Networks
* Security and Privacy Issues in Wireless Ad Hoc, Mesh, and
Sensor Networks

Important Dates:
* Paper Submission: 15 March 2010
Paper Submission Link: http://www.edas.info/newPaper.php?c=7409
* Paper Acceptance: 1 July 2010
* Camera-ready Paper: 1 August 2010

Hossam Hassanein, Lead Co-Chair
Queens University, Canada
Phone: 613-533-6052, Email: hossam@cs.queensu.ca

Xiaohua Jia
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Phone: 852-2788-9670, Email: csjia@cityu.edu.hk

Sirisha Medidi
Boise State University, USA
Phone: 208-426-2623, Email: sirishamedidi@boisestate.edu

Cheng Li
Memorial University, Canada
Phone: 709-737-8972, E-mail: licheng@mun.ca

Tccc mailing list

[Tccc] CFP: A Special Issue of Ad Hoc Networks Journal on "Recent Advances in Large Scale and Sustainable Wireless Sensor Networks"

CFP: A Special Issue of Ad Hoc Networks Journal on
   Recent Advances in Large Scale and Sustainable Wireless Sensor Networks

Deadline: June 10th, 2010.

Dear Colleagues and Friends:

*** We apologize if you received multiple copies of this posting.

Call for Papers

A Special Issue of Ad Hoc Networks Journal on
  Recent Advances in Large Scale and Sustainable Wireless Sensor Networks

The recent advances in embedded software/hardware design have enabled
large-scale and
 cost-effective deployment of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Such a
network consists
 of many small sensor nodes with sensing, computing, communicating, and control
capabilities. The wireless sensor networks have a broad spectrum
applications ranging
from wild life monitoring, battlefield surveillance, to border control
and disaster
relief, and have attracted significant interests from both academy and industry.
A wireless sensor node generally has limited communication and
computation capabilities,
as well as severely-constrained power supplies, and the networks often
operate in harsh
unattended environments. Successful design and deployment of wireless
sensor networks
 thus call for technology advances and integrations in diverse fields, including
embedded hardware design, data processing, and wireless communications
and networking
across all layers.

One of the key challenges in WSNs is to develop sustainable and scalable system
 that achieves longer network lifetime. Nodes capable of harvesting
environmental energy
 have been designed and used in many WSN systems. The benefits of
using rechargeable
 batteries by harvesting environmental energy to prolong sensor
network lifetime have
 been well recognized.

This special issue aims to summarize the latest development of
hardware and software for
 WSNs, as well as deployment experiences. Topics of interest include
but are not limited to:

?    Novel transport, network, and MAC protocol design
?    Smart in-network processing and control
?    Disruption-tolerant/opportunistic mobile sensor networking
?    Cross layer design and optimization, duty cycle management
?    Channel and network modeling and performance evaluation
?    Measurements and experience from experimental systems and test-beds
?    New and novel methods for harvesting environment energy
?    Hardware design
?    Novel applications and architectures

We solicit original unpublished research papers only. Papers
previously published in
conference/workshop proceedings can be considered, but should be
substantially extended.

Important Dates:

Paper submission: 10-June-2010
Acceptance notification:  10-Sept-2010
Final papers: 10-Oct-2010
Publication: 10-Jan-2011 (adjustable to the editorial calendar)

Guest Editors

XiangYang Li, Illinois Institute of Technology,  xli@cs.iit.edu
YunHao Liu, HongKong University of Science and Technology,  liu@cse.ust.hk
WenZhan Song, Washington State University, Vancouver, songwz@wsu.edu
My T. Thai, University of Florida, mythai@cise.ufl.edu

About the Ad Hoc Networks Journal

  The Ad Hoc Networks is an international and archival journal providing a
  publication vehicle for complete coverage of all topics of interest to
  those involved in ad hoc and sensor networking areas. The Ad Hoc Networks
  considers original, high quality and unpublished contributions addressing
  all aspects of ad hoc and sensor networks.

Submission format

Submit full papers via automated paper submission system at
The papers must be less than twenty single-column double-spaced pages,
 excluding figures, tables, and references, using a 12-point font size.
For detailed formatting instructions, please refer to the guidelines available
 at the Ad Hoc Networks journal web site,

All manuscripts and any supplementary material should be submitted
 through Elsevier Editorial System (EES).
The authors must select as "relevant SI Article type" when they reach
the "Article Type" step in the submission process. The EES website is
located at:

Tccc mailing list

[Tccc] CFP - WASA August 2010, Beijing, China

(Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP)

The Fifth International Conference on Wireless Algorithms,
Systems and Applications (WASA 2010)
August 15-17, 2010, Beijing, China

The WASA 2010 conference addresses the research and development efforts in the area of
algorithms, systems and applications for the current and next generation wireless networks.
It provides a forum for researchers and practitioners around the world to exchange
ideas, share new findings, and discuss challenges in wireless networks.

This call solicits technical papers that describe original research work, visionary
approaches, and future research directions dealing with effective and efficient
algorithm design and analysis, reliable and secure system development and implementations,
experimental study and test bed validation, and new application explorations in wireless

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

- Cyber-physical systems (transportation, health care, civil infrastructure, etc)
- Theoretical frameworks and analysis of fundamental cross-layer protocol and network
design and performance issues
- Distributed and localized algorithm design and analysis
- Information and Coding theory for Wireless Networks
- Localization
- Mobility models and mobile social networking
- Topology control and coverage
- Security and privacy
- PHY/MAC/Routing protocols
- Information processing and data management
- Programmable service interfaces
- Energy-efficient systems and protocol design
- Operating system and middleware support
- Software-defined radio, reconfigurable radio networks
- Pervasive and ubiquitous computing
- Local area and personal wireless networks
- Applications, design, and performance of wireless ad hoc and sensor networks
- Delay/disruption tolerant networks
- Experimental test-beds, models and case studies

Authors are required to submit their papers in the Springer LNCS Format with at least
10 point font and no more than 10 pages. All submissions should be in the PDF format.
Accepted papers will be published in the Springer-LNCS series. There will be a best
paper award, which will be selected by the program committee. For more information please
visit the conference website at http://staff.vbi.vt.edu/maleq/wasa2010/

Paper Submission Deadline: March 28, 2010
Acceptance Notification: May 15, 2010
Camera-Ready Deadline: June 1, 2010
Conference Dates: August 15-17, 2010

Tccc mailing list

[Tccc] [tccc] Call For Papers - GLOBECOM 2010 - Optical Networks and Systems Symposium

**** Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP ****

Call for Papers

IEEE Globecom 2010, December 6-10, 2010, Miami, FL, U.S.A.

Optical Networks and Systems Symposium

Sponsored by the IEEE Comsoc Optical Networking Technical Committee (ONTC)

Rapid advances in optical communications, systems, and networks have
been the driver behind their deployment beyond the network core to
grid, storage, and access systems. The emergence of a new generation of
photonic devices that are intelligent, self-aware, and programmable
under software control opens up new possibilities in optical network
design. Hence, new optical networks architectures are conceivable that
go beyond simply providing raw transmission capacity to higher
transport layers, to capturing the full potential of an optical
substrate populated with a multitude of elements performing a variety
of monitoring, sensing, impairment compensation, reconfiguration,
switching, signal splitting and multiplexing functions natively in the
optical domain. To realize these novel network architectures, new
challenges arise in designing and engineering multiple layers in an
integrated manner, in facilitating explicitly cross-layer interactions,
in integrating control plane policy and strategy, and in coordinating
standardization efforts.

The Symposium will continue its established practice of focusing on
cutting-edge, state-of-the-art research in optical networks and systems
and newly emerging areas. Submissions of papers that relate the topics
of optical networks and systems to other research areas and disciplines,
including the integration of optical and wireless networks, emergent
service paradigms for new applications, and the role of optics in the
future Internet design, are highly encouraged.

This Symposium aims to bring together researchers from academia and
industry to address recent advances n the design, modeling, prototyping,
implementation, standardization, and deployment of optical networks.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Optical technologies and devices for telecommunication applications
* Optical modulation and signal processing
* Optical wavelength-division, time-division, and code-division
multiplexing (WDM, OTDM, OCDM)
* Optical integrated circuits and novel transmission methods
* Measurement, monitoring and supervision techniques
* Optical switching technologies, devices, and architectures
* Optical cross-connects (OXCs)
* Optical add/drop multiplexers (OADMs)
* Optical packet switching (OPS)
* Optical burst switching (OBS)
* Multi-granularity switching
* Optical access networks (PONs, AONs, and other FTTx architectures)
* Optical Ethernet and new service paradigms
* Free space optical networks
* Optical metropolitan and regional networks
* Optical networking for storage, Grid, and research & education (R&E) networks
* Optical virtual private networks
* Multi-domain optical communications
* Optical network demonstrations, test-beds and field trials
* Impact of physical-layer impairments on optical network design and
* Cross-layer design and software defined optics
* Routing and wavelength assignment (RWA)
* Traffic grooming and engineering for optical networks
* Optical network performance modeling
* Optical network control and management
* Multipoint communication in optical networks
* Single-layer and multi-layer protection and restoration
* Security and privacy in optical networks
* Traffic engineering for next-generation SONET/SDH
* Standardization issues
* Inter-working between optical and wireless networks
* Energy efficiency in optical networks
* Economic and regulatory issues and migration studies
* Optical networks for future Internet design

Important Dates:
* Paper submission deadline: 15 March 2010, 11:59pm EST
* Author notification: 1 July 2010
* Camera-ready Paper due: 1 August 2010

Symposium Co-chairs:
* Filippo Cugini, CNIT, Italy (filippo.cugini@cnit.it)
* Ahmed Kamal, Iowa State University, U.S.A. (kamal@iastate.edu)
* George Rouskas, North Carolina State University, U.S.A. (rouskas@ncsu.edu)
* Jun Zheng, Southeast University, China (jzheng@ieee.org)

For more information about the symposium:

For more information about IEEE Globecom 2010:
Tccc mailing list

[Tccc] [CFP] WLN'10 : 10th IEEE International Workshop on Wireless Local Networks 2010 (WLN 10)

      Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this mail

10th IEEE International Workshop on Wireless Local Networks 2010

held in conjunction with

The 35th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN'10)
October 11-14, 2010, Denver, Colorado, USA

|| Scope ||
In its 10th year, the International Workshop on Wireless Local Networks (WLN)
builds on a proven record for being a strong venue on the subject matter.
Held under the umbrella of the IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks,
the workshops continues to solicit state-of-the-art research describing both
theoretical and practical research endeavors. We also encourage visionary and
experimental descriptions, in addition to work-in-progress and demos.

|| Topics ||
The following is a non-exclusive list of topics of interest:
* Design and deployment guidelines.
* Implementation and testbed issues.
* Network management architectures.
* Protocol design, including cross-layer and opportunistic approaches.
* Wireless multihop networks, including mesh, ad hoc and sensor networks.
* Wireless relay, including fixed and mobile elements.
* Integration and coexistence issues.
* Mobility management in both homogeneous and heterogeneous settings.
* Resource management functionalities (CAC, reservation, scheduling, etc.)
* Cognitive radios and dynamic spectrum networks.
* Performance evaluation, including analytical, simulation and testbed approaches.

|| Important Dates ||
Submission deadline April 5, 2009
Notification of acceptance June 30, 2009
Camera-ready copy due July 28, 2009
Registration Deadline July 28, 2009

|| Submission Guideliness ||
We seek original contributions that are have neither been
previously published or currently under review. Papers (up to 8 pages) should
describe complete works in a self-contained manner with the intent to give an
oral presentation. All accepted submissions will be published in the LCN'10
proceedings and the ieeeXplore portal.

The following EDAS web site (http://edas.info/N8624) will take you directly
to WLN'10 Web-site submission.

|| Workshop Cochairs ||
Jalel Ben-Othman
PRiSM Laboratory,University of Versailles, France
Abd-Elhamid M. Taha
School of Computing, Queenís University

|| Technical Program Committee ||
Najah Abu Ali, UAE University
Mostafa Bassiouni, University of Central Florida
Luciano Bononi, University of Bologna
Azzedine Boukerche University of Ottawa
Chun Tung Chou, University of New South Wales
Mohamed Eltoweissy, Virginia Tech
Hacene Fouchal, UniversitÈ des Antilles et de la Guyane
Ashraf Hamad, Microsoft Corporation
Mounir Hamdi, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Khaled Harras, Carnegie Mellon University
Hossam Hassanein, Queen's University
Salil Kanhere, University of New South Wales
Lynda Mokdad, UniversitÈ de Paris 12
Nidal Nasser, University of Guelph
Ioanis Nikolaidis, University of Alberta
Ayman Radwan, Instituto de TelecomunicaÁıes
Joel Rodrigues, University of Beira Interior
Samer Samarah, University of Ottawa
Damla Turgut, University of Central Florida
Véronique Vèque, University of Paris-Sud 11
Kui Wu, University of Victoria
Sherali Zeadally, University of the District of Columbia
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[Tccc] [CFP] P2MNet 2010 6th IEEE International Workshop on Performance and Management of Wireless and Mobile Networks

      Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this mail

CFP   -  P2MNet 2010
Fifth IEEE International Workshop on
Performance and Management of
Wireless and Mobile Networks

held in conjunction with

The 35th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN'10)
October 11-14, 2010, Denver, Colorado, USA

Submission deadline: April 5th, 2010
In Recent years, wireless and mobile communication systems have become
increasingly popular as an inexpensive and promising means for ubiquitous
communications. However, without creating a new set of issues and
trade-offs. The performance and resource management of wireless and mobile
communication systems are becoming a very crucial phase for future
generation of wireless and mobile networks.

This workshop focus upon the design, performance and resource management
of wireless and mobile networks.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

- Performance and management of mesh and Bluetooth networks
- Performance and resource management of wireless ad hoc and sensor
- Performance and management of wireless multimedia systems.
- Resource allocation.
- Power and energy management.
- Wireless network design and management.
- Measurement, analysis, modeling, and generation.
- Traffic measurement (wireless TCP, etc..).
- Billing and wireless web services.
 (3G/4G wireless billing systems, GPRS billing, etc..).
- Web-Based wireless management.
- Wireless security management.
- Wireless Network planning.
- Wireless Intelligent Networks.
- Performance and Management of Broadband Wireless Management.
- Management and monitoring of wireless and mobile systems.
- User mobility modeling
- Topology construction and maintenance
- Interoperability, and performance of heterogeneous wireless networks of
 different standards
- PerManet Paper submission related dates:


Full Paper submission deadline: April 5th, 2010.
Notification of acceptance: June 30th, 2010.
Camera-ready paper due: July 28th, 2010.
Author registration by: July 28th, 2010.


Authors are required to submit their papers through LCN 2010 EDAS.
The following EDAS web site (http://edas.info/N8626) will take you directly
to P2MNet Web-site submission.

The authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their paper will be
presented at the conference. At least one author of each accepted paper
must be registered for the conference, in order for that paper to appear
in the proceedings and to be scheduled for presentation.

All papers will appear in the IEEE LCN Conference proceedings.

For more information contact the Program Co-Chairs

Prof. Lynda Mokdad or Dr. S. Samarah

Tccc mailing list

[Tccc] CfP: PerGroup@GC10 - Workshop on Pervasive Group Communication (IEEE PerGroup)

[Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CfP]


** 1st Workshop on Pervasive Group Communication (IEEE PerGroup) **

URL: http://pergroup.realmv6.org

Miami, FL, USA, December 6, 2010,

held in conjunction with IEEE GLOBECOM 2010,

and co-sponsored by IEEE HCCTC sub-committee,
G-Lab, and The unbelievable Machine Company

Group communications have passed from research to deployment and back to
a research issue. Newly deployed services, in particular IPTV, P2P
content distribution, and collaborative applications, are stimulating
current research on multicast, broadcast, concast, and anycast. Emerging
design issues for a future multi-service Internet combined with the
dynamic development of wireless access techonologies challenge the
community to rethink the position of group communications along the

The PerGroup workshop invites the community to share efforts in search
of seamless, pervasive group services, and to discuss directions on a
human-centric multi-service Inter-networking architecture. We welcome
contributions that design new solutions or analyze existing deployments,
but also those that present striking problem statements or early
conceptual work.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

System Design & Methodology:
- Architectures and protocols for fixed, wireless and ad hoc networks
- Protocols and interfaces for intuitive group communications
- Intra- and Inter-domain group communication
- Native, overlay (including P2P) and hybrid multicast
- Topology analysis & measuring, mining and modeling of
- media-rich social networks
- Measurement, simulation and analytical studies as well as deployment

Supporting Technologies:
- Multipath routing / extension of emerging routing schemes
- Cooperative relaying and network coding
- Service placement and service location
- Security and privacy issues for multicast, anycast, and broadcast
- Real-time and QoS aspects

- Adaptive content distribution, e.g., video broadcasting
- Application-layer traffic optimization and provider interaction
- Multicast & anycast in a future multi-service Internet
- New data distribution models to facilitate group communication
- Frameworks for human centric based group communications

Full paper: June 25, 2010
Notification: August 12, 2010
Final version: August 31, 2010

Workshop Co-Chairs:

- Thomas C. Schmidt, HAW Hamburg, Germany
- Matthias Wählisch, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
- Georg Wittenburg, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

Program Committee:

- Kevin C. Almeroth, UC Santa Barbara, USA
- Emmanuel Baccelli, INRIA, France
- Rick Boivie, IBM Watson Research Center, USA
- Torsten Braun, University of Bern, Switzerland
- John Buford, Avaya Labs Research, USA
- Ran Canetti, Tel Aviv University, Israel
- Jon Crowcroft, University of Cambridge, UK
- Marshall Eubanks, AmericaFree.TV, USA
- Gorry Fairhurst, University of Aberdeen, UK
- Xiaoming Fu, University of Goettingen, Germany
- Xing Jin, UST Hong Kong, China
- Nenad Medvidovi, U. of Southern California, USA
- Imed Romdhani, Edinburgh Napier University, UK
- Thomas C. Schmidt, HAW Hamburg, Germany
- Piet Van Mieghem, TU Delft, Netherlands
- Stig Venaas, Cisco Systems, USA
- Matthias Wählisch, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
- Jörg Widmer, DoCoMo Euro-Labs, Germany
- Georg Wittenburg, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
- Heather Yu, Huawei, USA
- Thomas Zahn, Nokia, Germany
- Martina Zitterbart, University of Karlsruhe, Germany

Authors are invited to submit full papers of up to five double-column,
IEEE conference-style pages. One additional page will be allowed with
additional publication fee. All submitted papers will be carefully
evaluated by at least three reviewers based on originality,
significance, technical soundness, and clarity of expression. Accepted
papers will appear in the IEEE GLOBECOM proceedings and will be included
in IEEE digital library.

At least one of the authors of accepted papers must attend the workshop
to present the paper. An accepted paper must be registered before the
registration deadline. IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from
distribution after the conference (e.g., removal from IEEE Xplore) if
the paper is not presented at the workshop. In case of double
submissions or (self-)plagiarism, the paper will be excluded from the
technical program.

Further information: http://pergroup.realmv6.org/submission.html

For further information regarding PerGroup 2010 and paper submission,
please contact pergroup_2010-chairs@edas.info.


Prof. Dr. Thomas C. Schmidt
° Hamburg University of Applied Sciences Berliner Tor 7 °
° Dept. Informatik, Internet Technologies Group 20099 Hamburg, Germany °
° http://www.haw-hamburg.de/inet Fon: +49-40-42875-8452 °
° http://www.informatik.haw-hamburg.de/~schmidt Fax: +49-40-42875-8409 °

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[Tccc] CFP -- IntelNet 2010 in conjunction with CIT'10 (Deadline: Feb. 15, 2010)

[Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this email]



The 2010 International Workshop on Intelligent Sensor and Wireless
Networks (IntelNet 2010)

To be held in conjunction with CIT'10 (Supported by IEEE Computer
Society), June 29 - July 1, 2010, Bradford, UK



Modern sensor and wireless networks have been becoming more and more
large-scaled and complicated. Due to their rapidly increasing scale
and complexity, the management and maintenance of sensor and wireless
networks have posed many grand challenges to both industrial and
academic communication communities. To overcome these challenges, it
is very necessary to find new levels of autonomy and intelligence in
deploying, managing, and maintaining sensor and wireless networks.

The purpose of the 2010 International Workshop on Intelligent Sensor
and Wireless Networks (IntelNet 2010) is to bring together scientists,
researchers, professionals, and practitioners from both industry and
academia to exchange ideas, discuss solutions, share experiences, and
report state-of-the-art research results on various aspects of
intelligent sensor and wireless networks. The topics of interest
include, but are not limited to:

-- Advanced Technologies for Enabling Intelligent and Autonomic
-- Autonomy-Oriented Sensor/Wireless Networks
-- Biological, Social, and Economic Models for Intelligent Networks
-- Bio-Inspired Network Protocol Design
-- Bio-Inspired Network Services
-- Bio-Inspired Sensor/Wireless Networks
-- Characterization and Detection of Emergent Properties in Self-
Organizing Networks
-- Complex Dynamics of Autonomous Communication Networks
-- Experimental Case Studies and Testbeds of Intelligent Networks
-- Novel Design and Management Technologies for Autonomic Sensor/
Wireless Networks
-- Scalability and Complexity of Self-Organizing Communication
-- Self-Organization in Autonomic Communication Networks
-- Self-Organizing, Self-Adaptive and Self-Tuning Sensor/Wireless
-- Sensing, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Measurements of Intelligent
-- Stability and Dependability of Intelligent Sensor/Wireless
-- Tools and Techniques for Designing, Implementing, and Analyzing
Intelligent Sensor/Wireless Networks


Duncan F. Gillies, Imperial College London, UK
Jiming Liu, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Ruqian Lu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Geyong Min, University of Bradford, UK
Jie Wu, Temple University, USA


Xiaolong Jin
School of Informatics
University of Bradford
Bradford, BD7 1DP, U.K.
E-mail: x.jin@brad.ac.uk


Lei Liu
Department of Computing
University of Bradford
Bradford, BD7 1DP, U.K.
E-mail: l.liu6@brad.ac.uk

Hui Cheng
Department of Computer Science
University of Leicester
Leicester, LE1 7RH
E-mail: hc118@le.ac.uk


Ahmed Y. Al-Dubai, Edinburgh Napier University, UK
Canfeng Chen, Nokia Research Center, China
Jin Chen, University of Toronto, Canada
Xiaowen Chu, Hong Kong Baptist University, China
Thomas Erlebach, University of Leicester, UK
Donghai Guan, Kyung Hee University, Korea
Lin Guan, Loughborough University, UK
Yu Hua, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Huan Li, University of Massachusetts, USA
Keqin Li, State University of New York at New Paltz, USA
Wei Li, Shandong University, China
Huadong Ma, Beijing University of Posts & Telecommunications, China
Jianhua Ma, Hosei University, Japan
Pascale Minet, INRIA, France
Gregorio M. Perez, University of Murcia, Spain
Qian Ren, China Mobile, China
Heung-Gyoon Ryu, Chungbuk National University, Korea
Jinglun Shi, South China University of Technology, China
Lei Shu, Osaka University, Japan
Guojun Wang, Central South University, China
Lan Wang, University of Bradford, UK
Xingwei Wang, Northeastern University, China
Jing Wu, Communications Research Centre, Canada
Weigang Wu, Sun Yat-sen University, China
Bin Xiao, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Tao Xie, San Diego State University, USA
Bo Yang, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,
Laurence T. Yang, St Francis Xavier University, Canada
Shengxiang Yang, University of Leicester, UK
Mei Yu, Tianjin University, China/Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
Jun Zhang, Sun Yat-sen University, China
Yan Zhang, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway


Authors are invited to submit manuscripts reporting original unpublished
research and recent developments in the topics related to the workshop.
The length of the papers should not exceed 6 pages + 2 pages for overlength
charges (IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Manuscripts style: two columns,
single-spaced), including figures and references, using 10 fonts, and
number each page. Papers should be submitted electronically in PDF format
by sending it as an e-mail attachment to Xiaolong Jin
All papers will be peer reviewed and the comments will be provided to the
authors. The accepted papers will be published together with those of other
workshops by the IEEE Computer Society Press.

Distinguished papers, after further extensions, will be published
in CIT 2010's special issues of the following prestigious SCI-indexed

-- The Journal of Supercomputing - Springer
-- Journal of Computer and System Sciences - Elsevier
-- Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience - John Wiley & Sons


Submission Deadline: February 15, 2010
Author Notification: March 26, 2010
Final Manuscript Due: April 18, 2010
Registration Due: April 18, 2010
Conference Date: June 29 - July 1, 2010


Tccc mailing list


[Tccc] First International Workshop on Wireless and Network Security (WNS 2010)

First International Workshop on Wireless and Network Security (WNS 2010)

In Conjunction with 4th International Conference on Information
Security and Assurance (ISA 2010)Location Sheraton Grande Ocean Resort,
in Miyazaki, Japan

Event Schedule June 23-25, 2010

Conference Website http://www.sersc.org/ISA2010

Organizing Unit Prince Muqrin Chair for Information Technology Security

King Saud University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Important Dates

Last Date of Submission 25 February, 2010

Decision Notification 15 March, 2010

Camera Ready Paper 20 March, 2010

Workshop Date 23-25 June, 2010

Call for Papers


WNS 2010 is the First International Workshop on Wireless and
Network Security will be held on June 23 - 25, 2010, at Sheraton Grande
Ocean Resort, in Miyazaki, Japan in conjunction with 4th International
Conference on Information Security and Assurance Topics of interest
include, but are not limited to:

 Key Management

 Privacy and Anonymity

 Secure PHY and MAC Protocols

 Secure Routing

 Intrusion Detection

 Denial of Service

 Secure multimedia communication

 Vulnerability Analysis

 Security Policy, Strategy and Management

 Cryptography

 Authentication and Authorization

 Trusted Computing

Author Guidelines

Publication Details

Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings,
LNCS/CCIS (indexed by EI and others) series published by Springer.
Selected papers from WNS 2010.

Paper Submission Website


Submission Format

Submitted manuscripts should be in LNCS paper format, including figures, tables, and references.

Organizing Committee

Workshop Chairs

Fahad Bin Muhaya, Prince Muqrin Chair for IT Security King Saud University,KSA

Aneel Rahim, Prince Muqrin Chair for IT Security King Saud University, Saudi Arabia.

Mohamed Shehab, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, USA.

Program Committee Chairs

Nasir Memon, New York University Polytechnic Institute, USA.

Saad Bakrey, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia.

Schou Corey, (NIATEC), Idaho State University, USA.

Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed, Marquette University, USA.

Zeeshan Shafi Khan, Prince Muqrin Chair for IT Security King Saud University, KSA

Muhammad Imran Razzaq, Center for Artificial Intelligence & Robotics, UTM, Malaysia.

Imran Ahmad, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Pakistan.

Technical Program Committee

Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed, Marquette University, USA.

Zeeshan Ahmad, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria.

Jiun-Shiou Deng, Minghsin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan.

Muhammad Zeeshan,Queen Mary, Univeristy of London, UK.

Saiden Abbas, Faculty of Science, University of Nijmegen, Netherlands.

M.B.Manjunatha, Madanapalli Institute of Technology, India.

Usman Sattar Alvi, Blekinge institute of technology, Sweden.

Saad Abdul-Aziz, Oman College of Management & Technology, Oman.

Muhammad Sher, International Islamic University, Pakistan.

Ali Amer, Saudi Telecom Company (STC) Saudi Arabia.

S.A.K Jilani, Madanapalle Institute Technology and Science, India.


Dr. Fahad Bin Muhaya

Director, Prince Muqrin Chair for IT Security, King Saud University
Saudi Arabia Email: fmuhaya@ksu.edu.sa

Aneel Rahim

Prince Muqrin Chair for IT Security, King Saud University Saudi Arabia

Email: aneelrahim@ksu.edu.sa

Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft.
Tccc mailing list

[Tccc] CFP: GridPeer 2010 (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)

<Our sincere apologies for cross-posting>


2010 Workshop on Grid and P2P Systems and Applications (GridPeer 2010)
August 2-5, ETH Zurich, Switzerland


Note: Authors of top accepted papers will be invited to submit
extended work for fast-track publication in the International Journal
on Parallel, Emergent, and Distributed Systems (IJPEDS).

GridPeer 2010 is a workshop in association with ICCCN 2010, to be held
at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, August 2–5, 2010. GridPeer 2010 is an
effort to bring together engineers and researchers in the areas of
grid and/or P2P systems, with the purpose of not only advancing
research activities in each area but also promoting the synergy across
the two. This workshop solicits latest original contributions whose
focus is on systems and applications. We especially welcome those
well-thought ideas that could be risky yet potential to lead to major
advances from the current state of the art.

Important Dates

Paper submission Mar 15, 2010 (23:59 EST)
Author notification April 30, 2010
Camera-ready papers due May 14, 2010
Registration due May 14, 2010

For details, please visit the workshop's website


Duc A. Tran, PhD
Assistant Professor
Director, Network Information Systems Lab (NISLab)
Department of Computer Science
University of Massachusetts - Boston
Tel (617) 287-6452; Office: S-3-070

Tccc mailing list

[Tccc] DCOSS 2010: submission deadline extended to February 08!

Due to several requests, the paper submission deadline for DCOSS 2010 has
been extended to
Monday, February 8, 2010, 11:59 EST.

(Apologies if you receive multiple copies!)

The 6th IEEE/ACM International Conference on

June 21 - 23, 2010,
Santa Barbara, California, USA

Submission Deadline: EXTENDED: ** 11:59PM EST Feb 8, 2010 **
Notification: March 26, 2010
Camera Ready: April 7, 2010


Distributed sensor systems have become a highly active research area due
to their potential for providing diverse new capabilities. Such systems
allow intelligent dense monitoring of physical environments.
The focus of this conference is on distributed computing issues in
networked sensor systems (including algorithms, applications, systematic
techniques and tools, and in-network signal and information processing).
Authors are invited to submit original unpublished manuscripts that
current research on computational aspects of distributed sensor systems.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Computation and programming models
- Energy models, minimization, awareness
- Distributed collaborative information processing
- Detection and tracking
- Theoretical performance analysis: complexity, correctness, scalability
- Abstractions for modular design
- Fault tolerance and security
- Languages, operating systems
- Task allocation, reprogramming and reconfiguration
- Dynamic resource management
- Scalable, heterogeneous architectures (node and system-level)
- Middleware interfaces, communication and processing primitives
- Design, simulation and optimization tools for deployment and operation
- Design automation and application synthesis techniques
- closed-loop control for sensing and actuation
- Case studies: lessons from real world deployments
- Network coding and compression
- Detailed submission guidelines coming soon.


Authors are invited to submit original unpublished manuscripts that
demonstrate current
research on distributed sensor systems related to DCOSS topics of interest.
Papers should
be prepared using the Springer LNCS style file, and should be at most 14
pages long.
Please visit http://www.dcoss.org/submission.php for electronic submission


General Chair
Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Univ. of Southern California, USA

Program Chair
Rajmohan Rajaraman, Northeastern University, USA

Program Vice-Chairs
Thomas Moscibroda (Algorithms and Performance Analysis), Microsoft Research,
Redmond, USA
Adam Dunkels (Systems and Applications), Swedish Institute of Computer
Science, Sweden
Anna Scaglione (Signal Processing and Information Theory), Univ. of
California at Davis

Program Committee

** Algorithms and Performance Analysis Track **

Stefano Basagni, Northeastern University, USA
Alex Dimakis, USC, USA
Eric Fleury, INRIA, France
Jie Gao, Stony Brook University, USA
Rachid Guerraoui, EPFL, Switzerland
Indranil Gupta, UIUC, USA
Anupam Gupta, CMU, USA
Ed Knightly, Rice, USA
Kishore Kothapalli, IIIT Hyderabad, India
Li Erran Li, Bell Labs, USA
Mingyan Liu, University of Michigan, USA
Andrew McGregor, U. Mass Amherst, USA
Boaz Patt-Shamir, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Sriram Pemmaraju, University of Iowa, USA
Yvonne-Anne Pignolet, IBM, Switzerland
Dan Rubenstein, Columbia University, USA
Paolo Santi, Unversity of Pisa, Italy
Stefan Schmid, T-Labs Berlin, Germany
Aravind Srinivasan, University of Maryland, USA
Berthold Voecking, RWTH Aachen, Germany
Dorothea Wagner, KIT, Germany
Guoliang Xing, Michigan State University, USA
Haifeng Yu, University of Singapore, Singapore

** Applications and Systems Track **

Jan Beutel, ETH, Switzerland
Qing Cao, University of Tennessee, USA
Peter Corke, QUT, Australia
Kasun De Zoysa, U. of Colombo, Sri Lanka
Stefan Dulman, TU Delft, The Netherlands
Lewis Girod, MIT, USA
Omprakash Gnawali, Stanford, USA
Olaf Landsiedel, KTH, Sweden
Luca Mottola, SICS, Sweden
Lama Nachman, Intel, USA
Edith Ngai, Uppsala University, Sweden
Bodhi Priyantha, Microsoft Research, USA
Michele Rossi, UniPD, Italy
Antonio Ruzzelli, UCD, Ireland
Utz Roedig, University of Lancaster, UK
Thomas Schmid, UCLA, USA
Thanos Stathopoulus, Bell Labs, USA
Cormac Sreenan, UCC, Ireland
Nigramanth Sridhar, Cleveland State U., USA
Yanjun Su, Texas Instruments, USA
Andreas Terzis, John Hopkins University, USA
Andreas Willig, TU Berlin, Germany

** Signal Processing and Information Theory Track **

J. Francois Chamberland, Texas A&M, USA
Biao Chen, Syracuse University, USA
Mark Coates, McGill, Canada
Gianluigi Ferrari, University of Parma, Italy
Carlo Fischione, KTH, Sweden
John W. Fisher III, MIT, USA
Massimo Franceschetti, UCSD, USA
Martin Haenggi, University of Notre Dame, USA
Peter Y-W. Hong, NTHU, Taiwan
Tara Javidi, UCSD, USA
Vikram Krishnamurty, UBC, Canada
Tom Luo, UMN, USA
Urbashi Mitra, USC, USA
Yasamin Mostofi, UNM, USA
Angelia Nedic, UIUC, USA
Michael Rabbat, McGill, Canada
Bruno Sinopoli, CMU, USA
Youngschul Sung, KAIST, Republic of Korea
A. Kevin Tang, Cornell, USA
Parv Venkitasubramaniam, Lehigh Univ., USA
Venu Veravalli, UIUC, USA
Azadeh Vosoughi, University of Rochester, USA
Aaron Wagner, Cornell, USA

Workshops Chair
Sotiris Nikoletseas, Univ. of Patras and CTI, Greece

Poster Co-Chairs
Neal Patwari, Univ. of Utah, USA
Michael Rabbat, McGill University, Canada

Publicity and Web Chairs
Chen Avin, Ben Gurion University, Israel
Animesh Pathak, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt, France

Finance Chair
Germaine Gusthiot, University of Geneva, Switzerland

IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Parallel Processing (TCPP)
IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Distributed Processing (TCDP)
Held in co-operation with ACM SIGARCH, ACM SIGBED,
European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS) and IFIP WG
Tccc mailing list


[Tccc] CFP - IEEE Globecom 2010 Symposium on Communications QoS, Reliability and Modelling

(Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP)

Call for Papers

IEEE Globecom'2010 Symposium on Communications QoS, Reliability and

6-10 December, 2010, Miami, Florida, USA

Symposium Co-Chairs

Hideaki Yoshino, NTT, Japan (yoshino.hideaki@lab.ntt.co.jp)

Michael Devetsikiotis, North Carolina State University, USA

Chonggang Wang, InterDigital Communications, USA (cgwang@ieee.org)


Communication networks are designed to provide service to their users
with acceptable quality level. For that, network traffic should be
analyzed and properly controlled so that the desired Quality of Service
requirements of applications and Services are achieved. The diversity of
applications characteristics and current network technologies demand
specific modelling and design tools. Moreover, different techniques
including analytical modelling, simulation, measurement and monitoring
are required in order to support design and dimensioning of
communication networks and services.

This symposium emphasizes the design, resource allocation, traffic
control, and performance evaluation advances required in order to
deliver the expected high quality and reliability in telecommunication
networks and services. The symposium will provide an international
technical forum for experts from industry and academia to exchange ideas
and present results of ongoing research on the challenging issues
related to the requirements, metrics, measurement, management, and
dissemination, as well as performance modelling for the emerging era of
network services.

This symposium aims at papers that describe original and unpublished
contributions addressing various aspects of performance modelling, QoS
and reliability in computer and telecommunication networks. Authors are
invited to submit original technical papers covering but not limited to
the topics of interest listed below.

Topics of Interest

* Quality for Networks and Services

* Quality and Resource Allocation for Network Services, VPN, Web

* Performance Modelling of Next Generation Networks

* Scalability, Robustness and Resilience

* Standardization Aspects of QoS and Reliability

* Performance Evaluation Techniques

* Design of Networks and Network Services

* Cross-layer Design, Modeling and Optimization

* Application / Service Oriented Networking

* Network Simulation Techniques

* Network Modelling

* Network Measurement and Monitoring Techniques

* Resource Allocation for Networks and Their Services

* Traffic and Workload Modelling and Characterization

* Traffic and Workload Control

* Traffic Economics

* Traffic Engineering and Traffic Theory

* Metrics and Models for Quality of Experience (QoE)

* End-to-End QoS in Heterogeneous Networks

* Applications of Game Theory for Quality Provision

* Quality, Reliability and Performance in the Following Networks and

- Multimedia Networks including Voice over IP and IPTV

- The Internet

- Wireless and Mobile Networks

- Satellite and Deep Space Communications Systems

- Multi-Layer IP/MPLS over Optical Networks

- Autonomic Systems

- Grid and Distributed Computing

- Peer-to-Peer Networks

- Sensor and Physical Networks

- Future Virtualized Networks

- Delay-Tolerant Networks

- Cognitive Radio Networks

- Next-Generation Data Centers

- Telemedicine Networks

- Vehicular Networks

Important Dates

* Paper Submission: 15 Mar. 2010

* Acceptance Notification: 1 July 2010

* Camera-ready Paper: 14 Aug. 2010

Submission Guidelines

All papers should be submitted electronically through EDAS at
http://www.edas.info/newPaper.php?c=7407. All papers should be written
in English with a maximum length of six printed pages (10-point font).
Maximum 2 extra pages are allowed with overlength charge. IEEE
conference templates for Microsoft Word or LaTeX formats can be
downloaded from


Chonggang Wang
Senior Staff Engineer
InterDigital Communications, LLC
781 Third Ave
King of Prussia, PA 19406
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[Tccc] Post Doc for Network Sciences CTA (Penn State)

Please see the attached ad for an open Post Doc position in support of
the Network Sciences CTA program at Penn State.
Tom La Porta

[Tccc] CFP: IEEE WCNIS 2010 ( Deadline Feb. 10)

Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this
2010 IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications,
Networking and Information Security (WCNIS2010)
Submission deadline: Feb 10, 2010

2010 IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications,
Networking and Information Security (WCNIS2010) will
be held on June 2527,2010
in Beijing, China. You are invited to submit papers in all
areas of Wireless Communications, Networking and Information
Security. All papers accepted will be published in the IEEE
categorized conference proceedings. All papers accepted will
be included in IEEE Xplore and indexed by Ei Compendex and ISTP.

Authors are invited to submit papers to the following four symposia:

1.Wireless Communication Systems Symposium
2.Communications Theory and Signal Processing Symposium
3.Wireless Network Symposium
4.Communications and Information Security Symposium

Important Dates
Full paper submission: Feb. 10, 2010
Acceptance notification: March 25, 2010
Final registration: April 30, 2010
Final papers submissions: April. 30, 2010

Paper Submission
Prospective authors are encouraged to submit a full paper for
review before January 25, 2010, in PDF format, Each paper
should be written in English, Regular papers are allowed to
5 pages, Extra pages will incur additional charges. Please
submit your papers by using the online submission system:

Jizhen Liu, North China Electric Power University,
Stephen Weinstein, IEEE Communication Society, USA
Mengqi Zhou, IEEE Beijing Section, China
Wen Chen, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China

China Lang Tong, Cornell University, USA
Pingyi Fan, Tsinghua University, China
Yan Zhang, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
Shaozi Li, Xiamen University, China
Kehe Wu, North China Electric Power University, China

Min Chen, Seoul National University, Korea

Xinping Zhang, Shanghai Keyuan Conference Service

Mengqi Zhou, IEEE Beijing Section, China

Jiaru Lin, Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications

1 Wireless Communication Systems Symposium Chairs
* Xiaodai Dong, University of Victoria, Canada
* Lei Xiao, Qualcomm, USA
* Feifei Gao, Jacobs University Bremen, Germany
* Ha Nguyen, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
* Hai Lin, Osaka Prefecture University, Japan

2 Communication Theory and Signal Processing Symposum Chairs
* Biao Chen, Syracus University, USA
* Bing Zeng, Hong Kong University of Sciences and Technology, China
* Rui Zhang, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore

3 Wireless Network Symposium Chairs
* Sherali Zeadally, University of the District of Columbia, USA
* Hassnaa Moustafa, France Telecom (Orange Laboratories), France
* Mei Yu, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway/Tianjin University, China

4 Communication and Information Security Symposium Chairs
* Nicolas Sklavos, Technological Educational Institute of Patras, Greece
* Yu Chen, State University of New York Binghamton, USA
* Noureddine Boudriga, University of Carthage, Tunisia

http://www.ieeewcnis.org Email: wcnis@ieeewcnis.org

Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service.
Tccc mailing list

[Tccc] CFP IEEE RoEduNet 2010

CFP IEEE RoEduNet 2010 http://roedu2010.ulbsibiu.ro

Ninth IEEE RoEduNet International Conference, scheduled for June 24-26, 2010
at Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania

is a major annual international conference organized with the objective of
bringing together researchers, developers, and practitioners from academia
and industry working in all areas of computer networking, in its technical,
social and strategic aspects, with a special focus on directions and
applications in education and research.


The authors are requested to submit only those papers whose contents have
not been notified, published or in any other way presented at any time prior

to the Conference. The papers should contain original scientific, expert or
applied results of the authors themselves. The results included should in
no way violate the rights of other authors or organizations. Although all
will be peer reviewed, the authors themselves are responsible for the
publishing rights, originality and quality of their papers.

Papers should be written and presented in English and must be submitted
until March 24th, 2010. There is a special IEEE template for papers. The
full paper must not exceed 6 pages in length. Each participant can be
represented two times at most either as author or as co-author of an
original paper.

The papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings and CDROM and
will be indexed by IEEEXplore Digital Library and ISI Web of Science.


Contributions in networking and computer technology will be accepted without
being strictly limited by the above topics.

* Network Architecture and Protocols
* Network Security and Privacy
* Wireless, Mobile, Ad-hoc, and Sensor Networks
* Network Management
* Grid Computing and Pervasive Computing
* Distributed Applications
* Web Engineering and Web Applications
* Emerging Network Technologies and Platforms
* Operating System and Host Support for Networking
* Computer Vision and Robotics
* Data Mining and Semantic Web
* Multimedia and Applications

Tutorial and Special Session Proposals

Proposals for Special Sessions and Tutorials are also strongly encouraged.
Brief proposals should be submitted by March 15, 2010, to
remus.brad@ulbsibiu.ro, and must include title, outline, contact information
for the presenter, and a description of the tutorial and material to be
distributed to participants.


A Student Paper Contest will be organized by the Scientific Committee. To
qualify for the Contest, submitted papers must meet the following: the first
author on the papers must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate student;
the first author must have contributed at least 50% to the content of the
The Student Paper Contest will be held in parallel with the regular paper
submission process, by notifying the Organizing Committee
(roedu2010@ulbsibiu.ro, Subject: Student Paper Contest) about their
submission. Prizes will be offered by our sponsors.


Paper Submissions 24.03.2010
Notification of Acceptance 28.04.2010
Full Paper Submission 26.05.2010
Conference 24 - 26.06.2010


The ninth edition of the RoEduNet Conference will be hosted in Sibiu, about
300 km N-W from the Romanian capital Bucharest. The Citadel of Sibiu
was for centuries one of the largest and best fortified in Europe. Sibiu is
beautiful; indeed a delight for the eyes. Eerie eaves shaped like eyes peer
down from the buildings that line the narrow, medieval streets. At the
of it all stands the proud fortress-church, built by the original German
in Gothic sturdiness. History surrounds Sibiu like a defensive wall. The
of Sibiu's many churches have dominated her sky line since early times.
Sibiu is dotted with many areas of parkland, intimate gardens, attractive
tree-lined boulevards and contains the largest concentration of
tourist attractions in Romania. Sibiu was the European Capital of Culture in

2007 (http://www.sibiu.ro).


General Information, Applications, Sponsorship

Departamentul de Comunicatii si Marketing
Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu
B-dul Victoriei, 10, Sibiu 550024, Romania
Tel: +40 (269) 216062 ext.207
Fax: +40 (269) 210492
e-mail: roedu2010@ulbsibiu.ro
Web: http://roedu2010.ulbsibiu.ro/

[PDF available at
Tccc mailing list

[Tccc] special issue P2P - Academy publishers

CALL FOR PAPERSJournal of Advances in Information Technology (JAIT, ISSN 17982340)Special Issue on Advances in P2P Technology Peertopeer (P2P) networks have recently received tremendous attention due to their inherent scalability and flexibility. P2P systems are decentralized, selforganizing distributed systems that cooperate to exchange data. These systems have emerged as the dominant consumer of residential Internet subscribers' bandwidth, and are being increasingly used in many different application domains. In the last few years, research on P2Psystems has been quite intensive, and has produced remarkable results in scalability, robustness, location, distributed storage, and system measurements. Recently, interesting applications of P2P technology have begun to emerge, together with new platforms for application development..Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: * Availability Management* Digital rights management* Fault Tolerance in P2P Systems* Freeriding
prevention models* Largescale heterogeneous P2P systems* Load Balancing Techniques* Mobile P2P applications and services* Natureinspired algorithms for P2P* Network and infrastructure support for overlays* Networking protocols for grid and P2P systems* Novel Architecture of P2P Systems* P2P and Autonomic Computing* P2P and Collaborative Learning* P2P applications and services* P2P combined with serverbased content distribution* P2P measurements and control* P2P models of deployment and management of Web Services* P2P Resource Management* P2P services and Cloud computing* P2P storage systems* P2Pbased information sensing and fusion* P2P Economics* P2P Live Streaming* P2P overlays for MANETs and sensor networks* P2P workflow management systems* Performance of P2P systems* Privacy in P2P Systems* Quality of Service and Quality of Experience* Resource Discovery in P2P Systems* Social Networks* Trust and Reputation Management in P2P Systems* Video on Demand PeerToPeer File Shari
ng We particularly welcome contributions that demonstrate 'useful' research as specified in the journal aim and scope http://www.academypublisher.com/jait/index.html. Important Dates Submission Deadline: April 15, 2010Acceptance Notification: June 10, 2010Final Manuscript DueJuly 20, 2010Tentative Publication Date:1st Issue, 2011 Submission Papers will be selected based on scientific rigor, originality, novelty, and presentation quality. By submitting a paper to this special issue, the authors guarantee that their papers are not currently submitted or accepted for publication elsewhere. At least three anonymous referees will review each paper. Submissions should follow the guidelines of JAIT, which can be found at: http://www.academypublisher.com/jait/forauthors.html. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically to the corresponding Guest Editor, Dr. Sabu M. Thampi, by Email at: smtlbs@gmail.com with subject line "JAIT 2010 Special Issue". Guest EditorsProf. Dr. Sa
bu M. ThampiDepartment of Computer Science & Engineering, L.B.S Institute of Technology for Women, Kerala University, Poojappura, Trivandrum, Kerala 695012, IndiaEmail: smtlbs@gmail.com Dear tccc ! Get Yourself a cool, short @in.com Email ID now!
Tccc mailing list

[Tccc] Special issue - p2p - academy publishers

CALL FOR PAPERS Journal of Advances in Information Technology (JAIT, ISSN 17982340)Special Issue on Advances in P2P TechnologyPeertopeer (P2P) networks have recently received tremendous attention due to their inherent scalability and flexibility. P2P systems are decentralized, selforganizing distributed systems that cooperate to exchange data. These systems have emerged as the dominant consumer of residential Internet subscribers' bandwidth, and are being increasingly used in many different application domains. In the last few years, research on P2P systems has been quite intensive, and has produced remarkable results in scalability, robustness, location, distributed storage, and system measurements. Recently, interesting applications of P2P technology have begun to emerge, together with new platforms for application development.Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:Availability ManagementDigital rights managementFault Tolerance in P2P SystemsFreeriding preventi
on modelsLargescale heterogeneous P2P systemsLoad Balancing TechniquesMobile P2P applications and servicesNatureinspired algorithms for P2PNetwork and infrastructure support for overlaysNetworking protocols for grid and P2P systemsNovel Architecture of P2P SystemsP2P and Autonomic ComputingP2P and Collaborative LearningP2P applications and servicesP2P combined with serverbased content distributionP2P measurements and controlP2P models of deployment and management of Web ServicesP2P Resource ManagementP2P services and Cloud computingP2P storage systemsP2Pbased information sensing and fusionP2P EconomicsP2P Live StreamingP2P overlays for MANETs and sensor networksP2P workflow management systemsPerformance of P2P systemsPrivacy in P2P SystemsQuality of Service and Quality of ExperienceResource Discovery in P2P SystemsSocial NetworksTrust and Reputation Management in P2P SystemsVideo on Demand PeerToPeer File SharingWe particularly welcome contributions that demonstrate 'usefu
l' research as specified in the journal aim and scope http://www.academypublisher.com/jait/index.html.Important DatesSubmission Deadline: April 15, 2010Acceptance Notification: June 10, 2010Final Manuscript DueJuly 20, 2010Tentative Publication Date:1st Issue, 2011SubmissionPapers will be selected based on scientific rigor, originality, novelty, and presentation quality. By submitting a paper to this special issue, the authors guarantee that their papers are not currently submitted or accepted for publication elsewhere. At least three anonymous referees will review each paper. Submissions should follow the guidelines of JAIT, which can be found at: http://www.academypublisher.com/jait/forauthors.html.Manuscripts should be submitted electronically to the corresponding Guest Editor, Dr. Sabu M. Thampi, by Email at: smtlbs@gmail.com with subject line "JAIT 2010 Special Issue".Guest EditorsProf. Dr. Sabu M. ThampiDepartment of Computer Science & Engineering, L.B.S Institut
e of Technology for Women, Kerala University, Poojappura, Trivandrum, Kerala 695012, IndiaEmail: smtlbs@gmail.comDear tccc! Get Yourself a cool, short @in.com Email ID now!
Tccc mailing list

[Tccc] Special issue - P2P Networking

Journal of Advances in Information Technology (JAIT, ISSN 1798-2340)
**Special Issue on Advances in P2P Technology

*Peer-to-peer (P2P) networks have recently received tremendous attention due
to their inherent scalability and
flexibility. P2P systems are decentralized, self-organizing distributed
systems that cooperate to exchange data.
These systems have emerged as the dominant consumer of residential Internet
subscribers' bandwidth, and
are being increasingly used in many different application domains. In the
last few years, research on P2P
systems has been quite intensive, and has produced remarkable results in
scalability, robustness, location,
distributed storage, and system measurements. Recently, interesting
applications of P2P technology have
begun to emerge, together with new platforms for application development.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Availability Management
- Digital rights management
- Fault Tolerance in P2P Systems
- Free-riding prevention models
- Large-scale heterogeneous P2P systems
- Load Balancing Techniques
- Mobile P2P applications and services
- Nature-inspired algorithms for P2P
- Network and infrastructure support for overlays
- Networking protocols for grid and P2P systems
- Novel Architecture of P2P Systems
- P2P and Autonomic Computing
- P2P and Collaborative Learning
- P2P applications and services
- P2P combined with server-based content distribution
- P2P measurements and control
- P2P models of deployment and management of Web Services
- P2P Resource Management
- P2P services and Cloud computing
- P2P storage systems
- P2P-based information sensing and fusion
- P2P Economics
- P2P Live Streaming
- P2P overlays for MANETs and sensor networks
- P2P workflow management systems
- Performance of P2P systems
- Privacy in P2P Systems
- Quality of Service and Quality of Experience
- Resource Discovery in P2P Systems
- Social Networks
- Trust and Reputation Management in P2P Systems
- Video on Demand Peer-To-Peer File Sharing

We particularly welcome contributions that demonstrate 'useful' research as
specified in the journal aim and
scope http://www.academypublisher.com/jait/index.html<http://academypublisher.com/jait/index.html>

*Important Dates


Submission Deadline: April 15, 2010
Acceptance Notification: June 10, 2010
Final Manuscript Due July 20, 2010
Tentative Publication Date: 1st Issue, 2011


*Papers will be selected based on scientific rigor, originality, novelty,
and presentation quality. By submitting a
paper to this special issue, the authors guarantee that their papers are not
currently submitted or accepted for
publication elsewhere. At least three anonymous referees will review each
paper. Submissions should follow
the guidelines of JAIT, which can be found at:

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically to the corresponding Guest
Editor, Dr. Sabu M. Thampi, by E-
mail at: smtlbs@gmail.com with subject line "JAIT 2010- Special Issue".

*Guest Editors


*Prof. Dr. Sabu M. Thampi**
*Department of Computer Science & Engineering, L.B.S Institute of
Technology for Women, Kerala
University, Poojappura, Trivandrum, Kerala -695012, India
Email: smtlbs@gmail.com
Tccc mailing list