
[Mycolleagues] CFP: Middleware Track at ITNG2009 - Deadline Extended to Nov. 25, 2008

                        CALL FOR PAPERS


You are invited to submit papers for the track on Middleware




The 6th International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations

April 27-29, 2009, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

www.itng.info (Mirror site in China: http://centrino.hit.edu.cn:8081/itng/)



Track on Middleware:



Proceedings to be published by the IEEE Computer Society



Middleware technologies had evolved tremendously over the past decade from simple support techniques for applications integration to a field of its own. The latest advances and innovations in middleware research, design and utilization highlighted great expansion of the middleware field.

This track is designed to discuss and highlight the latest advancements in middleware technologies and utilization. Original work and contributions in middleware concepts, design, implementation, deployment, and evaluation are sought.



Topics of interest included, but are not limited to, the following:

- Middleware for Web services and applications

- RFID Middleware

- Middleware for cluster and grid computing

- Event-based, publish/subscribe, and message-oriented middleware

- Middleware for ubiquitous and mobile computing

- Middleware for embedded systems and sensor networks

- Middleware for Ad hoc networks

- Reconfigurable, adaptable, and reflective middleware approaches

- Middleware solutions for reliability, fault tolerance, and quality-of-service

- Scalability of middleware

- Autonomic and self- managing middleware

- Evaluation techniques for middleware solutions

- Middleware solutions for (large scale) distributed databases

- Formal methods and tools for designing, verifying, and evaluating middleware

- Software engineering techniques for middleware

- Middleware for robotics

- Middleware for WiMax and Mesh Networks Support

- Middleware for collaborative applications

- Middleware for agent based systems

- Middleware for service oriented systems

- Middleware solutions for Security, Privacy and Trust



Paper Submission:

Papers must represent high quality and previously unpublished work, not currently under review by another conference, workshop, or journal. Your submission should include the author names, complete mailing addresses, telephone and fax numbers, and the email addresses of the authors.

Interested authors should submit a 6-page summary of their original and unpublished work including 5 keywords in the IEEE format through https://www.softconf.com/s08/itng2009/submit.html



Evaluation Process:

Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, and soundness. Per ITNG policy, all papers will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers. Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings published by the IEEE Computer Society and available on the IEEE digital library. The conference proceedings are indexed and retrievable by EI and ISTP.


Best Student Paper:

The Best Student Paper will be awarded at the conference. To be eligible, the student must be the sole author of the paper, or the first author and primary contributor. (The winner of the award will present the paper in a plenary session at the conference). A cover letter to the General Chair/Track Chairs must identify the paper as a candidate for this competition at the time of submission




Submission:             November 7, 2008  Extended to Nov. 25, 2008

Author Notification:    December 19, 2008

Advance Registration:   January 30, 2009

Camera Ready:           February 20, 2009


Track Co-Chairs:

Nader Mohamed, UAE University, UAE, nader.m@uaeu.ac.ae

Jameela Al-Jaroodi, UAE University, UAE, j.aljaroodi@uaeu.ac.ae

Hong Jiang, University of Nebraska Lincoln, USA, jiang@cse.unl.edu


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