Special Issue of The Journal of Network and Computer Applications on
"Middleware Trends for Network Applications"
With the recent advances in network technologies, there has been a
growing interest in new network applications such as cloud, ubiquitous and
sensor applications. The development of these applications is usually not
trivial and faces a number of challenges. These challenges are relaxed with
the existence of enabling techniques such as advanced middleware services.
Middleware technologies had evolved tremendously over the past decade from
simple support techniques for applications integration to a field of its
own. The latest advances and innovations in middleware research, design and
utilization highlighted great expansion of the middleware field. Research
areas of relevance would therefore include, but not only limited to, the
following topics:
Middleware Issues:
. Reconfigurable, adaptable, and reflective middleware approaches
. Middleware for reliability, fault tolerance, and quality-of-service
. Scalability of middleware
. Context-aware middleware
. Autonomic and self-managing middleware
. Evaluation techniques for middleware solutions
. Formal methods and tools for designing and verifying middleware
. Service oriented middleware
. Security middleware
Domain Specific Middleware:
. RFID and sensor networks middleware
. Middleware for cloud computing
. Middleware for ubiquitous and mobile computing
. Middleware for networked robotics
. Smart infrastructures middleware
. Vehicular systems middleware
. Middleware support for monitoring and control systems
Submission Format:
The submitted papers must be written in English and describe original
research which is not published nor currently under review by other journals
or conferences. Author guidelines for preparation of manuscript can be found
at For more information, please contact the
Editor-in-Chief, Mohammed Atiquzzaman (
Guest Editors:
Dr. Nader Mohamed
College of Information Technology
United Arab Emirates University
Dr. Jameela Al-Jaroodi
College of Information Technology
United Arab Emirates University
Important Dates:
Paper submission: 31 October, 2009
Acceptance notification: 15 January, 2010
Final paper: 15 February, 2010
Publication: Summer 2010
Submission Guideline:
All manuscripts and any supplementary material should be submitted
through Elsevier Editorial System (EES). The authors must select "SI:
Middleware Network App-Nader" when they reach the "Article Type" step in the
submission process. The EES website is located at
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