
[Tccc] DWSAN4CIP'09: Deadline 30/9

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International Workshop on Dependable Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks
for Critical Infrastructure Protection


November 10, 2009, Madrid, Spain

Organized by EU FP7 project WSAN4CIP


It is hard to overestimate the role of ICT systems in operational cycles of
modern industry and
life supporting infrastructures. ICT control systems are used to
continuously monitor the state
of industrial processes and status of critical infrastructures. Over the
last few years Wireless
Sensor and Actuator Networks (WSAN) technology appeared as an ideal
technological building block
to improve the reliability and availability of ICTs in critical operational
environments. On the
other hand WSANs themselves become part of a critical infrastructures and
processes. Whenever
another layer of complexity is added to a system, this opens new
possibilities for system failures,
misuse or malicious attacks. The critical prerequisite for WSANs to be
adopted in performance
critical applications is their dependability, i.e. the ability of a system
to deliver specified
services to the user.

It is, however, by far not trivial to make WSANs dependable for variety of
applications in different
operation environments and having different performance requirements. For
DWSAN workshop we solicit
original contributions aiming at achieving dependability of WSAN technology
on different layers.
Experiences from real-life deployment of dependable WSANs, application
dependent WSAN design methodologies,
dependable MAC, network and transport protocols, general issues of
reliability, security in dependable WSANs
are some of the key research topics to be discussed during the workshop.

The goal of the workshop is to present high-quality results in the field,
and to provide a framework
for research collaboration through focused discussions that will designate
future research efforts and
directions. In this context, the program committee will accept only a
limited number of papers that
meet the criteria of originality, presentation quality and topic relevance.

Workshop Topics

Topics of interest to DWSAN 2009 include
(but are not limited to) the following:

* Real life experience from deployment of wireless sensor networks in
critical applications
* Methodologies for assessment of performance requirements
* Methodologies for systematic design of WSAN communication architecture
* Application of control theory for cross-layer optimization of dependable
communication protocols for WSAN
* Dependable MAC protocols
* Dependable routing protocols
* Dependable transport protocols
* Intelligent energy and QoS management
* Fault tolerant middleware for WSANs
* Operating systems for dependable WSANs
* Security services


This year DWSAN4CIP offers only Fast Track publication in workshop
Authors are invited to submit their contributions as a two pages extended
in double column IEEE format. Up to 10 best contributions will be invited to

submit full papers for publication in electronic workshop proceedings.

Revised and extended versions of the most outstanding papers will be
for publication in the International Journal of Critical Infrastructure
Protection (Elsevier).

Important Dates

Paper submission: September 30, 2009
Acceptance notification: October 15, 2009
Camera ready: October 30, 2009

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