
[Tccc] CFP: MP2P 2010 [IEEE PerCom'10 Workshop] The Sixth Int'l Workshop on Mobile Peer-to-Peer Computing, Mannheim, Germany, March 29 - April 2, 2010

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*** Paper submission due: October 21, 2009 ***


The Sixth International Workshop on Mobile Peer-to-Peer Computing (MP2P'10)

In conjunction with The Eighth Annual IEEE International Conference on
Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2010),
Mannheim, Germany, March 29 - April 2, 2010


***** CALL FOR PAPERS *****

Theme of the Workshop

Peer-to-peer (P2P) networks have received great research interests because
of their broad applications such as large-scale file sharing and media
streaming services. Until now, the success of P2P paradigms has been mainly
in traditional wired network environments. With the advance of modern
wireless and mobile communications (e.g., WLAN, MANET, WiMAX, 3G, 3.5G, and
emerging 4G), there is an increasing interest for mobile users with
broadband access to participate in P2P services anywhere anytime through
their mobile handheld devices.

Wireless mobile networks have special characteristics, such as highly
variable connectivity, disconnection, location-dependency, energy and
resource sensitivity, communication asymmetry, high bandwidth expense, and
so on. All
these pose research challenges that do not exist in traditional network
settings. New techniques are thus required in order to leverage mobile P2P
computing for efficient and reliable applications and services.

Mobile P2P is a cross-disciplinary research involving networking,
information dissemination, databases, and security. The main goal of the
workshop is to gather scientists from these areas together to foster
collaboration and sparkle
discussion on various aspects of mobile P2P, including but not limited to,
mobile users' scenarios and usage cases, overlay design, development and
deployment, mobile data dissemination, mobile database management, and
based information services. The workshop also aims to discuss mobile P2P in
various networking environments such as vehicular, cellular and/or
large-scale heterogeneous networks.

Workshop Goals

Mobile P2P is a cross cutting area as it crosses communications, networking,
information dissemination, databases, and security. The main goal of the
workshop is to gather scientists from these areas together to foster the
collaboration among such interdisciplinary areas and sparkle discussion on
open topics related to mobile P2P.

Workshop Scope

The scope of this workshop includes but is not limited to the following

- Peer-to-peer overlays for wireless and mobile networks
- Hybrid P2P service architectures for integrated fixed and mobile wide-area
- Large-scale mobile P2P systems
- Delay tolerant MP2P systems
- MP2P Data management (Schedule/Cache/Replica/Index/Query)
- Mobility in federated overlay architectures
- Impact of mobility on P2P information services
- P2P-based Information sensing and fusion
- Data broadcast, dissemination in MP2P
- Publish/Subscribe in MP2P
- File Sharing in MP2P
- Media Streaming in MP2P
- Resource and service discovery in MP2P
- Peer access and control in mobile environment
- Privacy in MP2P services
- MP2P messaging systems, monitoring systems, searching systems, etc.
- Location dependent MP2P services
- Novel MP2P applications & services in newly emerging network environments.

Paper Submissions

All submissions must be original unpublished work written in English that is
currently not under review at another venue. Papers submitted must be
formatted in IEEE CS paper format.

Manuscript page limit: up to 8 pages.
Camera-ready page limit: up to 6 pages

Submission foramt information:

Online submission:

Note: - Workshop Proceedings will be included and indexed in the IEEE
digital libraries (Xplore), showing their affiliation with IEEE PerCom 2010.

- All accepted papers need to have a Full Registration to the
conference (there is no workshop only registration).
- No-shows of accepted papers at the workshop will result in those
papers NOT being included in the IEEE Digital Library.

Important Dates (Tentative)

- Paper Submission Due: October 21, 2009
- Notification of Acceptance : December 21, 2009
- Camera-Ready Copies Due : January 29, 2010
- MP2P Workshop date: March 29 or April 2, 2010

Organization Committee

Steering Board

Y. Charlie Hu, Purdue University, USA
Cecilia Mascolo, University of Cambridge, UK
Maria Papadopouli, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Frank-Uwe Andersen, Nokia Siemens Networks, Germany
Jiannong Cao, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

Workshop Co-chairs

Chih-Lin Hu, National Central University, Taiwan
Ying Cai, Iowa State University, USA
Hong Va Leong, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

Publicity Chair

David Yates, Bentley University, USA

Programme Committee Members
Hong Va Leong, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Ying Cai, Iowa State University, USA
Chih-Lin Hu, National Central University, Taiwan
Antonio Si, NASA Ames Research Center, USA
John Buford, Avaya Labs, USA
Wei-Shinn Ku, Auburn University, USA
Yao-Nan Lien, National Ceng Chi University, Taiwan
Angelo Brayner, University of Fortaleza, Brazil
Jiun-Long Huang, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Polly Huang, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Ivan Lee, Southern Australia University, Australia
Max Haifei Li, Union University, USA
Mohamed F. Mokbel, University of Minnesota, USA
Chih-Wei Yi, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Norihiro Ishikawa, NTT Docomo, Japan
Hsiao Hung-Chang, National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan
Franca Delmastro, CNR-IIT ,Pisa, Italy
Michele Amoretti, Universita degli Studi di Parma, Italy
Guanling Lee, National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan
Mario Kolberg, University of Sterling, UK
Thomas Kunz, Carleton University, Canada
Ling-Jyh Chen, Institute of Information Science Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Kurt Tutschku, University of Vienna, Austria
Anwitaman Datta, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Danny Tsang, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Hsing Mei, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan
George Roussos, Birkbeck College, University of London, UK
Shervin Shirmohammadi, University of Ottawa, Canada
Young Han Kim, University of Soongsil, Korea
Chow-Sing Lin, National Tainan University, Taiwan
Chansu Yu, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH, USA
Hans-Peter Schwefel, Aalborg University, Denmark
John K. Zao, National Chiao Tung University (NCTU), Taiwan
Babak Esfandiari, Carleton University, Canada
Wang-Chien Lee, The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Valerie Issarny, INRIA, France
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