
[Mycolleagues] CFP : 14th Eunice Open European Summer School 2008]

[Apologies for possible multiple copies]

          |                                                         |
          |      14th Eunice Open European Summer School 2008       |
          |            Telecom Bretagne, Brest, France              |
          |                                                         |
          |                   September 8-10, 2008                  |
http://conferences.telecom-bretagne.eu/eunice2008/    |

CALL FOR PAPERS (Submission deadline : May 1, 2008)

Which networks for which services

The number of network technologies has dramatically increased over the 10 past years. This growth concerns network architecture issues (operator-centric versus autonomous networks), access technologies (UMTS, WiFi, WiMax, ADSL, FTTH, etc.), and core network operation (IPv6, IMS, etc.).

When a new technology appears, one question often remains unsolved:

which services may be developed with this technology? This question raises several other issues: how are existing services impacted by this technology? Which new features are enabled by this technology? Is the technology appropriate to guarantee end-to-end quality of service? What is the evolution path between current network implementations and an implementation using this new technology? Is it possible to interconnect different technologies? How is security ensured if this new technology is implemented?

The theme for the EUNICE 2008 summer school "Which networks for which services?" has been proposed to promote fruitful exchanges between academic institutions and Industry, who are equally concerned with the above issues.

The Eunice Summer School is open to researchers from any institution, and we cordially invite all researchers to contribute with original submissions.

Users and usage

      * User characterization and profiling
      * User-centric services
      * Quality of Experience
      * Social impact of services

Services and Applications

      * Anonymity and privacy
      * Mobile services
      * Location and context-based services
      * Nomadic communications
      * Ubiquitous computing
      * Service architectures in future networks
      * End-to-End Quality of Service

Networks and Infrastructures

      * Core networks
      * Radio access networks
      * Heterogeneous access networks
      * Ad-hoc and sensor networks

Architectures and Protocols

      * Core and edge node architectures
      * Security protocols
      * Access control and Intrusion Detection
      * 3G and beyond 3G architectures
      * Cross-layer optimisation

Theoretical and Formal Methods

      * Data fusion and Data mining
      * Formal methods for security
      * Protocol engineering
      * Network simulation
      * Performance


See instructions


Submission Deadline               May 1, 2008
Notification of Acceptance        June 15, 2008
Camera-Ready Paper due            June 30, 2008
Early Registration Deadline       June 30, 2008
Conference                        Sept 8-10, 2008


The EUNICE network (
http://www.eunice-forum.org) has been created to foster the mobility of students, faculty members and research scientists working in the field of information and communication technologies and to promote educational and research cooperation between its member institutions.

The main goal of the EUNICE Summer School is to give researchers and particularly Ph.D. students the opportunity to present their work at an international level. In addition to the research paper presentations, a number of tutorials or invited talks, presented by experts in the field, will be given.


      * Annie Gravey, TELECOM Bretagne, France
      * Yvon Kermarrec, TELECOM Bretagne, France
      * Xavier Lagrange, TELECOM Bretagne, France


      * Finn Arve Aagesen, U. of Trondheim, Norway
      * Sebastian Abeck, U. Karlsruhe, Germany
      * Arturo Azcorra, U. Carlos III of Madrid, Spain
      * Rolv Braek, U. of Trondheim, Norway
      * Carlos Delgado Kloos, U. Carlos III of Madrid, Spain
      * Jörg Eberspächer, Technical U. of Munich, Germany
      * Olivier Festor, INRIA Nancy, France
      * Maurice Gagnaire, TELECOM ParisTech, France
      * Edit Halász, Budapest U. of Technology and Economics, Hungary
      * Jarmo Harju, Tampere U. of Technology, Finland
      * Tamas Henk, Budapest U. of Technology and Economics, Hungary
      * Martin Köhn, U. of Stuttgart, Germany
      * Paul Kühn, U. of Stuttgart, Germany
      * David Larrabeiti-López, U. Carlos III of Madrid, Spain
      * Ralf Lehnert, TU Dresden, Germany
      * Maryline Maknavicius-Laurent, TELECOM SudParis, France
      * Maurizio Munafo`, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
      * Miquel Oliver, U. Pompeu Fabra, Spain
      * Aiko Pras, U. Twente, NL
      * David Ros, TELECOM Bretagne, France
      * Sebastia` Sallent, Polytechnic U. of Catalonia, Spain
      * Gwendal Simon, TELECOM Bretagne, France
      * Burkhard Stiller, U. and ETH Zurich, Switzerland
      * Robert Szabo, Budapest U. of Technology and Economics, Hungary
      * Samir Tohmé, U. de Versailles St Quentin, France



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