
Re: [Tccc] summary of current conference concerns v4

Hi Joe:

Can I suggest an addition to your list?

* Adopt best practices for sunsetting (ending COMSOC support for conferences.

I have had a little experience with sunsetting conferences working with both IEEE and ACM and I don't think we do it well. The usual criteria is
that the conference loses money in consecutive years. (Note that we tend to give new conferences a year or two to get started and tend to be
nicer to conferences in years where many conferences lose money due to economic conditions).

One might imagine a richer process in which we examine not only finances by how often papers at the conference are actually used by others
(citation indicies etc), how many non-authors attend the conference, and benchmarking the conference against other conferences whose areas
of interest overlap. We might also have processes that seek to merge conferences/workshops that are in related fields and underperforming, etc.

Having said this, I also observe that it is possible to be too restrictive (I was once) about trying to limit conferences -- sometimes new fields or existing
fields need a forum in which to revitalize or redirect research. So I am not terribly interested in preventing the creation of conferences -- I'm more interested
in ensuring that conferences do not outlive their usefulness.



Tccc mailing list

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