
[Tccc] CFP:The 2010 Workshop on RFID Security (RFIDsec'10 Asia)

The 2010 Workshop on RFID Security (RFIDsec'10 Asia)
Singapore, February 22-23, 2010

Honorary Chair
Steven Miller, SMU, Singapore
General Co-Chairs
Robert H. Deng, SMU, Singapore
Lee Eng Wah, NRC, Singapore
Program Co-Chairs
Yingjiu Li, SMU, Singapore
Jianying Zhou, I2R, Singapore
Local Arrangement
Wei He, SIMTech, Singapore
Shaoying Cai, Qiang Yan, Ge Fu, SMU, Singapore
Publicity and Publication
Kevin Chiew, SMU, Singapore
Ying Qiu , I2R, Singapore
Program Committee
Manfred Aigner (TU-Graz, Austria)
Mike Burmester (FSU, US)
Colin Boyd (QUT, Australia)
Jingde Cheng (Saitama University, Japan)
Hung-Yu Chien (NCNU, Taiwan)
Shuo-Yan Chou (NTUST, Taiwan)
Chao-Hsien Chu (PSU, US)
Tassos D. Dimitriou (AIT, Greece)
Juan Estevez-Tapiador (York University, UK)
Jinsong Han (HKUST, China)
Julio C. Hernandez-Castro (University of Portsmouth, UK)
Ari Juels (RSA Laboratories, US)
Florian Kerschbaum (SAP Research, Germany)
Kwangjo Kim (KAIST, Korea)
Marek Klonowski (Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland)
Miroslaw Kutylowski (Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland)
Qun Li (College of William and Mary, US)
Tieyan Li (I2R, Singapore)
Nai-Wei Lo (NTUST, Taiwan)
Li Lu (HKUST, China)
Changshe Ma (SMU, Singapore)
Masahiro Mambo (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
Yi Mu (UOW, Australia)
Pedro Peris-Lopez (TU-Delft, Netherlands)
Raphael Phan (Loughborough University, UK)
Reihaneh Safavi-Naini (University of Calgary, Canada)
Kazuo Sakiyama (University of Electro-Communications, Japan)
Kouichi Sakurai (Kyushu University, Japan)
Willy Susilo (UOW, Australia)
Guilin Wang (University of Birmingham, UK)
Yanjiang Yang (I2R, Singapore)
Chan Yeob Yeun (KUSTAR, UAE)
RFIDSec is the earliest workshop devoted to security and privacy issues in
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). Starting in 2005, RFIDSec has been
organized as a series of workshops held in Graz (2005/06), Malaga (2007),
Budapest (2008), and Leuven (2009). RFIDSec aims to bridge the gap between
cryptographic researchers and RFID developers through invited talks and
contributed presentations. The RFIDSec Asia workshop is aligned with
RFIDSec, and in 2010, the Workshop on RFID Security 2010 Asia (RFIDsec'10
Asia) will be hosted at the Singapore Managemnet University, which is the
second edition of the series of workshops held in Asia followed by
RFIDsec'09 Asia in Taipei (2009). RFIDsec'10 Asia is to provide a major
forum to address the fundamental issues in theory and practice related to
security and privacy issues, designs, standards, and case studies in the
development of RFID systems and EPCglobal network.

Host: Singapore Management University, Singapore

Co-Host: Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore Institute of
Manufacturing Technology

In Participation of: National RFID Center

Supported by: RFIDsec

Papers representing original research in the theory and practice concerning
RFID security are solicited. Topics of interest include, but are not limited

 New applications for secure RFID systems
 Data protection and privacy-enhancing techniques for RFID
 Cryptographic protocols for RFID
 Authentication protocols
 Key update mechanisms
 Scalability issues
 Integration of secure RFID systems
 Middleware and security
 Public-key infrastructures  Resource-efficient implementation of
 Small-footprint hardware
 Low-power architectures
 Attacks on RFID systems such as RFID malwares.
 RFID security hardware such as RFID with PUF.
 Trust model, data protection and sharing for EPCglobal Network
Paper Submission

Authors are invited to submit papers of at most 12 pages. Authors are
obligated to follow the IOS Press' article templates (
http://www.iospress.nl/authco/instruction_crc.html). Electronic and
PDF-based submission of papers is mandatory at EasyChair Conference System (
Workshop Proceeding

The workshop proceedings will be published in the book series Cryptology and
Information Security by IOS. The proceedings will be available at the
workshop. Selected papers (after significant extension) will be invited for
a special issue of Journal of Computer Security after the workshop.
Important Dates

Submission deadline: October 9, 2009
Notification of acceptance: November 16, 2009
Camera-ready copy deadline: November 30, 2009
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