
[Tccc] CFP: Journal of Annals of Telecommunications - Special issue on Coordinating network-centric smart devices

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Call for

Special issue on Coordinating network-centric smart devices
A constant flow of innovations is leading to the emergence of a new
breed of devices that offers ever more computing power, wider variety
of communication capabilities, and richer functionalities. These
networked, smart devices are populating an increasing number of
environments including homes, factories and public transportation. In
such environments, new applications can utilize the sensing and
actuating capabilities of these devices to deliver a wide range of
services, including assisting users in their daily activities,
remotely monitoring medical patients, managing all aspects of a
building, supervising sensitive areas, etc.
Although promising, this evolution raises a number of research
challenges that need to be addressed. The heterogeneous nature of
devices needs to be tamed. The pervasive nature of devices raises
software engineering issues regarding their safety, security and
dependability. Because coordinating devices involves many software
layers and areas of expertise (networking, operating systems,
middleware, etc.), developing applications requires programming
support that abstracts over the intricacies of these layers.
Coordinating applications need to manage the availability of entities
varying dynamically.

This special issue is dedicated to address these research challenges.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

- Ambient intelligence
- Ubiquitous computing
- Autonomous computing

Methods and techniques
- Domain-specific languages
- Rule based systems
- Service oriented architectures, Middleware and Programming
- Object safety: Network reliability and security
- Context awareness
- Service discovery
- Smart object & Software architectures

- Converged applications, leveraging telecommunications platforms
- Home/building automation
- Wearable computing
- Supply chain management

Guest Editors
* Charles Consel, LaBRI, INRIA, France
* Gregory W. Bond, AT&T Labs, USA
* Charles Krasic, University of British Columbia, Canada

All submitted manuscripts must contain original work and must not have
been previously published nor submitted for publication elsewhere
while they are under consideration. Submissions should be sent
according to the instructions available at

Important dates
- Manuscript submission: April 30^th, 2010
- Expected publication: Summer 2011


1. http://www.annals-of-telecommunications.com/p_en_publish_6.html
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