
[Mycolleagues] [CFP] Book Chapter on 'Game Theory for Wireless Communications and Networking'

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Title: Game Theory for Wireless Communications and Networking

(to be published by Auerbach Publications, CRC Press, Taylor&Francis Group

It is envisioned that game theory will be a fundamental technique in the
field of wireless communications and networks. Its application also prompts
the inter-disciplinary between economics and wireless engineering. Game
theory was originally invented to explain complicated economic behaviors.
With the effectiveness in studying complex dynamics among players, game
theory has been widely applied in politics, philosophy, military, sociology,
telecommunications, and logistics. In these fields, game theory has been
employed to achieve the socially optimal equilibrium. The primary focus of
this book is to comprehensively explain game theory in addressing a wide
range of issues in wireless communications and networking.

Recommended Topics
The recommended topics include the game theory basics and their applications
in wireless communications and networking. The game theory basics can be
Cooperative and non-cooperative game, Potential games, Nash equilibrium and
Nash bargaining, Evolutionary game theory, Games with imperfect information,
Games with learning, Stackelberg game, Algorithmic game, Coalition games,
Multi-stage game, Repeated games, Pricing and Incentives, Multi-objectives
optimization etc. The applications in wireless communications and networking
can be (not limited to):
Resource management
Network pricing and economics
Medium access control
Routing, broadcasting, multimcasting
Topology control
Scheduling and congestion control
Information theoretical analysis
Cognitive radio networks; Dynamic spectrum access
Spectrum sharing
Cooperation, competition
Peer-to-peer, group communications
Lifetime and energy management
Security, reputation, and privacy

Important Dates
You are invited to submit a 1-2 pages proposal discribing the topic of your
chapter. The proposal should include the chapter summary, table of content,
and contact authors.

Proposal Deadline: 30 December 2008
Notification of proposal acceptance: 28 Feb 2009
Full chapter submission: 30 May 2009

Note: each lead chapter author will get a free copy of the book.

Please make correspondence and chapter submissions to:

Dr. Yan Zhang
Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
Email: yanzhang[AT]ieee.org

Dr. Mohsen Guizani
Western Michigan University, USA
Email: mguizani[AT]ieee.org

Mycolleagues mailing list

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