The School of Electrical Engineering at KTH ( and the
Networked Embedded Systems Group at SICS ( have
recently started the research project "Promos: wireless sensor network
programming made easy" ( The project
aims at developing novel solutions for reducing the complexity of
programming, operating, and optimizing wireless sensor networks, and builds
on a combined expertise in embedded systems programming (the Contiki
operating system, uIP, etc.), wireless networking and resource optimization,
and industrial sensor networking applications.
We are now looking for talented researchers to join our efforts, and invite
applicants for a postdoctoral position at KTH. The position includes
research in the area of wireless sensor networking, interaction with
doctoral students and researchers, and involvement in collaborative work in
industrial and international projects. Participation in teaching and grant
application activities will also be possible.
Candidates should have strong research and publication record and a PhD
degree (or be near completion) in a relevant field, such as wireless
communications, sensor networking, embedded systems programming, real-time
systems, or networked control. The position can be made available
immediately and lasts for up to three years.
The application marked "Promos Postdoc" with curriculum vitae (including
publications list and two professional references) and a research statement
should be submitted as a single PDF file by email to The
application deadline is the 30th of September 2009.
For further information about the position, please contact
Mikael Johansson, Associate Professor,
School of Electrical Engineering, KTH
Phone: +46-8-7907426,
Tccc mailing list
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