
[ICCCN 2008 Optical Networking Track] FREE Tutorial Program of IEEE ICCCN 2008

Dear friends,

I am pleased to announce that the IEEE ICCCN 2008 features Advanced Tutorial Program on August 3 (Sunday), and the program is FREE and open to ALL ICCCN 2008 attendees. This program is supported by a world-famous wireless giant industry (the name of the company will be announced shortly after the agreement is finalized), and the tutorial sessions in the program are either selected from open-call proposals or by invitation to guarantee the superior quality.

The Advanced Tutorial Program plans to feature a few high quality half-day tutorial sessions on various topics in communications and networking. I encourage you to submit a proposal to our Tutorial Chairs, Dr. Khaled El-Maleh (kelmaleh@qualcomm.com) and Prof. Qusay H. Mahmoud (qmahmoud@uoguelph.ca) by April 1, based on the Call for Tutorial Guidelines available at http://icccn.org/icccn08/tutorial.aspx. The speakers of the selected tutorials would be awarded significant honorarium to appreciate their supports to ICCCN 2008.

It is 9 days before the paper submission deadline of March 9 (Sunday). I sincerely invite all of you to submit your high-quality papers to the conference. Considering the low acceptance rate of ICCCN and each ICCCN 2008 registration covers up to 3 accepted papers (to encourage more high-quality submissions), I suggest you to submit more than one paper to increase the chance that your work is presented at this event.

We believe the newly featured Advance tutorials, along with other features, such as Keynote Talk, Distinguished Position Talk, Advanced Panels, Workshops, and Best Paper Competitions, would provide our attendees plenty of opportunities to learn, meet, and communicate with peers working in various areas. More information about ICCCN 2008 can be found at http://icccn.org/icccn08/.

Thanks. Please let me know if you have any concerns or questions.

Dr. Haohong Wang
General Chair, ICCCN 2008

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