
[Tccc] CFP: IEEE INFOCOM 2010 Workshop on Carrier-grade Wireless Mesh Networks (CARMET 2010)



Call For Papers

Second IEEE International Workshop on

CARrier-grade wireless MEsh Networks



In conjunction with IEEE INFOCOM 2010

San Diego, CA, US

March 15-19 2010




Important Dates


Paper Submission: January 5, 2010

Notification: February 5, 2010

Camera Ready: February 25, 2010

Workshop Dates: March 15-19, 2010


Scope and Overview


Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) have been accepted as a new communication
paradigm that, by relaxing some restrictions of ad-hoc networking

(e.g. mobility, radio capabilities), enables the provision of high quality
services. Still, the design of WMNs involves handling complex

interactions between the variables of the solution space, e.g., cost,
channel planning, routing. Only from a proper understanding of these

interactions it will be possible to enclose use-case scenarios for mesh
networking, this way assessing if WMNs are a feasible alternative

to more-traditional deployments.

This workshop focuses on the current state of the art and ongoing research
challenges on wireless mesh networks, with special attention to

carrier-grade service provision. It will provide a forum to discuss current
ongoing challenges, namely: the definition of "carrier-gradeness"

in wireless environment and the ability to achieve it (in particular, as
compared to current mobile architectures); the performance limits of

mesh technology, assessing if the costs of mesh deployments (roll out,
management) are compensated by the service models provided;

the architectures for mesh networks, including homogeneous and heterogeneous
designs; the security challenges and solutions for mesh networks.

To sum up, the workshop aims at creating a think tank of practitioners and
researchers from academia and industry to point out the directions

for the success of wireless mesh technology


Topics at a Glance


The workshop solicits original and unpublished contributions on various
aspects of wireless mesh networking, including (but not limited to):

* Architectures, protocols, and algorithms for wireless mesh networks

* Performance evaluation (analysis, simulation or experimental)

* Deployment of experimental testbeds

* Localization and mobility in wireless mesh networks

* Security, privacy, and trustworthiness

* Co-existence/Integration of wireless mesh networks with other networks

* Standardization efforts related to wireless mesh networks

* Wireless mesh networks configuration and management

* Wireless mesh networks measurements

* Service model and business case analysis


Submission and Publications


Prospective authors should submit a paper for review, the maximum paper
length being 6 pages (in two-column format). Only original papers, not been
published or submitted for

publication elsewhere, will be considered. Further information on submission
guidelines is available at http://www.ict-carmen.eu/workshop10/

Accepted papers will be available after the conference on IEEExplore and
will be included in IEEE INFOCOM 2011 proceedings.


Organizing Committee


General Chairs

Arturo Azcorra, University of Carlos III, Spain

Michele Zorzi, University of Padova, Italy

TPC Chairs

Xavier Pérez Costa, NEC Laboratories Europe, Germany

Matteo Cesana, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Technical program Committee

Ian Akyildiz, Georgia Tech, US

Stefano Avallone, University of Naples, Italy

Michael Bahr, Siemens, Germany

Claudio Casetti, Politecnico di Torino, Italy

Marco Conti, IIT-CNR, Italy

Eylem Ekici, Ohio State University, US

Mario Gerla, UCLA, US

Omer Gurewitz, Ben Gurion University, Israel

Matthias Hollik, Technical University Darmstadt, Germany

Tommaso Melodia, SUNY Buffalo, US

Konstantina Papagiannaki, Intel, US

Alberto Lopez Toledo, Telefonica R&D, Spain

Pablo Serrano, University of Carlos III, Spain

Frank Zdarsky, NEC Laboratories Europe, Germany

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