
[Mycolleagues] UIC 2009: Call for Workshop Proposals

Call for Workshop Proposals
Ubiquitous sensors, devices, networks and information are paving the way
towards a smart world (SW) in which computational intelligence is
distributed throughout the physical environment to provide trustworthy and
relevant services to people. This ubiquitous intelligence (UI) will change
the computing landscape because it will enable new breeds of applications
and systems to be developed; the realm of computing possibilities will be
significantly extended. By enhancing everyday objects with intelligence,
many tasks and processes could be simplified, the physical spaces where
people are associated like the workplaces and homes, could become more
efficient, safer and more enjoyable. Ubiquitous computing, or pervasive
computing, composes these many smart things/u-things to create the
environments that underpin the smart world.

The UIC 2009 workshops provide vibrant opportunities for researchers and
industry practitioners to share their research experience, original
research results and practical development experiences on specific new
challenges and emerging issues.

The organizers and chairs of the workshop shall have responsibility of the
call for papers, forming program committee, review and selection of papers
as well as planning the workshop program. The registration fee for
workshops will be determined by the conference (not the workshop itself).
The fees will be paid to the conference, and the conference will provide
workshop facilities including the working notes printing, the meeting
room, coffee break, lunch, proceedings and etc.

The proceedings of the UIC-09 workshops will be published by IEEE Computer
Society Press (Indexed by EI).

Prospective workshop organizers should send a proposal containing the
following information to UIC-09 Workshop Chair.

- Title of the workshop (Full name and Abbreviation)

- Objectives, scope, and contribution to the main conference (up to 1 page)
- Short bio of the key organizers and their experience on conference/workshop organization
- Procedure for selecting papers, plans for dissemination (for example, how to advertise and
special issues of journals), and the expected number of participants
- A tentative list of program committee members
- A tentative website address

Approved workshops should strictly follow the important dates,
particularly the paper status notification and camera-ready dates. The
submission deadline could be later than that of the main conference. But
a workshop should have sufficient time, say 5-7 weeks, for generating peer
reviews. Generally, each paper should receive 3 peer reviews.

Important Dates

Workshop Proposal Due 15 September 2008
Workshop Notification 30 September 2008 (ongoing as received)
Paper Submission Deadline 1 February 2009
Paper Status Notification 15 March 2009
Camera-ready Due: 1 April 2009

We look forward to your stimulating proposals and contributions to UIC-09
workshops. A workshop proposal should be submitted before September 15,
2008. A workshop proposal will be reviewed and the result will be notified
case by case. Thus, interested organizers are encouraged to submit their
ready proposals EARLY to avoid potential topic/theme conflict with
approved workshops. Submit workshop proposals to workshops co-chairs via
email. (denko@cis.uoguelph.ca and chh@chu.edu.tw)

Mieso Denko and Robert C. Hsu
UIC-09 Workshop Co-Chairs

Mycolleagues mailing list

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