
[Tccc] Postdoc Positions: 1) Usability Testing of Video Games; 2) Network Support for Online Video Games.

Post Doctoral Fellowship Opportunities:
1) Usability Testing of Video Games
2) Network Support for Online Video Games

The Department of Computer Science & Information Technology at the University of Prince Edward Island (Canada) invites applications from qualified Post Doctoral candidates for at least one research position involving human factors usability testing of video games and at least one research position in network support for on-line video games.

1) Usability Testing of Video Games

Qualifications: PhD or equivalent required. Experience in usability testing of video games, cognitive fitness games preferred. Demonstrated ability to work independently and as part of a research team.

Duties: Incumbent will investigate the user experience with video games with a focus on cognitive fitness games. Responsibilities include:
● design of experiments
● conducting experiments
● data collection and reporting
● ethics approval preparation
● possible supervision of undergraduate research assistants
● interaction with industrial partners
● research grant preparation
● manuscript preparation and completion
● presentation of results
● Other related duties

Supervision: this position will report to Dr. David LeBlanc

2) Network Support for Online Video Games

Qualifications: PhD or equivalent required. Demonstrated ability to work independently and as part of a research team. Experience in one of the follow research areas is preferred:
● network measurement for video games
● network QoS techniques for video games
● network protocol design for video games
● wireless sensor networks for video games
● P2P & scalable system architectures for video games
● cheat detection and prevention in networked video games
● impact of online game growth on network infrastructure

Duties: Responsibilities include:
● independent research
● possible supervision of undergraduate research assistants
● interaction with industrial partners
● manuscript preparation and completion
● presentation of results
● research grant preparation
● other related duties

Supervision: this position will report to Dr. Qiang Ye


Salary: $40,000 annually (fellowship)

Term: 1 year with potential for 1 additional year pending funding and satisfactory performance

START DATE: negotiable: as early as Oct. 1, 2009, no later than Jan. 1, 2010

Applications will be reviewed upon receipt and accepted until suitable candidates are found. Interested candidates should submit (preferably electronically) a letter of intent, curriculum vitae and arrange for at least three (3) letters of reference to be sent to:

Dr. David LeBlanc, Chair
Department of Computer Science & Information Technology
University of Prince Edward Island
550 University Avenue, Charlottetown, PE
Canada C1A 4P3
E-mail: dcleblanc@upei.ca

Positions dependent upon final funding approval.

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