
[Mycolleagues] Final CfP: JAISE - Thematic Issue on Contribution of Artificial Intelligence to Ambient Intelligence

Final Call for Papers


Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments

IOS Press


Thematic Issue on

Contribution of Artificial Intelligence to Ambient Intelligence


Ambient Intelligence (AmI) technology holds great promise in permeating everyday life by changing the nature of almost every human activity. Research in the past few years has indicated that the realization of AmI vision requires the development of systems that integrate sensing, computing and networking with advanced techniques for data and knowledge representation and management. AmI systems derive their power from the vast number of interactions among a large number of heterogeneous components with versatile properties and capabilities. Nevertheless, if this technology is to be accepted, intuitive and efficient human-system interaction must be provided.

The complexity of AmI applications that results from their dynamic and distributed nature and the need to provide a safe and controllable environment for people constitutes an opportunity for the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) research. In order to achieve the AmI concept, researchers and developers must employ modern, highly effective AI techniques. In the aims of AI, research envisages to include more intelligence in AmI environments, allowing for better support to human occupants and access to the essential knowledge to make better decisions when interacting with these environments.


In this special issue, we shall consider high quality papers reporting original research results on topics that include, but are not limited to:

* Context awareness, representation and management techniques

* AI based data/information processing and decision making techniques for AmI applications

* Knowledge representation and management in AmI environments

* Design of semantically rich AmI environments

* Agent based architectures for AmI applications

* Design of smart components and autonomous systems

* Intuitively interactive AmI applications, including speech recognition and natural language processing, computer vision, gesture recognition, activity recognition, emotion and mood recognition etc

* Machine learning techniques in AmI environments

* Planning decisions and actions in AmI environments

* AI tools applied to the design of AmI systems


Submission Procedure:

Paper submissions must follow the format available at http://www.iospress.nl/html/18761364_ita.html where files with the formatting styles can be downloaded. To submit a paper to this special issue, authors can email a PDF version of the paper directly to the special issue guest editors. Prospective authors are also encouraged to contact the special issue editors in advance, indicating their interest and a tentative title of the paper.


Important Dates:

Deadline for Manuscript Submission: October 20, 2008

First reviews and decision: December 15, 2008

Final Accepted Manuscript: January 19, 2009

Targeted Publication Date: April, 2009


Guest Editors of Special Issue

Anind K. Dey, Carnegie-Mellon University, USA, anind@cs.cmu.edu

Achilles Kameas, Hellenic Open University & Computer Technology Institute, Patras, Greece, kameas@cti.gr

Carlos Ramos, Institute of Engineering – Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal, csr@dei.isep.ipp.pt



Dr. Eng. Achilles D. Kameas

Assistant Professor, Hellenic Open University (www.eap.gr)

Deputy Dean, School of Sciences and Technology

Director of Educational Content, Technology & Methodology (e-CoMeT) Lab (http://eeyem.eap.gr)

Head of R&D Unit3 & DAISy group, CTI (http://daisy.cti.gr)


23 Sahtouri str, 26222 Patras, Hellas

N. Kazantzaki str, University Campus, 26500 Patras, Hellas


T: +30.2610.367402, +30.2610.960491

F: +30.2610.960490

@: kameas@eap.gr, kameas@cti.gr

W: http://daisy.cti.gr/kameas


Keep an eye on:

 Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, Thematic Issue on Contribution of Artificial Intelligence to Ambient Intelligence (IOS Press)



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