
[Tccc] Call for workshop proposals -- Globecom 2010

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Proposal submission due: Dec. 15, 2009

IEEE GLOBECOM 2010 is the flagship conference of IEEE Communications Society, which is to be held
in Miami during Dec 6-10, 2010. GLOBECOM 2010 plans to expand the workshop program. The workshops
aim to explore special topics and provide international forums for scientists, engineers, and users
to exchange and share their experiences, new ideas, and research results on important and emergent
topics on computer communications and networks. Running a workshop in association with GLOBECOM is
of high visibility. The proceedings of the workshops program will be published by IEEE Communications
Society and IEEE Digital Library.

Topics covered by the GLOBECOM 2010 workshops will include, but are NOT limited to:
* Cloud Computing and Communications
* Cognitive communications and networks
* Smart Grids
* Next Generation communications and networks
* Social networking
* Satellite and space communications
* Vehicular communications and networks
* Service-oriented Internet
* Broadband Communications
* Mobile and Ad Hoc Networks
* Wireless Networking
* Internet Quality of Service
* Security of Information and Communication Networks
* Multimedia Communications and Services
* Wearable and Pervasive Computing
* Ubiquitous and Intelligent Services
* Distributed and Mobile Computing
* Scalable Internet Architectures and Services
* Grid and P2P Computing
* Cyber-physical computing

Submission Guidelines and Publication:
In general, a workshop takes one day with at least 12 accepted and registered papers. Please send a
workshop proposal no later than Dec 15, 2009, to

Dr. Xiaobo Zhou
E-mail: zbo@cs.uccs.edu

We want to make the decision and send the notification back soon after they are received; so submitting
a proposal early is very encouraged and it has the priority. For each approved workshop, at least one
organizer must commit to attending GC'10 and running the workshop on site. Please do not hesitate to
send emails to Dr. Zhou if you have any questions.

The workshop proposal should include following information:

1. Title of the workshop
2. Workshop organizer(s): name, affiliation, address, phone, e-mail, with the indication of the main
contact person (please include a brief track record of the main organizers)
3. Description of the workshop, content and dates
4. Expected number of papers to be submitted with marketing approaches
5. Draft Call for paper of the workshop
6. Tentative list of program committee members

Papers submitted to each workshop should be original, and, be peer reviewed by the program committee
and external reviewers. An accepted paper must be registered and presented at the workshop venue and
must be limited to 5 pages in standard IEEE camera-ready format.

TPC Vice Chair for Workshops:

Prof. Xiaobo Zhou
Department of Computer Science
University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Colorado, USA
Email: zbo@cs.uccs.edu

Important Dates:
Proposal submission due: Dec 15, 2009
Proposal decision due: Jan 15, 2010
Conference dates: 6-10 December 2010
(Dec 6 and Dec 10 are the workshop days)

Tccc mailing list

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