fn:Bernd Reuther
org:AG ICSY;Computer Science
adr:;;PO BOX 3049;Kaiserslautern;;67653;Germany
title:University of Kaiserslautern
tel;work:++49 (0) 631 / 205 2161
Research Position (Ph.D.) in Future Internet Projects
The research group "Integrated Communication Systems (ICSY) (http://www.icsy.de) at the
University of Kaiserslautern, Germany is offering a Ph.D. position to highly motivated and
well qualified researchers who intend to enhance their career in the field of Future
Internet Architecture.
The researcher will participate in Future Internet research projects with emphasis on
service-oriented architectures, service composition and energy efficiency. Several German
universities and major industry partners will cooperate in exploring new architectures and
designs of next generation networks. New services will be developed and tested under
real-world conditions using a Germany-wide and international testbeds.
The position offer exciting research assignments in a creative interdisciplinary
environment with great possibilities for personal development. The applicant may steer his
own research towards topics of interest in the subject area and may acquire the Ph.D.
degree. The expected starting date is October 2009 or later. The appointment will be for a
two year period, subject to satisfactory performance and availability of funding. An
extension will be possible.
Applicants must have a university degree in Computer Science, an appropriate Engineering
discipline, or Mathematics (or equivalent) and have a keen interest in research. Knowledge
of networking technologies such as Internet, routing protocols, protocol design, and
distributed systems will certainly be helpful. Knowledge of the Linux networking system is
an extra advantage. Good proficiency in English or German, programming skills, and
willingness to do interdisciplinary research are also required.
About ICSY:
The Integrated Communication Systems (ICSY) research group is investigating mechanisms and
concepts for a Future Internet. While today's Internet communication lacks flexibility and
consists of tightly coupled components, beside other projects, ICSY is currently working
on network concepts based on loosely coupled services that allow selecting communication
functionality on a dynamic basis. Therefore ICSY is applying service-oriented architecture
(SOA) paradigms to future network design, and develops techniques to support this
approach. The aspired results are highly adaptable and extendable communication protocols
ensuring the increasing software requirements for future communication.
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