
[Tccc] IET Sign. Proc.: SI on Multirate Sig. Proc.

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Advanced Techniques on Multirate Signal Processing for Digital Information Processing
IET Signal Processing
Call for Papers
Multirate signal processing has become a key topic enabling efficient techniques for digital information processing
in a variety of applications such as digital receivers for wireless as well as satellite communication systems,
high performance audio and video, multimedia services, and signal compression. In the wireless communications arena,
multirate signal processing techniques provide effective means to implement flexible receiver channelization filtering
and sampling rate conversion for software and cognitive radio digital front-ends. As far as multimedia signal processing
is concerned, recent techniques relying on multirate filter banks have resulted in improved subband coding techniques
reflected in the JPEG-2000 multimedia standard, as well as on some modern audio compression formats such as MP3, AAC3
and ATRAC3plus, to cite but a few.
The main aim of this special issue is to highlight state-of-the-art techniques on the most recent
research advances in multirate signal processing. Novel contributions, previously unpublished,
that are not being submitted to any other journal, are sought.
Topics of interests include, but are not limited to, the following subject categories:
> Design and implementation of computationally efficient decimators and interpolators
for oversampled sigma-delta A/D and D/A converters
> Sampling rate conversion in software and cognitive radios
> Signal processing solutions for the design of efficient digital front-end receivers
> Polyphase DFT filter banks with application to channelization in broadband wireless transceivers
> Multirate filter banks and polyphase networks with application to the design of advanced wireless front-end digital transceivers, instrumentation, audio, image and video processing, and biomedical signal processing
> Efficient sub-band coding techniques for speech coding
> Design and applications of multidimensional multirate systems
> Supporting technologies and signal processing architectures for multi-function, multi-band transceivers
> Design and applications of spectral methods
> Compressed sensing techniques
> Experimental testbeds
> Hardware implementation and SoC solutions
> Optimization of digital signal processing architectures
Prospective authors should follow the Guide to Authors of Papers for IET journals,
which can be accessed at the IET Signal Processing journal website at http://www.ietdl.org/IET-SPR.
Papers must be submitted on-line. Authors should indicate "Special Issue on Advanced Techniques on
Multirate Signal Processing for Digital Information Processing" on their manuscripts. Enquiry can be
made to the IET or the Guest Editor.

Manuscript Due January 31, 2010
Notification  of Acceptance May 31, 2010
Final Manuscript Due
July 31, 2010
Tentative Publication Date Q4 2010/Q1 2011

Lead Guest Editor
Massimiliano Laddomada, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Texas A&M University, Texarkana, TX, USA. E-mail: mladdomada@tamut.edu

Guest Editors
Gordana Jovanovic Dolecek, Dept. of Electronics, Institute for graduated study INAOE, Puebla, Mexico. Email: gordana@inaoep.mx
Fa-Long Luo, Element CXI, California, USA, Email: falong.luo@elementcxi.com
Yong Ching Lim, Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. E-mail: elelimyc@pmail.ntu.edu.sg
Markku Renfors, Dept. of Communications Engineering, Tampere University of Technology, Finland. E-mail: Markku.Renfors@tut.fi
Lars Wanhammar, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden. Email: larsw@isy.liu.se

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