
Re: [Tccc] CFP: 2010 Fifth International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability (ICIAfS)

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Call for Papers

2011 International Conference on Robotics, Informatics, Intelligence control system
Technologies (RIIT'11) will be hold at King's College London, London, United
Kingdom between 6th and 9th July 2011. King's College London is one of the UK's
most historic and prestigious universities with a forward thinking vision and
state-of-the-art facilities. King's is renowned for excellence in both its innovative
teaching and pioneering research.

Robotics, Informatics, and Intelligence control
Technologies (Reconfiguration Mechanism/Robot, Automation Control, and Computer
Application, Information Technology including Manufacturing System use in all
aspects of human life and their increasing diversity but also to emphasize the
necessity of managing the co-existence of modern informatics technologies for
humans within a sustainable development scheme.

Papers are solicited in all related areas in
an automation control fields, Robotics, Informaticss, and Intelligence control
Technologies (Automation Control and Manufacturing System, Computer Control
System, Computer Application,.Intelligent Control System, Simulation Modeling
Systems), and Information for manufacturing, Logistic and Supply Change
Technology. Proposals for tutorials and workshops, as well as organized/special
sessions are also welcome to address the emerging areas and innovative
applications of new technologies.

Author of the 20% of best paper will be
selected and invited to adapt their papers for publication at the International
Journal of Robotics, Informatics, and Intelligent Technology (RIIT). The
conference will also feature an industrial exhibition. RIIT2011 is soliciting
papers in the following topics:


Computer System, Advanced Control Systems:

Advanced Control and Measurement, Computer and Microprocessor-based
Control, Modeling and Simulation Systems, Linear/Nonlinear Control, Optimal and
Adaptive Control, Robot Control, Distributed Collaborative Systems, Real-time
Computer Control, and Automotive Control subject to Marine and Aero-space
Control and all other Control Applications.

T2 Robotics
Technology and Application:

Industrial Robots, Surgery Robot, Underwater Robots, Medicine Robot,
Security Robot, Manipulator/Mobile Robot, Multi-robot systems, Humanoid Robots,
Reconfiguration Robots, Entertainment Robots, Micro/Nano Robotics. Electrical
Vehicles, Intelligent Transportation, Telerobotics and Teleoperation.

T3 Sensors and
Integration Systems:

Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Fusion, Multisensor Fusion, Sensor Array,
Micro/Nano Technology, Micro-sensors and Micro-actuators, Network Sensor,
Remote Sensing, Hybrid Sensor, Distributed Sensor Networks.

T4 Signal and Image

Signal Control System, Digital Signal Processing, Emerging Signal
Processing, Multi-dimensional Signal Processing, DSP Application, Image and
Multimedia Applications, Real-time Multimedia Processing, Computer Vision.

T5 Informatics,
Logistics and Supply Chain:

BioInformatics, Real-time Information Systems, Parallel Processing,
Human-machine Interfaces, Virtual Reality, Harddisk and Data Storage
Technology, Supply Chain Technology, Logistics Applications, Information
Technology and their application, Intelligent Data retrieval.

T6 Production and
Manufacturing System:

Manufacturing Systems, Production Process, Production Planning and
Control, CAD/CAM/CAT/CIM, Quality Control Stratgy, Factory Automation,
Hydraulic and Pneumatics, Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Machine Visions,
Industrial Automated Process.

T7 Communication/Computer
Network, Transportation Application:

On-board diagnostics, Active safety systems, Communication systems,
Wireless technology, Communication application, Networking technologies, Mobile
Networks and Services, Transportation information, Autonomous Electric Vehicle.

T8 Power Electronics and
Electrical Drives:

Power electronic devices and systems, Integrated power electronics,
Distributed power system, Active and hybrid filtering, Photovoltaic,
Electromagnetic compatibility EMI/EMC., Modeling and Simulation, Special
application of machines and drives, Electrical drivese, Electric Machines

T9 Intelligent
Control System:

Intelligent Control Technology, Artificial Intelligent, Neural
networks, Fuzzy Logic, Neuro-Fuzzy application, Expert approaches, Faults
Detection and diagnostics techniques, Intelligent Instrumentation Systems,
Patern Recognition, Speech/Face Recognition,Optimization Technique, Intelligent
Transportation Systems.

T10 Advance
Computing technology and their application:

On-board Diagnostics, Data Mining, Data Fusion, Information Processing,
Information Systems and Applications, Knowledge-Base Engineering, Software
Engineering, RFID Technology, GPRS Transciever, Graphic User Interface Control.

However, these topics are not limited to other related fields.

The information for submission (Deadline)

Extended Abstract or Full Paper Submission:
October 1, 2010

Notification of the paper acceptance : November 1, 2010

The submission deadline of the final camera-ready papers : November 21, 2010

Best regards,

Assist.Prof. Dr. Mongkorn Klingajay

General Conference Chairs

Email: registration@riit2011.org, secretary@riit2011.org

Web: www.riit2011.org


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