
[Tccc] [ICUMT-Workshop-49] IEEE sponsored Workshop on Mobility in Wireless NETworks (MoWiNET 2009)

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***International Workshop on Mobility in Wireless NETworks***






MoWiNET 2009 -(IEEE Sponsored)
International Workshop on Mobility in Wireless Networks
Co‐located with ICUMT 2009
12 ‐14 October 2009, Saint Petersburg, Russia
http://www.icumt.org/ <http://www.icumt.org/w-49.html> http://www.icumt.

The International Workshop on Mobility in Wireless Networks (MoWiNET '09) is
devoted to understanding the role of mobility in all kinds wireless
networks, including Mobile Ad hoc NETworks (MANETs), Wireless Sensor
Networks (WSNs), Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks (VANETs). Specifically, MoWiNET
'09 is intended to investigate the role of the mobility as a new design
dimension in wireless networks and the possible interdisciplinary
applications when controlled mobility is considered. Moreover, the outlining
of the controlled mobility as a new design dimension and research issues
associated with this are considered.

MoWiNET '09 is intended to encourage cooperation among researchers of
different disciplines such as robotic, automation, telecommunications and

MoWiNET '09 is co-located with ICUMT '09, The International Conference on
Ultra Modern Telecommunications, and is to be held in Saint Petersburg
between October 12 and 14, 2009.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

1. Controlled Mobility in Wireless Networks
2. Predicted mobility in Wireless Networks
3. Random Mobility in Wireless Networks
4. Mobility Model for Wireless Networks
5. Cross-Layer approaches for mobile wireless networks
6. Innovative wireless mobile network applications
7. Coverage and radio propagation models in mobile networks
8. Practical problems in implementing mobility protocols for wireless
9. Experiences with communication protocols for mobile wireless
10. Practical medium access control protocols supporting mobility (MACs)

11. Topology control and routing protocols in existing sensor network
12. Deployment of wireless networks
13. Algorithms for mobility management
14. Connectivity in mobile wireless networks
15. Network lifetime in mobile wireless networks
16. Device Placement
17. Energy constraints in mobile wireless networks
18. Optimization algorithms for mobile devices placement

Submission guideline

The papers should be submitted as a PDF file through EDAS system
(http://edas.info/). Before submitting the paper, authors must ensure that
their papers are prepared in IEEE proceedings style. Paper submissions
should not exceed 6 pages. All papers will be reviewed and accepted papers
will appear in the conference proceedings, published in IEEE Explore
(approved). Papers must be submitted electronically in the EDAS. The maximum
size of papers should be 5000 words including tables and figures. The cover
page must contain an abstract of about 150 words, 3-5 keywords, name and
affiliation of author(s) as well as the corresponding author's email and
postal address.

Publication: All accepted workshop papers will be published in IEEE Explore
(approved) together with the conference proceeding and indexed in relevant

About ICUMT: The International Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunications
is an IEEE sponsored annual international conference providing an open forum
for researchers, engineers, network planners and service providers in
telecommunications targeted on newly emerging systems, standards, services,
and applications.

<http://www.icumt.org/cfp.html> http://www.icumt.org/cfp.html.


Important Dates

Paper submission July 1, 2009

Notification of acceptance July 30, 2009

Camera ready version August 05, 2009


Workshop Chair:

Valeria Loscri', University of Calabria, Italy


Workshop Co-Chair:

Enrico Natalizio, University of Calabria, Italy


TPC members:

Carmelo Costanzo, University of Calabria, Italy

Pasquale Pace, University of Calabria, Italy

Emanuele Viterbo, University of Calabria, Italy,

Gianluca Aloi, University of Calabria, Italy,

Yi Hong, Swansea University, UK

Emiliano Miluzzo, Dartmouth College, USA

Alessandro Leonardi, University of Catania, Italy

Tommaso Melodia, University at Buffalo, USA

Theodoros Salonidis, Thomson Technology Paris Laboratory, France


Best Regards

International Workshop on Mobility in Wireless NETworks (MoWiNET' 09)

Tccc mailing list

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