
[K-IDI 2009] [K-IDI 2009] Call for Papers - Innovations for Digital Inclusions - 2nd ITU-T Kaleidoscope Conference - IEEEComSoc technical co-sponsor

[Our apologies for possible duplicates]
Call for Papers - Innovations for Digital Inclusions
Papers Submission Deadline - ***1 FEBRUARY 2009***
Second ITU-T Kaleidoscope Conference technically co-sponsored by IEEE Communications Society, 31 August - 1 September 2009, Mar del Plata, Argentina

The standardization sector of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has issued a Call for Papers for its SECOND KALEIDOSCOPE ACADEMIC CONFERENCE, INNOVATIONS FOR DIGITAL INCLUSION, to be held in Mar del Plata, Argentina, 31 August - 1 September 2009.

- This event will focus on how ICT standardization can promote digital inclusion, exploring how technology can turn "digital divide" into a "digital opportunity".

- This is a *peer-reviewed* academic conference, TECHNICALLY CO-SPONSORED BY THE IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SOCIETY, that aim at increasing the dialogue between experts working on the standardization of information and communications technologies (ICT) and academia. No participation fee will be charged.

- This conference will focus on analyzing technologies, services and applications five years and beyond that will capitalize on NGN infrastructure and promote digital inclusion.

- Original papers are solicited from researchers in academia and R&D centers, academics, students, engineers, regulators and thinkers who can promote research that supports innovation in ICTs toward universal, sustainable, ubiquitous and affordable access by all.

- ACCEPTED PAPERS will be published in the proceedings, presented during the conference and made available in the IEEE Xplore online catalogue.

- CASH AWARDS of 5k, 3k and 2k USD will be granted to the best three papers, as judged by the organizing and programme committees.

- Authors presenting accepted papers who have not yet received a PhD title will also receive a YOUNG AUTHOR RECOGNITION CERTIFICATE.

- The DEADLINE for paper proposal submission is 1 February 2009. NOTIFICATION OF PAPER ACCEPTANCE will be made by 1 May 2009.

Complete information on the event (including paper proposal submission and the PDF version of the CfP) can be found in the conference website:


Inquiries should be addressed to kaleidoscope@itu.int.

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