
[Tccc] CFP: Special Session on Next Generation Communication Services, in ACM Mobility Conference 2009, Nice, Deadline 12 June 2009

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Special Session on Next Generation Communication Services
2-4 Sept. 2009, Nice, France
in Mobility Conference 2009

*** SCOPE ***
In a user perspective, communication services are evolving from
monolithic teleservices (e.g. telephony) into fragmented and
component-based service (e.g. PoC, messaging) that are aware of the
context of the user. At the same time, networks are evolving towards NGN
architecture that enables network convergence by providing ubiquitous
and unified services through heterogeneous fixed (xDSL, cable) and
wireless broadband access networks (e.g. WiMAX/WiBro, WiFi, 3G, LTE). In
a technical perspective, communications services are facing major
technical evolutions with SIP, IMS, NGN, and P2P Overlay Networks. The
stakes for communication services providers are thus to adapt services
to flexible usages through flexible service architectures, relying on
re-usable components and structured with common models. The purpose of
this special session is to present and to discuss new paradigms,
mechanisms and applications of Next Generation Communication Services.
It offers a unique opportunity for researchers in this area to exchange
their research ideas. This special session will be held in conjunction
with ACM Mobility Conference 2009, an ideal vehicle for bringing
together researchers, scientists, engineers, academics and students all
around the world to share the latest updates on new mobile technologies
that would shape the next generation of mobile systems and technology
platforms. It is co-sponsored by ACM SIGMOBILE.

*** TOPICS ***
The main topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
- Service modeling and service architectures
- Service enablers and autonomic services
- Next Generation service discovery and service access
- Internet of Services, Internet of Things, Smart Spaces
- User Generated Services, service creation, and service composition
- Service overlays, P2P architectures and services
- Social networking
- Context-awareness and user context for communication services
- Multimedia services over wireline and wireless networks, mobile
Internet services
- Broadcasting and multicasting in overlay networks, experience from
networks overlay testbeds

Paper Submission Deadline: extended to 12 June 2009
Paper Notification: 30 June 2009
Final Manuscript Submission Deadline: 30 July 2009

Papers must be original material, not currently be under review, and not
have been previously published by any conference or journal. All papers
must be written in English. Authors are invited to submit their full
length papers in pdf format complying to the ACM Digital Library. All
submitted papers are peer reviewed by the members of the special session
technical committee. All registered and presented papers (both short and
full papers) shall be indexed in ACM Digital Library and EI. Accepted
work must be presented by one of the authors. Papers not presented will
not be indexed. Please refer to the conference website for technical
paper preparation guidelines and submission procedure.

*** SPECIAL SESSION Program Committee ***
Chair: Ai-Chun Pang, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Co-chairs: Yu Ge, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore
Rhia Trogo, De La Salle University, Philippines

*** Technical Program Committee
Thomas Magedanz, Fraunhofer Institute FOKUS, Germany.
Stefan Arbanowski, Fraunhofer Institute FOKUS, Germany.
Emmanuel Bertin, Orange Labs, France.
Sandford Bessler, Telecommunications Research Center Vienna, Austria.
Mathieu Boussard, Alcatel-Lucent bell Labs, France.
Jongwon Choe, Sookmyung University, Korea.
Noel Crespi, Institut Telecom, France.
Robert Hsieh, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore.
Sunyoung Han, Konkuk University, Korea.
Sinchai Kamolphiwong, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand.
Wolfgang Kellerer, DoCoMo Communications Laboratories Europe, Germany.
Ernoe Kovacs, NEC, Germany.
Tiziana Margaria, Potzdam University, Germany.
Joerg Ott, Helsinki University, Finland.
Quincy Wu, National Chi Nan University, Taiwan.
Mika Ylianttila, University of Oulu, Finland.

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