
[Tccc] CFP: IEEE INFOCOM 2010 Workshop on Network Science for Communication Networks (NetSciCom 2010)



NetSciCom 2010

Second IEEE International Workshop on Network Science

for Communication Networks

March 19, 2010 - San Diego, CA, USA



In conjunction with IEEE Infocom 2010



Network Science is a newly emerging discipline with applications in a
variety of domains, such as, Communication Networks, Power Grid Networks,
Transportation Networks, Social Networks, Biological Networks and Economics.
Designing complex communication networks of the future needs a deep
understanding of the interplay between the physical, the communication, and
the social networks involved. An understanding of such interdependency can
only be achieved by closer interaction between Network Scientists,
Communication Network Designers, and Social and Behavioral Scientists. The
goal of this workshop is to a provide a forum where this diverse group of
researchers can meet and exchange ideas that will lead to deeper insights
into the design of robust, efficient and complex communication networks of
the future.


The topics of this workshop lie at the intersection of Network Science and
Communication Network Design - including Topology Design and Analysis,
Traffic Modeling, Traffic Routing, Social Media Analysis:

blogs and friendship networks, Bio-inspired networks, Internet scale
measurement and analysis of online communities, Social network analysis with
mobile phone data, Interdependency between power grid, communication and
transportation networks.



Papers should contain original material, i.e., that has not been previously
published or currently submitted elsewhere. Manuscripts must be limited to 6
pages in IEEE 8.5x11 conference format, and formatted in strict accordance
with the IEEE Communications Society author guidelines. All submissions will
be handled electronically. Accepted papers will be published by the IEEE

2009 workshop proceedings and will be available through IEEE Xplore.

For paper formatting instructions, please check


Prospective authors should submit their papers through EDAS.

Submission guidelines will be posted on the workshop website soon.



Workshop date: March 19, 2010

Submission deadline: January 5, 2010

Notification of acceptance: February 5, 2010 Camera-ready version submission
deadline: February 25, 2010



Paper length: 6 pages

Paper are published right after the conference on IEEExplore.

Camera ready versions are processed through the IEEE Conference eXpress
website Papers will be included in INFOCOM 2011 proceedings



Arun Sen, Arizona State U.

Andrea Richa, Arizona State U.

Katia Obraczka, UC Santa Cruz




-----Original Message-----

From: Antonio Capone [mailto:capone@elet.polimi.it]

Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2009 1:49 AM

To: 'Tilman Wolf'; 'Lars Eggert'; azcorra@it.uc3m.es; 'Richard Yu'; Arunabha

Cc: 'Janise McNair'; 'Antonio Capone'; 'Cedric J A. Westphal'; 'Giridhar'

Subject: INFOCOM workshops

Dear Workshop Organizers,

As you know we are running on a tight schedule for INFOCOM 2010 and it is
important to send out quickly the call for papers of your workshops and to
start working on the administrative and organization issues.

Regarding the Call for papers it is important that you prepare as soon as
possible a final version and sent it to publicity chairs and web chair for
advertising them. Here are some guidelines you have to keep in mind while
finalizing the call for papers:

- General rules:

Paper length: 6 pages

Paper are published right after the conference on IEEExplore.

Camera ready versions are processed through the IEEE Conference eXpress

Papers will be included in INFOCOM 2011 proceedings

- Workshop deadlines:

All workshops must be aligned on the same deadlines as below

Paper submission: Jan 5 , 2010

Notification of acceptance: Feb 5, 2010

Camera ready paper: Feb 25, 2010

As far as administrative and organization issues are concerned you should
contact the general chair and vice-chair for details. Consider that budgets,
registration, etc. for the workshops are all taken care of by INFOCOM
organization, but you need to provide all workshop information that need to
be put on the web site.


Antonio Capone

Janise McNair

INFOCOM 2010 Workshop co-chairs

Tccc mailing list

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