
[Tccc] Call for applications: NSF Workshop on a Wireless National Test Bed (WiNTeB)

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Posted for Victor Frost, NSF.

Joe (TCCC Chair)


NSF Workshop on a Wireless National Test Bed (WiNTeB)

May 5-6, 2010
Hilton Hotel
950 North Stafford Street
Arlington, Virginia

There is a current and growing need for a Wireless National scale Test
Bed (WiNTeB). WiNTeB could support research in application areas such
as sensor nets, healthcare.

Possible WiNTeB Applications & Approach: Start with relatively simple
and constrained experiments with application S/W in end user devices,
moving from there as technical and operational procedures to protect
the underlying networks are proven:

- Experimental applications that run on a range of existing devices

- Heterogeneous Networks - combining cellular, wireless broadband and
GENI wired media

- Medical research involving large numbers of people with bio sensors
tied to their cell phones

- Sensor Nets

- Mobile applications into a client side and a service side running
in a compute cloud

- Overlay/mixed reality involving user interaction with synthesized

- Swarm behavior and co-ordination of actions between users across
large gaps of time and space

- Smart Grid

- Collaborative Networking

- Dynamic Spectrum Allocation

- Ubiquitous Computing

- Infrastructure RAN & Backhual as technical and operational network
safeguards are proven

One possible way of achieving this is by creating a non-profit Mobile
Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) that would contract with wireless
service providers to obtain access for researchers to national scale
networks. This MVNO structure is currently well established in
commercial applications, but has not been used to date for research
infrastructure. WiNTeB will:

- Extend the limits of scope, geographic extent, size, and
meaningfulness, of research results

- Lower the costs for large scale experiments

- Democratize research by making testing facilities available to a
broader cross section of academia, industry and government

- Provide recent graduates the experience / knowledge needed to be
productive in the larger wireless industry

- Improve network robustness, reliability, and security

- Accelerate innovation leading to advanced services for the public,
industry, civil and military government

- Improve US industrial competitiveness.

Workshop Goal: To develop a common understanding amongst the
stakeholders of what the benefits and challenges are in building
WiNTeB. Stakeholders include:

- Academic researchers interested in using WinTeB for applications
research, such as public health studies involving large numbers of
people using cell phones equipped with bio sensors

- Academic researchers interested in using WinTeb to explore how to
improve wireless networks

- Wireless service providers who might provide facilities for WinTeB
under MVNO contracts

- Wireless equipment, software, semiconductor, and component
companies who might want to perform experiments on WiNTeB

- Representatives of other government and industry organizations
sponsoring research that might benefit from the availability of

The workshop will result in a report that will frame and guide efforts
to create WiNTeB including recommendations to research agencies.

Workshop Attendance: to be limited to approximately 40 invited
participants selected on the basis of a one page PDF description of
themselves and why they should be part of the workshop sent with
WiNTeB Workshop Application in the subject line to winteb@kennesaw.edu
by March 29. Confirmation invitations will be returned by April 5. A
few places may be kept for late applicants. NSF funding for the
Workshop will not cover travel.

Additional Information: http://www.kennesaw.edu/ogc/WiNTeB.html

Workshop Organizers: Mark Cummings (Kennesaw State University), James
Kempf (Ericsson Labs USA) with support from Chip Elliott and Aaron
Falk (BBN/GENI). NSF funding pending.

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