
Re: [Mycolleagues] Extension till 07April - IEEE OTRC Submissions

Due to requests by several authors, we have decided to extend the deadline for submission to
our IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine Special Issue - On-The-Road Communications
till APRIL 07th, Eastern Standard Time,  USA. This is the absolute hard deadline. No further
extensions will be made.
For Authors Who Has Already Submitted to us:

Your paper will be sent for review. If you do decide to resubmit a modification,
you need to inform the lead guest editors as soon as possible. The review notfication
date remains unchanged.
For Authors Planning to Submit by APRIL 7th:

This is the absolute hard deadline. No further extensions will be made. Details
on submissions are mentioned in the CFP below.

IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine
Special Issue in "On-The-Road Communications"
Call for Papers
Deadline 07 April 2009

(No Further Extensions)

Vehicular wireless communications and Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs) have been identified as important technology enablers for improving vehicle safety, for enhancing vehicle traffic efficiency, and for providing comfort and convenience to drivers and passengers. The development of vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) based Vehicular Ad hoc Networks is one of the most critical issues for the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) industry. These issues concern not only automotive and ITS research communities but also the wireless communication and networking research communities. Throughout the world, there are many national and international collaboration projects on V2V and ITS by government agencies, industries, and academia. These projects are devoted to conducting research in ITS which involves drivers, passengers, roads and wireless technologies. Some projects are committed to develop prototypes of next generation vehicle communication systems (VCS). Through these research and development projects, many realize that designing reliable, efficient, scalable, robust, and secured vehicular networking technologies present extraordinary challenges. This special issue intends to disseminate the latest research results in the areas of ITS, automotive, wireless communication, and networks, and to provide a snapshot of the current state-of-the-art.

Scope of Contributions

We would like to solicit papers related to technical challenges, comprehensive in-depth tutorial surveys, standardization efforts on vehicular communications, field trials of 802.11p based VANETs, security issues, channel access, routing, data dissemination, and application scenarios. Contributions from both academia and industries are welcome. Original contributions (previously unpublished and not currently under review by another publication), are solicited (but not limited to) in the following areas:
  • Mobility models and vehicle traffic models
  • Simulation aspects of V2V, V2I, and VCS
  • Physical layer issues for vehicular comms (RF, radio design and propagation models)
  • Channel access and MAC collision management
  • Vehicular networks architectures and network protocols
  • QoS support and real-time issues
  • Emulation and testbeds for large-scale vehicular networks
  • Application scenarios using VANET technologies
  • Security, encryption and privacy for vehicular systems
  • Standards (802.11p, CALM, P1609, etc) development and evolution
  • Performance, scalability, reliability and efficiency of VANET systems
  • Intra-vehicular sensor network and embedded system integration.
  • Human-Machine Interface for vehicular systems
  • Data dissemination methods
  • Safety, enhanced navigation, and car alert mechanisms
  • Routing issues, addressing issues, transport layer issues
  • Vehicular collision avoidance using distributed sensing technologies
  • Vehicular sensors

Manuscript Submission

Authors should submit their manuscripts electronically in PDF format with a separate cover letter, which contains the paper title, authors with affiliations, and a 250-word abstract via email to Fan Bai (
fan.bai@gm.com) and C. K. Toh (ck.ieee@doctor.com). To enforce the double blind reviewing policy, authors' names and affiliations can only appear in the separate cover letter. The "Subject field" of the email must contain "IEEE WCM OTRC Paper". Articles should have no more than 4500 words, no more than 6 tables/figures, and the abstract should have no more than 250 words. With regard to both the content and formatting style of the submissions, prospective contributors should follow the IEEE Wireless Communications guidelines for authors that can be found at: http://www.comsoc.org/livepubs/pci/info/pub_guidelines.html. The following timetable will be followed:

Manuscript Submission
07 Apr, 2009
(Papers submitted earlier are under review)

Acceptance Notification 01 August, 2009
Final Manuscript 01 September, 2009
Publication Date: December, 2009

Guest Editors

Dr. Fan Bai, General Motors R&D (USA) (co-lead)
Prof. C K Toh, U of HONG KONG (co-lead)
Dr. Russell Hsing, TELCORDIA Technologies Inc, (USA)
Dr. Onur Altintas, TOYOTA ITC (Japan)
Dr. Oh Hyun Seo, ETRI (Korea)

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