
[Mycolleagues] CFP 3rd International Conference on Malicious and Unwanted Software (MALWARE 2008)

(Apologies for multiple copies)


The 3rd International Conference on Malicious and Unwanted Software
(MALWARE '08), formerly the International Swarm Intelligence and Other
Forms of Malware Workshop, will be held this year October 7-8, 2008 at
the Hilton Alexandria Mark Center, Fairfax, Virginia. The conference
has technical sponsorship from the IEEE Computer Society. The
conference is designed to bring together experts from industry,
academia, and government to present and discuss, in an open environment,
the latest advances and discoveries in the field malicious and unwanted
software, the techniques, economics and legal issues behind their use,
and the methods to detect and control them.

The organizers thus solicit original written contributions addressing
this issue. We welcome case studies based on recent Malware events,
describing large-scale responses strategies employed, tools and
techniques that were used, and quantitative measurements and
interpretation on these events providing insight on the gravity of the
scalability problem. In addition, the organizing committee equally
welcomes more traditional research contributions of a theoretical
nature, including modeling and simulations, or of a more practical
nature, such as in-vitro laboratory experiments and tool and technique
development and testing. Contributions of both types, case studies and
research, addressing the main focus or one of following non-exclusive
list of topics are equally welcome:

- Worms, viruses and other propagating Malware
- Spyware, rootkits, keystroke loggers, information theft Malware
- Swarm-Intelligence, Swarm Worms, Zombies, distributed Intelligence Malware
- Honeypots, Honeyclients, and other examples of Malware data collection
- Email based Malware, Trojan Horses, and other forms of Malware
requiring human interaction and/or control.
- Case studies, experimental designs, and measurement methodologies use
to track and characterize Malware.
- Botnet command and control structures
- The economics behind Malware, Botnets, and other malicious code.
- Tools and methodologies used to detect and track Botnets.
- Code reverse engineering tools and practices
- Malware performance
- Malware capture and analysis tools
- Spam, Phishing - detection and analysis
- Significant operational experiences
- Survey studies
- The legal implications of unwanted software use
- Malware, the legal system, and law enforcement

More detailed information can be found on the conference Website:

Submitted manuscripts must have at least 11-point font size, and should
not exceed 8 single-spaced pages in length, including the abstract,
figures, and references. All manuscripts will be reviewed by the
program committee. The manuscripts will be judged with respect to their
quality, originality, and relevance will review all papers. While all
papers will be considered for full papers, a small number of papers may
be accepted as short papers. Submissions will be made through the EDAS
Conference management system through this URL:

The submission deadline is *June 20, 2008 23:59:59 EST*

All accepted contributions must be presented at the conference. The
proceedings of the conference, including accepted papers, will be
published as a paper and CD proceedings and will be included in the IEEE
Xplore digital library. In addition, authors from the best and selected
papers will be invited to submit an extended version to a special issue
of the Journal of Computer Virology, published by Springer. These
extended papers will undergo a separate review process.

Submission of papers June 20, 2008 23:59:59 EST
Notification of Acceptance August 15, 2008, 23:59:59 EST
Camera ready papers August 29th, 2008: 23:59:59 EST
Workshop dates October 7-8, 2008

- Fernando C. Colon Osorio, Director, Wireless Systems Security Research
Laboratory (WSSRL), USA

- José M. Fernandez, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
- José Nazario, Arbor Networks, USA

- Kostas Anagnostakis, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore
- John Aycock, University of Calgary, Canada
- Mihai Christodorescu, IBM TJ Watson Research, USA (UNCONFIRMED)
- Eric Filiol, École supérieure et d'application des transmissions, France
- Jason Geffner, Next Generation Security Software, UK
- Paul Karger, IBM TJ Watson Research, USA (UNCONFIRMED)
- Arun Lakhotia, University of Lousiana-Lafayette, USA
- Andrew Lee, ESET, UK
- Tony Lee, Microsoft, USA
- Charles Miller, Security Evaluators, USA
- Ed Skoudis, Intelguardians Network Intelligence, USA
- Anil Somayaji, Carleton University, Canada
- Shambhu Upadhyaya, SUNY Buffalo, USA
- Haining Wang, The College of William & Mary, USA (UNCONFIRMED)
- Matt Williamson, Sana Security, USA
- Vinod Yagneswaran, SRI International, USA
- Bojan Zdrnja, SANS Internet Storm Center, USA
- Cliff Zou, University of Central Florida, USA

José M. Fernandez, ing., Ph.D.
Professeur adjoint/Assistant Professor
Dép. de génie informatique et génie logiciel/
Dept. of Computer & Software Eng.
École Polytechnique de Montréal
514-340-4711 x5433

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