
[Tccc] Call for Participation: The Fifth ACM Workshop on Digital Identity Management (DIM09)

Call for Participation: ACM DIM 2009

The Fifth ACM Workshop on Digital Identity Management
(Collocated with ACM CCS2009)

November 13, 2009, Hyatt Regency Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA

"Identity in a Changing World"

This workshop will explore critical issues concerning identity
management technologies for the information society. Identity management
is an endeavor for maintaining the integrity of identities through their
life cycle. It aims at making the identities available to services in a
secure and privacy protected manner. Digital identities play an
increasingly important role as the society depends more and more on
services provided over Internet. For example, solid identity management
practices are essential for implementing social welfare (e.g.,
healthcare and e-government), enabling secure service offering (e.g.,
cloud computing and Software as a Service), personalizing users'
experiences (e.g., e-commerce and entertainment), and connecting people
over networks (e.g., social networking and mobile communications).

Digital identity management must strike the best balance between
usability, security, and privacy. A number of identity solutions are
being proposed, each taking different approaches with different goals.
Existing solutions are not necessarily interoperable or complementary,
and sometimes overlap. Thus it is critical to lay foundations for a
holistic understanding of problem areas and synergetic approaches to
innovative solutions, such as guidelines, methodologies, and tools.

The workshop will feature a keynote,"Identity & Context for a Changing
World" by Rakesh Radhakrishman
(http://www2.pflab.ecl.ntt.co.jp/dim2009/keynote_rakesh.html). He is one
of the identity management leaders both in research and practice. Rakesh
Radhakrishnan is the Chief Identity Integration Architect and Lead
Technologist in the Communications Market Area of Sun Microsystems.


Keynote Talk:
* Identity and Context for a Changing World: Rakesh Radhakrishnan.

Session1: Social Identities (Chair: David Chadwick)
* Mnikr: Reputation Construction Through Human Trading of Distributed
Social Identities: Brendan O'Connor and John Griffin.
* Improving the Safety and Practicality of Authorization Technology
Using LOAF: Takumi Akahoshi, Manabu Okamoto, Michio Shimomura and
Naohisa Komatsu.
* Is that really you? : An approach to assure identity without revealing
real-name online: Akiko Orita and Hisakazu Hada.

Session 2: Mash Up and Governance (Chair: Makoto Hatakeyama)
* Privacy-aware Identity Management for Client-side Mashup Applications:
Saman Zarandioon, Danfeng Yao and Vinod Ganapathy.
* A Design of Usable and Secure Access-Control APIs for Mashup
Applications: Ryota Hashimoto, Nachi Ueno and Michio Shimomura.
* User-Centric Identity Governance across Domain Boundaries: Hidehito Gomi.

Session 3: Communications and Proxy (Chair: Hidehito Gomi)
* Modelling the Impact of Virtual Identities on Communication
Infrastructures: Marc Barisch.
* Federation Proxy for Cross Domain Identity Federation: Makoto Hatakeyama.

Session 4: Security and Policy (Chair: Rakesh Radhakrishnan)
* IC Card-Based Single Sign-On System that Remains Secure under Card
Analysis: Jun Furukawa, Kazue Sako and Satoshi Obana.
* Using Identity Credential Usage Logs to Detect Anomalous Service
Accesses: Daisuke Mashima and Mustaque Ahamad.
* An Advanced Policy Based Authorisation Infrastructure: David Chadwick
and Kaniz Fatema.

* CCS Conference : November 9-13, 2009
* DIM Workshop : November 13, 2009
(Early bird discount will end on October 25. Register at
(Note: You can register only for the workshop separately from the CCS
conference. You do not have to register the conference if you
participate only in the workshop)

* Elisa Bertino, Purdue University, USA
* Thomas Groß, IBM Research, Switzerland
* Kenji Takahashi, NTT, Japan

* Gail-Joon Ahn, Arizona State University, USA
* James Backhouse, London School of Economics, UK
* Abhilasha Bhargav-Spantzel, Intel, USA
* Hu Bin, Motorola, USA
* Doug Blough, Georgia Tech, USA
* Jan Camenisch, IBM Research, Switzerland
* Feng Cao, China Mobile USA Research Center, USA
* Marco Casassa Mont, HP Labs, UK
* David Chadwick, University of Kent, UK
* Chihung Chi, Tsinghua University, China
* Rachna Dhamija, Harvard University, USA
* Hidehito Gomi, Yahoo! Japan Research, Japan
* Weili Han, Fudan University, China
* Seung-Hyun Kim, ETRI, Korea
* Brian LaMacchia, Microsoft Research, USA
* Hyung-Jin Lim, Financial Security Agency, Korea
* Howard Lipson, CERT, USA
* Paul Madsen, NTT, Canada
* Eve Maler, PayPal, USA
* Toshihiko Matsuo, NTT Data, Japan
* Piotr Pacyna, AGH Univ. of Science and Technology, Poland
* Andreas Pfitzmann, Dresden University of Technology, Germany
* Rakesh Radhakrishnan, Sun Microsystems, USA
* Amardeo Sarma, NEC Laboratories Europe, Germany
* Jorg Schenk, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
* Diana Smetters, PARC, USA
* Anna C. Squicciarini, Pennsylvania State Univ., USA
* Tsuyoshi Takagi, Future University - Hakodate, Japan

Write to dim2009-chairs_at_lab.ntt.co.jp or visit

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