
[Tccc] Reminder- Deadline approaching: Wiley's Security Journal "Privacy and Security in Pervasive e-Health and Assistive Environments"

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CFP: Wiley's Journal of "Security and Communication Networks" Special Issue: Privacy and Security in Pervasive e-Health and Assistive Environments
http:/ /www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/security

Important Dates
_ Manuscript Due: November 15, 2009
_ First Notification: January 31, 2010
_ Revised Manuscript Due: March 15, 2010
_ Notification of Final Decision: April 15, 2010
_ Final Manuscripts Due: May 15, 2010
_ Tentative Publication: December 2010

Submission Information
Only original and unpublished research papers will be considered in this special issue. All submissions will be
reviewed based on technical merit and relevance. Guidelines for
prospective authors can be found online at http:/
/www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/security. Prospective authors
should submit their paper online at http:/
/mc.manuscriptcentral.com/scn. When submitting the papers, the authors
should make sure to choose the ''Manuscript Type'' as ''Special
Issue,'' enter the ''Running Head'' as ''SCN-SI-017,'' and the
''Special Issue Title'' as ''Privacy and Security on Pervasive e-Health
and Assistive Environments,'' respectively.

Scope of Contributions
Special Issue aims at providing researchers and professionals with an
insight on Privacy and Security on Pervasive e-Health and Assistive
Environments. Motivated by the above observations, this special issue
is organized to accommodate the most state-of-the-art implementations
and research studies on achieving secure and privacy-preserving
pervasive e-health and assistive environments. We seek for new and
unpublished research contributions from research, industry, government,
business, and the academia, that:

•Investigate underpinning
security and privacy models bringing together expertise from
interdisciplinary fields such as technology, law, and management sciences.
•Facilitate the applicability of security and privacy models for pervasive e-health and assistive environments.
•Develop new management paradigms for emerging technologies and architectures.

In particular, papers which cover the following areas (but not limited to) are highly solicited:
•Policies and practices for access, authentication, authorization, and auditing for health information systems in order to protect the privacy and security of electronic health information.
for sharing/exchange of patient's sensitive information among
health/assistance providers for example, during an emergency.
•Legislation issues related to handling of protected health information in pervasive e-health environments.
•Secure data access in e-health and assistive infrastructures.
•Trust and privacy issues in e-health and assistive environments.
•Sensor network security for e-health environments.
•RFID, sensor networks and biometrics to enable security in e-health and assistive environments.
•Encryption, cryptographic techniques to ensure privacy and security in e-health.
•Case studies in respect to privacy and security in e-health environments.
•Trust and privacy issues in e-health and assistive environments.
•Sensor network security for e-health environments.
•RFID, sensor networks and biometrics to enable security in e-health and assistive environments.
•Encryption, cryptographic techniques to ensure privacy and security in e-health.
•Case studies in respect to privacy and security in e-health environments.
Guest Editors
•Grammati Pantziou, Technological Educational Institution of Athens, E-mail: pantziou@teiath.gr
•Fillia Makedon, University of Texas Arlington, USA, E-mail: makedon@uta.edu
•Petros Belsis, Technological Educational Institution of Athens, E-mail: pbelsis@cs.teiath.gr


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