*Call for Papers*
First International Workshop on Autonomous Embedded Systems and Networking (AESN09)
Athens, Greece, March 23-25, 2009
This workshop will be held in conjunction with the 9th International
Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems (ISADS 2009), held in
Athens, Greece, during March 23-25, 2009. (see for detail
Embedded systems such as process control systems, vehicle systems and
robots collect status data from environments or physical systems, and
control them. Such embedded systems are widely used in homes, offices,
buildings, vehicle and avionic systems and form ubiquitous systems. The
systems continue to work without human interaction. As a result,
embedded systems are networked and need to work autonomously.
Building autonomous system faces many challenges not only in server
systems, but also in the context of embedded systems. In particular,
embedded systems have different properties including (but are not
limited to):
* Resource constraints such as the limitation of CPU power, memory
capacity and battery life;
* Real-time;
* High dependability and safety;
* Distributed system integration.
The novel hardware, software and network architectures are required to
support those properties. Meanwhile, in order to increase reliability
and dependability in the system, new development methodologies are
needed. For this purpose the control theory and the system design
methodologies should be integrated. In addition to the platform
technology such hardware and software, theoretical approaches are also
needed to build autonomous embedded systems and network systematically.
A lot of networks of embedded systems form as ad-hoc networks, sensor
networks, P2P networks. Since ad-hoc networks, sensor networks, and P2P
networks typically consist of equal nodes without any central control,
these networks are important applications of autonomous decentralized
systems. In the network context of autonomous embedded system, there are
many challenges too. In mobile ad-hoc networks, there are many issues
not only on the traditional wireless communication issues including
bandwidth management, routing, power control, etc., but also on new
research issues as an autonomous system, including network configuration
and topology management, ad-hoc addressing, system integration etc.
The objective of this workshop is to stimulate researchers and
practitioners in embedded systems, autonomic computing, hardware
software codesign, cyber-physical systems and all other relevant areas
to present their new research ideas and results for advancing the
technologies in the field of autonomous embedded systems and networking.
Suggested topics include but are not limited to the followings:
* Hardware and Software architecture
* CPU and other hardware component
* OS and middleware
* Configuration, resource and QoS management
* Distributed and control algorithm and management;
* Development methodologies;
* Specification and Design;
* Performance evaluation;
* Sensor networks;
* Case studies and Applications
with respect to autonomous embedded systems and network systems.
*Information for Authors*
Papers must describe original work (not submitted or published
elsewhere) and are limited to 6 IEEE two-column-format pages. A sample
paper and the formatting instructions can be found at
Papers should include: title, authors, affiliations, up to 200-words
abstract, list of keywords and key references. Please identify the
author responsible for correspondence, including the author's name,
mailing address, telephone numbers, and email address. One of the
authors of each accepted paper must register and present the paper at
the workshop in ISADS 2009.
*Submission Information*
To submit a paper, please send an PDF version of the manuscript to Prof.
Yukikazu Nakamoto by e-mail: nakamoto[at]
with subject title “AESN09 Submission†(please replace [at] with @).
*Submission Information of the Final Paper*
Please follow instructions from ISADS!!
*Important Dates*
September 30, 2008:Paper Submission Due: (Firm Deadline)
November 15, 2008: Authors notification of acceptance.
December 31, 2008: Camera-Ready Paper Due
*General Chair*:
Yoshiaki Kakuda (Hiroshima City Univ., Japan)
*Program Committee Co-Chairs:*
Xue Liu (McGill University, Canada)
Yukiakzu Nakamoto (Univ. of Hyogo, Japan)
George Papadimitriou (Aristotle University, Greece)
*Publicity Chair:*
Zili Shao (Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HK, China)
*Program Committee Members:*
Yoginder Dandass(Mississippi State University, USA)
Kyoung-Don (KD) Kang (State University of New York at Binghamton, USA)
Sung-Soo Lim (Kookmin University, Seoul, Korea)
Chundi Mu (Tsinghua University, China)
Hidenori Nakazato (Waseda University, Japan)
Panagiotis Nastou (University of the Aegean, Greece)
Sophia Petridou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)
Panagiotis Sarigiannidis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)
Shangping Ren (Illinois Institute of Technology, USA)
Zili Shao (Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HK, China)
Fangyang Shen (Northern New Mexico University, USA)
Juichi Takahashi (Sony Corporation, Japan)
Kenji Toda (Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan)
Toshimitsu Ushio (Osaka Univ. Japan)
Kyriakos Vlachos (University of Patras, Greece)
Zuo Zhang(Tsinghua University, China)
Jizhong Zhao (Xi'An Jiaotong University, China)
Xingshe Zhou (Northwestern Polytechnical University, China)
*Call for Papers*
First International Workshop on Autonomous Embedded Systems and Networking
Athens, Greece, March 23-25, 2009
This workshop will be held in conjunction with the 9th International
Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems (ISADS 2009), held in
Athens, Greece, during March 23-25, 2009. (see for detail
Embedded systems such as process control systems, vehicle systems and
robots collect status data from environments or physical systems, and
control them. Such embedded systems are widely used in homes, offices,
buildings, vehicle and avionic systems and form ubiquitous systems. The
systems continue to work without human interaction. As a result,
embedded systems are networked and need to work autonomously.
Building autonomous system faces many challenges not only in server
systems, but also in the context of embedded systems. In particular,
embedded systems have different properties including (but are not
limited to):
* Resource constraints such as the limitation of CPU power, memory
capacity and battery life;
* Real-time;
* High dependability and safety;
* Distributed system integration.
The novel hardware, software and network architectures are required to
support those properties. Meanwhile, in order to increase reliability
and dependability in the system, new development methodologies are
needed. For this purpose the control theory and the system design
methodologies should be integrated. In addition to the platform
technology such hardware and software, theoretical approaches are also
needed to build autonomous embedded systems and network systematically.
A lot of networks of embedded systems form as ad-hoc networks, sensor
networks, P2P networks.~@~@Since ad-hoc networks, sensor networks, and P2P
networks typically consist of equal nodes without any central control,
these networks are important applications of autonomous decentralized
systems. In the network context of autonomous embedded system, there are
many challenges too. In mobile ad-hoc networks, there are many issues
not only on the traditional wireless communication issues including
bandwidth management, routing, power control, etc., but also on new
research issues as an autonomous system, including network configuration
and topology management, ad-hoc addressing, system integration etc.
The objective of this workshop is to stimulate researchers and
practitioners in embedded systems, autonomic computing, hardware
software codesign, cyber-physical systems and all other relevant areas
to present their new research ideas and results for advancing the
technologies in the field of autonomous embedded systems and networking.
Suggested topics include but are not limited to the followings:
* Hardware and Software architecture
* CPU and other hardware component
* OS and middleware
* Configuration, resource and QoS management
* Distributed and control algorithm and management;
* Development methodologies;
* Specification and Design;
* Performance evaluation;
* Sensor networks;
* Case studies and Applications
with respect to autonomous embedded systems and network systems.
*Information for Authors*
Papers must describe original work (not submitted or published
elsewhere) and are limited to 6 IEEE two-column-format pages. A sample
paper and the formatting instructions can be found at
Papers should include: title, authors, affiliations, up to 200-words
abstract, list of keywords and key references. Please identify the
author responsible for correspondence, including the author's name,
mailing address, telephone numbers, and email address. One of the
authors of each accepted paper must register and present the paper at
the workshop in ISADS 2009.
*Submission Information*
To submit a paper, please send an PDF version of the manuscript to Prof.
Yukikazu Nakamoto by e-mail: nakamoto[at]ai.u-hyogo.ac.jp
with subject title "AESN09 Submission" (please replace [at] with @).
*Submission Information of the Final Paper*
Please follow instructions from ISADS!!
*Important Dates*
September 30, 2008:Paper Submission Due: (Firm Deadline)
November 15, 2008: Authors notification of acceptance.
December 31, 2008: Camera-Ready Paper Due
*General Chair*:
Yoshiaki Kakuda (Hiroshima City Univ., Japan)
*Program Committee Co-Chairs:*
Xue Liu (McGill University, Canada)
Yukiakzu Nakamoto (Univ. of Hyogo, Japan)
George Papadimitriou (Aristotle University, Greece)
*Publicity Chair:*
Zili Shao (Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HK, China)
*Program Committee Members:*
Yoginder Dandass(Mississippi State University, USA)
Kyoung-Don (KD) Kang (State University of New York at Binghamton, USA)
Sung-Soo Lim (Kookmin University, Seoul, Korea)
Chundi Mu (Tsinghua University, China)
Hidenori Nakazato (Waseda University, Japan)
Panagiotis Nastou (University of the Aegean, Greece)
Sophia Petridou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)
Panagiotis Sarigiannidis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)
Shangping Ren (Illinois Institute of Technology, USA)
Zili Shao (Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HK, China)
Fangyang Shen (Northern New Mexico University, USA)
Juichi Takahashi (Sony Corporation, Japan)
Kenji Toda (Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan)
Toshimitsu Ushio (Osaka Univ. Japan)
Kyriakos Vlachos (University of Patras, Greece)
Zuo Zhang(Tsinghua University, China)
Jizhong Zhao (Xi'An Jiaotong University, China)
Xingshe Zhou (Northwestern Polytechnical University, China)