
[Tccc] CFP: SCPE Special Issue (Network Management in Distributed Systems)

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Call for Papers
Network Management in Distributed Systems
Special Issue of Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience
Vol. 11 No. 4 (December 2010)

Over the last decade, we have observed the evolution of distributed computing systems in terms of their scale, complexity and networking technologies. As of today, numerous applications depend on distributed computing and networking infrastructures to operate. The management of these functionally and geographically distributed infrastructures is crucial to ensure effective operation of applications. This special issue aims at compiling the recent advancements as well as some basic issues in the fields of network management in distributed computing systems. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Distributed systems applications
- Network Management
- Scheduling and Queue Management
- Interconnection networks
- Traffic engineering and routing protocols
- Replication and fault tolerance
- Load distribution and management
- Performance modeling
- Security in distributed network

Guest Editors:

Jemal H. Abawajy - Deakin University, Australia
Mukaddim Pathan - CSIRO, Australia
Al-Sakib Khan Pathan - BRAC University, Bangladesh
Mustafizur Rahman - University of Melbourne, Australia

Submission Details:

Contributions are accepted for review on the understanding that the same work has not been published and that it is not being considered for publication elsewhere. Technical reports can be submitted. Substantially revised (minimum 30% of new content) versions of papers published in not easily accessible conference proceedings can also be submitted. In this case, the original paper should also be enclosed. The guest editors should be notified at the time of submission and the author is responsible for obtaining the necessary copyright releases for all copyrighted material.

Only electronic submissions are possible. Submission for refereeing should be performed via e-mail to mukaddim.pathan@csiro.au<mailto:mukaddim.pathan@csiro.au> (or any of the guest editors) in the PDF format. A 50-100 word abstract should be included with overview and research papers. Submitter can provide keywords (selected from http://www.scpe.org/?a=subject_index) associated with her/his article.

The authors will be required to prepare the source text, not exceeding 20 pages, in LaTeX using the journal style file (based on the SIAM style, available at: http://www.scpe.org/files/siamltex.tar.bz2). Figures must be prepared in Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) and appropriately incorporated into the text. The bibliography should be formatted using the SIAM convention. The source of the paper should be merged in one file. The source file should contain only ASCII symbols. All diacritics should be TeX-encoded. Authors of accepted papers are also required to sign an agreement of copyright transfer and an originality statement with the publisher. Each submission will be reviewed by at least two referees.

Important Dates:

Submission Due: October 10, 2010
Acceptance Notification: November 10, 2010
Final Submission: December 1, 2010
Publication Date: December 2010

Dr Mukaddim Pathan
Research Fellow, CSIRO ICT Center
Room # S214, 108 North Road
Acton, ACT 2601, Australia
Contact: +61-2-6216 7097 (Office)
Email: mukaddim.pathan@csiro.au
Web: www.ict.csiro.au/staff/mukaddim.pathan

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