
[Mycolleagues] Call for Papers: Special Issue for Journal of Signal Processing Systems

Dear fellow researchers,


Attached is the Call for Papers for the Special Issue for Journal of signal Processing Systems. More information on the Journal can be found at http://www.springer.com/engineering/signals/journal/11265


The topic of this Special Issue is on "Microphone Array Processing for Speech Acquisition for Multimedia and Teleconferencing Systems". The description and deadlines are as follows:



This special issue will present the latest original research and survey articles in microphone array processing, with particular emphasis on speech acquisition for multimedia and teleconferencing systems. Authors are invited to submit complete and unpublished original articles that are not under review in any other conferences or journals. Potential topics of interest include (but not limited to) the following subject categories:

● Adaptive signal processing techniques

● Broadband array beamforming

● Direction of arrival (DOA) estimation

● Source localization  

● Source tracking

● Blind source separation

● Microphone array implementation  

● Microphone array calibration

● Speech recognition

● Speech enhancement

● Optimization techniques


The sub-topics addressed may include, but are not limited to, the following issues: modeling, robustness, reverberation, frequency invariant, fast algorithms, real-time computational complexity, processing architecture and software implementation.


All papers will be reviewed according to the standard peer review process of the Journal of Signal Processing Systems

Manuscript should be prepared according to the guideline given in the 'Instructions for Authors' link available at the online submission web page,

http://www.editorialmanager.com/vlsi/. Authors should follow the same submission procedure as for regular papers, but when prompted to select the article type, choose "Special Issue: Microphone Array Processing for Speech Acquisition for Multimedia and Teleconferencing Systems".



Manuscript submission: April 15, 2009

Notification of acceptance: July 1, 2009

Final manuscript submission: August 31, 2009

Publication: First Quarter 2010



Thanks for your attention and we look forward to receiving your submission.




Dr. Lim Chin Heng, PhD

Research Scientist, Temasek Laboratories@NTU

9th Storey, BorderX Block, Research Techno Plaza

50 Nanyang Drive, Singapore 637553    

Email:  ChinHeng@ntu.edu.sg

Tel:    +65 6790 5447

Fax:   +65 6790 0215



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