
[Tccc] CFP: SI on Information Dissemination and New Services in P2P Systems -- Deadline EXTENDED

CFP: Special Issue on Information Dissemination and New Services in P2P Systems

Journal of Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications (Springer)

Information dissemination is an important P2P application that has received considerable research attention in recent years. P2P information dissemination systems range from simple file sharing applications to more complex systems that allows users to securely and efficiently publish, organize, index, search, update and retrieve data in a distributed storage medium. For complex P2P information dissemination systems, there is a need for features which include security, anonymity, fairness, scalability, resource management, and organization capabilities. For effective information dissemination, following features of P2P systems and infrastructure need to be updated: distributed object location and routing mechanisms, novel approaches to content replication, caching and migration, encryption, authentication, access control, and resource trading and management schemes.

As P2P-based technologies play a more and more important role in the Internet, a number of new applications and services have been developed in the past few years, including file sharing, music downloading, live streaming, video on demand, and P2P-based game platform. For these P2P systems, the key issues to be considered are scalability, robustness, reliability, and security. Moreover, today's networks are becoming increasingly more heterogeneous in terms of both network technologies and traffic, impacted by various factors including the wide deployment of wireless networks, diversification of multimedia formats, various requirements of different users, which brought many new challenges to P2P systems.

In this special issue, we solicit original work in areas of information dissemination and new services in P2P systems. In particular, we seek original work on networking protocols and algorithm design for information dissemination and on identifying new research and development challenges for new services in P2P systems. Original research papers from the research, development, and standardization communities are all welcome. Specific topics include, but are not limited to:

* Networking protocols and algorithms for information dissemination
* Security, scalability, and reliability in information dissemination
* P2P architectures, overlay and management
* Semantic P2P
* Comparative performance analysis of P2P
* Dependability, resilience, and availability of P2P systems
* Benchmarking and optimization
* Business models, economic models, charging mechanisms
* Real-time streaming
* Video on demand, P2P IPTV
* P2P telephony, hybrid approaches
* Quality of Service in P2Psystems
* P2P and wireless convergence
* Mobile P2P, P2P over wireless networks
* P2P technology and sensors
* Service-oriented P2P
* P2P system analysis and design methodologies
* P2P as target and enabler for management systems
* Large scale P2P-based measuring and monitoring
* Digital rights management of P2P
* Regulatory issues of network operators and service providers

Paper Submission
Authors are encouraged to submit high-quality, original work that has neither appeared in, nor is under consideration by, other journals. Springer offers authors, editors and reviewers of Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications a web-enabled online manuscript submission and review system. Our online system offers authors the ability to track the review process of their manuscript. Manuscripts should be submitted to: http://PPNA.edmgr.com. This online system offers easy and straightforward log-in and submission procedures, and supports a wide range of submission file formats.

Important Dates
Paper submission deadline (EXTENDED): December 6, 2009
Notification to authors: February 1, 2010
Camera ready papers: March 1, 2010
Date of publication: July 2010

Guest Editors
Dr. Min Song, Old Dominion University, msong@odu.edu<mailto:msong@odu.edu>
Dr. Sachin Shetty, Tennessee State University, sshetty@tnstate.edu<mailto:sshetty@tnstate.edu>
Dr. Wenbin Jiang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, jwbhust@gmail.com<mailto:jwbhust@gmail.com>
Dr. E.K. Park, University of Missouri at Kansas City, ekpark@umkc.edu<mailto:ekpark@umkc.edu>

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