
[Mycolleagues] EuroITV2009 news and 2nd call for papers


> EuroITV2009 - "Networked Television"
> 7th European Interactive TV Conference
> June 3rd to 5th 2009
> Leuven, Belgium
> http://www.euroitv2009.org/ <http://www.euroitv2009.org/>
> Upcoming deadlines:
> November 7th 2008: Tutorials and Workshop Proposals
> December 19th: Full Papers
> 2nd Call for Papers
> The EuroITV conference brings together researchers and practitioners
> from diverse disciplines that include human-computer interaction, media
> studies, computer science, telecommunications, audiovisual design and
> management. The organizing committee invites you to submit original,
> high quality papers addressing the special theme and topics, for
> presentation at the conference and inclusion in the proceedings. The
> main conference proceedings will be published by ACM.
> The special theme is "Networked Television", which will be addressed
> from a technological as well as a user point of view, including
> economical and business aspects.
> Important Dates:
> Tutorials and Workshop Proposals
> November 7th, 2008
> Full Paper Submissions
> December 19th, 2008
> Short Papers, Posters, Doctoral Consortium, Demos
> January 30th, 2009
> "ITV in Industry" submissions
> March 1st, 2009
> 1st Call for submissions to the "ITV in Industry" Track
> The EuroITV2009 organizing committee invites practitioners to submit
> original contributions from various industry domains (e.g. consumer
> electronics, broadcasters, producers, broadband companies, software and
> hardware developers, telecom operators). These contributions, in the
> form of a one-pager, should address issues regarding interactive
> television that are specific to your business and that illustrate
> interactive television practices at your company.
> The "iTV in Industry" track is targeted towards practitioners and
> professionals working in the field of interactive television. The track
> focuses on industrial and business topics rather than on research-
> specific topics. We are welcoming industry cases in (amongst others)
> the following areas:
> * Research and Development
> * Bringing interactive TV to market
> * Business cases
> * Market insights
> * iTV strategy
> * Innovation in iTV
> * Showcases and case studies
> * Best practices and lessons learned
> Proposed submissions are encouraged (but not limited to) to address one
> or more of the topics as outlined below.
> Paper submissions will be reviewed by the iTV in Industry Track review
> committee. Confidentiality of submissions is maintained during the
> review process. All rejected submissions will be kept confidential in
> perpetuity. All submitted materials for accepted submissions will be
> kept confidential until the start of the conference.
> More details can be found on:
> http://www.euroitv2009.org/submissions.html
> <http://www.euroitv2009.org/submissions.html>
> Papers are solicited from, but not limited to the following topics:
> * Beyond the home context, extended home, Mobile TV
> * Ambient intelligence, ambient media environments
> * Social TV, sociability, usability and user experience
> * Digital content production, HDTV and digital cinema
> * Asset management, metadata and content enrichment
> * Entertainment computing, games, betting, game shows
> * Broadband, IPTV, 3DTV and VR systems
> * Audience research, television studies, ethnography, user studies
> * New advertising and revenue models for television
> * Accessibility, universal access, multimodal interaction
> * Business models, media management, media economics, t-commerce,
> t-learning
> * Web2.0, social media, community television, user-generated
> content
> * Communication services, video conferencing, messaging
> * Content management, digital rights management
> * Interactive storytelling, interactive advertising
> * Electronic program guide, video search, video navigation
> * Enhanced TV (news, weather, sports)
> * Changes in technical requirements and infrastructures (ubiquitous
> and mobile)
> * Standards (TV-Anytime, MPEG-4, MPEG-7, SMIL)
> * Multimedia, graphics, broadcast and video technology
> * Personalization, user modeling, intelligent user interfaces
> * Ethical, regulatory and policy issues
> * Everyday life practices by family, elderly, youngsters and
> children
> * Digital divide and e-inclusion issues
> * Methods for digital television research and design
> Paper submissions will be peer-reviewed. The main proceedings will be
> published by ACM, and be made available in the ACM Digital Library
> (http://portal.acm.org/ <http://portal.acm.org/> ). Extended versions
> of selected papers will be considered for a special issue in a journal.
> This year's conference consists of three academic tracks, each with
> their own program committee and a separate track chair, coordinated by
> an overall Program Chair. Full papers, short papers and posters have to
> be submitted in one of these academic tracks, to optimize the review
> process. If not sure, choose the track which is closest to the main
> topic of your submission, and of which you feel that community is most
> appropriate to review your work.
> Track 1: Human-Computer Interaction (Chair: Lyn Pemberton)
> Track 2: Media, Social and Economic Studies (Chair: Jo Pierson)
> Track 3: Systems and Enabling Technologies (Chair: Cristian Hesselman)
> Conference Organizing Committee:
> General Chair: Prof. Dr. Dirk De Grooff (K.U.Leuven, Belgium)
> Program Chairs: David Geerts (K.U.Leuven, Belgium) and Pablo Cesar
> (CWI, The Netherlands)
> Tutorials Chair: Regina Bernhaupt (University of Salzburg, Austria)
> Doctoral Consortium Chair: George Lekakos (Athens University of
> Economics and Business, Greece)
> Demonstration Chairs: Erika Reponen (Nokia, Finland) and Hendrik Knoche
> (University College London, UK)
> Short Papers & Posters Chairs: Christof van Nimwegen (K.U.Leuven,
> Belgium) and Judith Masthoff (University of Aberdeen, UK)
> Workshop Chairs: Gunnar Harboe (Motorola Labs, USA) and Marianna Obrist
> (University of Salzburg, Austria)
> iTV in Industry Chairs: Karin Slegers (K.U.Leuven, Belgium) and Artur
> Lugmayr (Tampere University of Technology, Finland)
> Arts Chair: Konstantinos Chorianopoulos (Ionian University, Greece)
> Track Chairs: Lyn Pemberton (University of Brighton, UK), Jo Pierson
> (Free University of Brussels, Belgium) and Cristian Hesselman
> (Telematica Institute, The Netherlands)
> Program Committee:
> To be announced
> Contact:
> For up to date information and further details please visit:
> http://www.euroitv2009.org/ <http://www.euroitv2009.org/>
> Send any inquiry about the conference to:
> info@euroitv2009.org <mailto:info@euroitv2009.org>
> To receive updates about the EuroITV2009 Conference, subscribe to the
> Conference mailing list on this page:
> http://www.euroitv2009.org/mailinglist.php
> <http://www.euroitv2009.org/mailinglist.php>
> Host:
> Centre for User Experience Research (CUO), IBBT / K.U.Leuven
> (http://soc.kuleuven.be/com/mediac/cuo/
> <http://soc.kuleuven.be/com/mediac/cuo/> )

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