* Call for Papers - IWNC 2009 *
* 4th International Workshop on Natural Computing *
* Himeji, Japan, September 23-25, 2009 *
* www.iwnc2009.org *
Scope and Topics of IWNC 2009:
Natural systems have become the inspiration of novel algorithms that
have the potential for increased reliability, power efficiency, and
computational capacity. The goal of IWNC 2009 is to offer computer
scientists, biologists, mathematicians, electronic engineers, and
physicists a platform to critically assess present findings in the
field, and to outline future developments in nature-inspired computing.
* DNA computation
* Physics of Computation
* Cellular Automata
* Neural Networks
* Swarm Systems
* Computation in Living Cells
* P-systems
* Chaotic Systems
* Evolutionary Computing
* Artificial Chemistry
* Nanocomputing
* Noise-Driven Computation
Special Session on Unconventional Models of Communication:
Organizers: K. Leibnitz and N. Wakamiya (Osaka University, Japan)
Authors are encouraged to submit papers on models, protocols, and
architectures for the management and control of information and
communication networks inspired by concepts from biology, physics,
nanotechnology, or social sciences.
Himeji International Exchange Center, Himeji, Japan
Authors are invited to submit papers presenting their original and
unpublished research. Papers should not exceed 8 pages and should be
formatted according to the LNCS article style. Submissions can be sent
through the link on the web page.
A volume of the preliminary proceedings will be available by the time
of the conference. All papers in this proceedings that have been
presented at the workshop will be included in a postproceedings,
which will be published by Springer-Japan and be sent to the
Important Dates:
Submission deadline May 31, 2009
Notification of acceptance July 15, 2009
Camera-ready version August 15, 2009
Conference September 23-25, 2009
Invited Speakers:
To be announced.
International Steering Committee:
A. Adamatzky (University of West-England, UK)
C. Calude (The University of Auckland, New Zealand)
M. Hagiya (Tokyo University, Japan)
N. Matsui (University of Hyogo, Japan)
K. Morita (Hiroshima University, Japan)
F. Peper (NICT, Japan)
G. Rozenberg (Leiden University, The Netherlands)
Y. Suzuki (Nagoya University, Japan)
H. Umeo (Osaka Electro-Communication University, Japan)
Program Committee:
S. Adachi (Japan) J. Lee (Japan) H. Suzuki (Japan)
H. Andoh (Japan) K. Leibnitz (Japan) Y. Suzuki (Japan)
M. Arita (Japan) J.-Q. Liu (Japan) J. Takabayashi (Japan)
T. Arita (Japan) V. Manca (Italy) C. Teuscher (USA)
T. Asai (Japan) N. Matsui (Japan) K. Tokita (Japan)
D. Besozzi (Italy) G. Mauri (Italy) K. Tominaga (Japan)
E. Blakey (UK) M. Naruse (Japan) K. Ueda (Japan)
P. Dittrich (Germany) H. Nishimura (Japan) H. Umeo (Japan)
N. Fates (France) K. Nishinari (Japan) N. Wakamiya (Japan)
G. Franco (Italy) Y. Nishiura (Japan) M. Yamamura (Japan)
K. Imai (Japan) M. Oswald (Austria) M. Yamashita (Japan)
T. Isokawa (Japan) F. Peper (Japan) K. Yoshikawa (Japan)
O. Katai (Japan) H. Sayama (USA) C. Zandron (Italy)
S. Kobayashi (Japan) T. Suda (USA) K.P. Zauner (UK)
E. Kita (Japan) Y. Sugiyama (Japan)
Organizing Committee:
Chair: F. Peper (NICT, Japan)
Co-Chair: H. Umeo (Osaka Electro-Communication University, Japan)
Co-Chair: N. Matsui (University of Hyogo, Japan)
Conference Secretary: T. Isokawa (University of Hyogo, Japan)
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