
[Mycolleagues] New Due Date: CFP: Special issue on Audio Coding, Indexing and Effects


New Due Date: May 1, 2009

Special issue on Audio Coding, Indexing and Effects

International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting


Traditional broadcasting and analog TV are being gradually replaced by advanced digital broadcasting systems including digital audio broadcasting, digital TV, Internet TV and audio streaming over IP, and so on. In these new digital applications and systems, audio processing is playing more and more role, which covers coding, indexing, capture, retrieval, surround sound, classification, recording, watermarking, loudness control, transmission, other pre/post processing, and their convergence to silicon-chip. More importantly, the fast growing of digital broadcasting services in mobile/handheld devices makes the research and development of audio processing become very challenging tasks and require huge efforts of the related academic, research, industry, standardization organizations, regulation authorities, content providers, and services providers.
This Special Issue aims to stimulate and guide the development of new and improved audio processing systems by providing a unique form with high quality and timely manner for scientists, engineers, broadcasters, manufacturers, software developers and others involved in the delivery and playback audio contents through broadcasting and IP based networks. It is also hoped that this special issue will attract a broad audience in audio engineering community. Topics of interest of this special issue include but are not limited to:
  • Advanced audio compression and classification systems
  • Theory and algorithms of audio indexing and retrieval in broadcasting
  • Audio segmentation, search, and description (language, tools)
  • Implementation (silicon-chip, software and embedded) of standardized audio codecs and audio formats as well as their conversions
  • Standardization development for audio coding and indexing (MPEG family, AVS, DRM and beyond)
  • Audio effects and enhancement in broadcasting applications
  • Multichannel audio coding and transmissions
  • Compatibility and integration of multiple audio broadcasting standards
  • Internet streaming-audio quality, measurement and monitoring
  • Combination indexing: audio, speech and visual information
  • Watermarking with audio coding and indexing
Before submission authors should carefully read over the journal's Author Guidelines, which are located at http://www.hindawi.com/journals/ijdmb/guidelines.html. Prospective authors should submit an electronic copy of their complete manuscript through the journal Manuscript Tracking System at http://mts.hindawi.com/ according to the following timetable:
Manuscript Due May 1, 2009
First Round of Reviews July 15, 2009
Publication Date October 1, 2009

Guest Editors

  • Jun Yang, SRS Labs, Inc., 2909 Daimler Street, Santa Ana, CA 92705-5810, USA
  • Tertulien Ndjountche, Department of Computer Science, and Engineering, Quebec University at Gatineau, QC, Canada J8X 3X7
  • Fa-Long Luo, Element CXI, Inc., 1815 McCandless Drive, San Jose, CA 95035-8046, USA
  • Alexander Korotkov, Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications Department, St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University, 29 Polytechnical Street, 195251 St. Petersburg, Russia
  • Harald Kosch, University of Passau, 94030 Passau, Germany

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