
[Tccc] Call for Workshops - BCFIC 2011, Riga, Latvia

[Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFW.]

Call for workshops: Baltic Congress on Future Internet Communications,
BCFIC 2011, Riga, Latvia

Baltic Congress on Future Internet Communications BCFIC Riga 2011 will
address all the challenges of building the Future Internet, which will
be based on mobile, wireless and fixed broadband communications
infrastructures. BCFIC Riga 2011 will become a stage for researchers,
officials, decision makers, practitioners from the public sector and
industry, people involved in other related initiatives and many others.
The Congress will facilitate knowledge transfer to the community and
practitioners by promoting results dissemination.

The Internet of the Future will incorporate a large number of autonomous
wireless objects moving with diverse patterns and speeds while
communicating via several radio interfaces. Examples of such objects may
include humans, cars or unmanned aerial vehicles, with every object
acting as a networking device generating, relaying and/or absorbing
data. Achieving the Internet of the Future, will require global
interoperability amongst objects/devices, not typically common place due
to inherent features of today's Internet. To overcome the current
shortcomings, a number of research challenges have to be addressed in
the area of networking, including protocol engineering, development of
applications and services, as well as realistic use-cases. Applications,
services, overlay networking will receive a special treatment within the
Congress. With the above focus of the conference, we want to encourage
more interactions and discussions on bold new topics. Workshops are the
vehicles to enable the discussions on new but not yet in the main
stream. We invite workshop proposals to cater to exciting new topics and
emerging topics. Some possible examples are given below but we intend to
consider and encourage newer ideas:

Future home networking
Topics in next generation networking
Challenges to the Internet of Future
Future Internet applications and services Security and anonymity Quality
of P2P networking and applications


To propose a workshop in conjunction with BCFIC Riga 2011, please submit
a workshop proposal including the following information:

The title of the workshop
The workshop scope with an introduction
The important anticipated deadlines of the workshop; The detailed
contact information of the workshop organizers, such as names, titles,
affiliations, postal code and address, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail
addresses; A one paragraph overview of the organizers' experience of
conference/workshop organization, and one paragraph describing how you
will advertise and distribute information to attract more papers for
your workshop.

BCFIC Riga 2011 proceedings and associated workshops will be published
in IEEE Xplore (approved) and indexed in the correspondent databases
(e.g. EI-index and others).


Workshop proposals deadline: 1 October 2010
Notification of proposal decision: 10 October 2010
Deadline for workshop papers: 15 December 2010
Acceptance of workshop papers: 10 January 2011
Camera-ready version (hard): 20 January 2011
Workshop presentations: TBA


All workshop proposals should be submitted by e-mail to the BCFIC Riga
2011 workshop chairs, R Venkatesha Prasad ( rvprasad@ieee.org ) Ertan
Onur ( e.onur@tudelft.nl )

Dr. Ertan Onur
TU Delft
Wireless and Mobile Communications Group
Mekelweg 4
2628 CD Delft
T +31 (0)15 27 85201
F +31 (0)15 27 81774
E E.Onur@TUDelft.NL

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