
[ICUFN 2009] CFP with Extended Deadlines

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Due to many requests, we extended the deadline.
Please see the updated CFP below.


This is the Call For Papers for the ICUFN 2009.

Extended paper registration due: February 15, 2009
Extended paper submissions due: February 22, 2009

ICUFN 2009
The First International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks June 7-9, 2009, Hong Kong, China http://www.icufn.org

During the last decade, we have witnessed fast developments of various networking technologies, and many forms of networking are core parts of our daily lives now. With the proliferation of future wireless technologies and electronic devices, there is a fast growing interest in ubiquitous and future networks. In the days to come, we expect that the ubiquitous communication and networking technologies will become ubiquitous along with the emergence of many future networking technologies. The ubiquitous and future network will offer multiservice, multimedia services convergence, mobility, service ubiquity and context awareness, fixed-mobile convergence, quality of service, variable connectivity, spontaneous networking, autonomic networking and other capabilities as the norm. The first International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN) aims at addressing advances in research on ubiquitous and future networks, covering topics ranging from technology issues to app!
lications and test-bed developments.
ICUFN 2009 solicits original, unpublished contributions in all aspects of ubiquitous and future networking. Submitted articles must not be concurrently considered elsewhere for publication.
ICUFN 2009 is sponsored by KICS and IEEE (pending).

- Ubiquitous computing and networking
- Cross layer design and optimization
- Ad-hoc and wireless mesh networking
- Modeling and performance evaluation
- Cooperative communication and networks
- Resource allocation and management
- Cellular & broadband wireless networks
- MAC/routing/channel assignment protocols
- Pervasive computing
- Network management
- Ambient networks
- Emerging applications including IPTV and VoIP
- Contents networking
- IMT-Advanced Networks
- RFID and wireless sensor networks
- Nano networks
- Body area networks
- Bio networks
- Vehicular networks
- QoS/QoE and security issues
- Future network architecture
- Case studies: design and implementation

All submissions must be submitted electronically, in PDF format and uploaded on EDAS. The direct link for paper submission is http://www.edas.info/newPaper.php?c=6473&.
There are two options for the submissions either a full paper or an extended abstract. We decided to allow the submission of extended abstracts in order to accommodate the most recent research outcomes.
The submissions should be formatted with single-spaced, double-column pages using at least 10 pt (or higher) size fonts on A4 or letter pages in IEEE style format. The maximum page numbers are 6 for full papers and 2 for extended abstracts, respectively. The camera-ready version for an accepted paper cannot exceed 6 pages. Detailed formatting and submission instructions will be available on the conference web site (http://www.icufn.org).

- Abstracts Due: February 15, 2009
- Manuscripts(Extended Abstract or Full Paper) Due: February 22, 2009
- Acceptance Notification: April 15, 2009
- Camera-ready Submission: May 1, 2009

International Advisory Committee
- Chul Hee Kang, Korea Univ., Korea
- Kyung Sup Kwak, Inha Univ., Korea
- Byeong Gi Lee, SNU, Korea
- Chuwhan Yim, Klabs, Korea
- Victor O. K. Li, Univ. of Hong Kong, China
- Zygmunt J. Haas, Cornell Univ., USA

Steering Committee
- Victor O. K. Li, Univ. of Hong Kong, China
- Jinwoo Park, Korea Univ., Korea
- Sungchang Lee, Hanggong Univ., Korea
- Ilyoung Chong, HUFS, Korea
- Jaeyong Lee, Yonsei Univ., Korea
- Chi Deuk Ahn, ETRI, Korea
- Dong Ho Cho, KAIST, Korea
- Yeong Min Jang, Kookmin Univ., Korea
- C. K. Toh, Univ. of Hong Kong, China
- Sang Hong Lee, KT, Korea

Organizing Committee
General Co-Chairs
- Yeong Min Jang, Kookmin Univ., Korea
- C. K. Toh, Univ. of Hong Kong, China

TPC Co-Chairs
- Sunghyun Choi, Seoul National Univ., Korea
- Wanjiun Liao, National Taiwan Univ., Taiwan

Publication Co-Chairs
- Sang-Jo Yoo, Inha Univ., Korea
- Ki-Hyung Kim, Ajou Univ., Korea

Publicity Co-Chairs
- Dongkyun Kim, KNU, Korea
- Wonjun Lee, Korea Univ., Korea
- Lin Zhang, Tsinghua Univ., China

Registration Co-Chairs
- Myungsik Yoo, Soongsil Univ., Korea
- Meejeong Lee, Ewha Woman Univ., Korea

Finance Co-Chairs
- YoungRo Lee, NIA, Korea
- Hanuk Chung, KT, Korea

Local Arragement Co-Chairs
- Paul Kwok, Open Univ. of Hong Kong, China
- K C Leung, Univ. of Hong Kong, China
- Yonghoon Choi, Kwangwoon Univ., Korea
- Sangheon Pack, Korea Univ., Korea

Web Co-Chairs
- Sunwoong Choi, Kookmin Univ., Korea
- Bongkyo Moon, Dongguk Univ., Korea

- Sanghwan Lee, Kookmin Univ., Korea

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