
[Tccc] Call For Workshop: CIT 2010

Call for Workshop Proposals

The 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology
(CIT 2010)
29 June - 01 July, 2010, Bradford, UK
Cit has become a major platform for researchers and industry practitioners from different fields of computer and information technology. Each year, CIT attendees appreciate and benefit from multidisciplinary exchanges in computer and information technology. In previous years, CIT has attracted many high quality research papers spanning over the various aspects of information technology, computing science and computer engineering. These papers highlight foundational work that strives to push beyond limits of existing computer technologies, including experimental efforts, innovative systems, and investigations that identify weaknesses in existing IT services.

The organizers and chairs of the workshop shall have full control on the call for papers, forming of program committees, review and selection of papers as well as planning the workshop program. The chairs must state in the workshop CFP as "Submitting a paper to the workshop means that if the paper is accepted, at least one author should attend the workshop to present the paper. For no-show authors, their papers will be removed from the digital library after the conference and their affiliations will receive a notification." The registration fees for workshops will be determined by the conference (not the workshop itself). The fees will be paid to the conference, and the conference will provide workshop facilities including the working notes printing, the meeting room, coffee break, lunch, proceedings and etc. Any further expense of the workshop same to the main conference or one help month later such as the financial aid to the invited speakers MUST be provided by the workshop itself upon getting some sponsors for their own workshops. The money from workshop sponsors will be received by the workshop itself.

The proceedings of the CIT 2010 workshops will be published by Conference Publishing Services in proceedings of CIT 2010. Prospective workshop organizers should send a proposal containing the following information to CIT 2010 Workshop Chairs.

a.. Full name and acronym of the workshop
b.. URL of the workshop web site
c.. A short description (about 100 words) of the workshop
d.. Objectives, scope, and topics of the workshop
e.. One page CFP of the workshop
f.. Names and contacts of key organizers

Important Dates

a.. Workshop Proposal Due: 01 December, 2009
b.. Workshop Notification:
c.. Release of Workshop Call for Paper:

d.. Workshop Submission Deadline:

e.. Workshop Author Notification:
f.. Workshop Camera-ready:

We look forward to your stimulating proposals and contributions to CIT 2010 workshops.

CIT 2010 Workshop Chairs
Bahman Javadi, INRIA Rhone-Alpes, France
Xiaolong Jin, University of Bradford, UK
Lei Shu, National University of Ireland, Ireland
Tccc mailing list

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