
[Tccc] Call for Workshop: Embedded and Multimedia Computing (EMC-10)

The 5th International Conference onEmbedded and Multimedia Computing (EMC-10)http://www.ftrg.org/emc2010 Cebu, Philippines, August 11-13, 2010Published by IEEE (TBA) Co-located withThe 3rd International Conference onHuman-centric Computing (HumanCom-10)http://www.ftrg.org/emc2010 (TBA) The 5th International Conference on Embedded and Multimedia Computing (EMC-10) will be held in Cebu, Philippine, August 11-13, 2010, is soliciting proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with the conference. EMC 2010 features advanced workshops to explore special topics related to the Embedded and Multimedia Computing. The workshops provide international forums for scientists, engineers, and users to exchange their experiences, ideas, and research results. The workshop can be half-day or a full day. The proceedings of the workshop program will be published by IEEE Press (IEEE eXpress Conference Publishing group). Workshop proposal should include the following: 1. Title for the workshop

2. Workshop organizers: names, affiliations, and addresses.

3. Brief description of the workshop; describing the objectives and the original and technical merit of the topic

4. Expected number of papers.

Workshop organizers will be responsible for distributing a call for paper, selecting program committee for reviewing the submissions, selecting accepted papers for publications.

The conference organizers are offering the following promotion to the workshop organizers (1 organizer per 1 workshop):

- At least 8 papers registration: the organizer receives free registration

- At least 16 papers registration: the organizer receives free registration and free accommodation (max 2 nights).

The criteria for assessment will include:- Originality and technical merit of the topic- Wider interest in the topic- Relevance to the main conference Important Dates:・ Submission deadline: Nov 30, 2009・ Notification of acceptance: Dec 10, 2009 Workshop ChairsIbrahim Kamel, University of Sharjah, UAEMin Chen, Seoul National University, KoreaLei Shu, Osaka University, Japan Submission Procedure:

Send the workshop proposal (or questions) to the workshop co-chair, Prof. Min Chen, Seoul National University, minchen@snu.ac.kr

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