The Department of Wireless Networks at RWTH Aachen University
(, which is a part of the Faculty of
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, is looking for two
talented researchers to join the department as postdoctoral assistants
or fellows. The positions will be filled for two years, with a possible
extension for 12 to 18 months subject to funding and performance.
The position includes research in the general area of cognitive wireless
networks and cognitive radios. Special emphasis in our project portfolio
is in the field of cross-layer optimization, machine learning based CR
systems, empirical dynamic spectrum access research, and cognitive
MAC-layer design. However, due to large project portfolio, we are
conducting a wide-search. We give a high priority to the overall promise
of the candidate's work rather than the candidate's earlier area of
The background of the successful candidate is likely to be from
Electrical Engineering, Computer Science or Computer Engineering, but we
would also consider suitable candidates from other relevant fields such
as applied mathematics or physics. We are able to consider also
applications from candidates who are in the process of finalizing their
PhD degree. Generally there is preference to fill the position with
persons, who have received their degree recently (within 3 years of
obtaining PhD degree).
The successful candidate is expected to work also in large externally
funded research project(s), but in general the job offering is not
limited to any single research project. The Department is currently
coordinating a large portfolio of relevant research projects, which
include also cooperative research projects with academia and industry
such as a currently running multimillion dollar ARAGORN project
( We are also one of the principal investigator
groups of recently formed UMIC Research Centre at RWTH Aachen
University, which has received special 50 MUSD funding from federal and
state level governments. Elected post doctoral fellows would have also
possibility to interact with UMIC projects.
The positions full-time positions with the appropriate state
salary-scale (German "TvL-scale) with a typical social benefits. There
is also a generous reservation of funds for participating in conferences
and acquiring required literature and research tools. The working
language in the department is English, so good command of spoken and
written English is imperative. The Department itself is extremely well
equipped both for theoretical and experimental work in the domain of
cognitive radios. It has one of the largest research groups in Europe in
cognitive radio networks research.
RWTH Aachen University and Department of Wireless Networks is an equal
opportunity employer and is committed to increasing the diversity of
faculty. It welcomes applications from women.
The position are available immediately or soon after 1.1. 2010. The
selection process will begin upon receipt of the applications. The
preference is given to applications that arrive before 15th of October,
2009. Applicants should subit their resume, list of publications, a
summary of research accomplishments, and the names of at least two
references to Prof. Petri Mahonen ( and
Marina Petrova (, who are also able to
give further information. One can also find some information from
Tccc mailing list
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