
[Tccc] CFP: NOMS 2010 Workshop - Broadband Convergence Networks

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5th IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Broadband Convergence
Networks (BcN 2010)
Date and place: April 19, 2010, Osaka, Japan
(held in conjunction with IFIP/IEEE NOMS 2010)

Convergence is a key design aspect for next generation networks. The
seamless integration of wireless and wired network architectures,
point-to-point and broadcasting communications, data and
multimedia-oriented services, mobile and cellular systems, sensor
networks, fast fiber and long delay networks remains a challenging
endeavor for network operation and management. The complete end-to-end
picture becomes unclear to say the least.

As new technologies meet old ones, many need to be revisited to fit
into this complex scenario. In this workshop, we will look at the
latest advances in broadband access technologies including IEEE 802.11
Wireless LAN, 802.16 Wireless MAN (WiBro, WiMax) and 3G/4G wireless
cellular networks and their SIP based IMS platform, broadband access
networks, such as xDSL, FTTH and Cable, and examine their use for
emerging streaming, multicast, and broadcast applications such as

Sharing research and development experiences towards next generation
architectures design and management is very important. Architectural
issues such as naming and addressing, routing and service scalability,
late binding, cross layer design, mobility and heterogeneous support,
service orchestration, among others are encouraged into the broadband
context. These different visions on how carriers will deliver voice,
data and video services - with less network complexity and efficient
control - are crucial information for operators and carriers.

This 5th edition of the event builds on the success of the 1st IEEE
International Workshop on Broadband Convergence Networks (BcN2006)
held on April the 7th 2006 in Vancouver, Canada, in conjunction with
IEEE/IFIP NOMS2006), the 2007 edition held on May the 21st of 2007 in
Munich, Germany (In conjunction with IEEE/IFIP IM2007), the 2008
edition held on April the 7th of 2008 in Salvador, Brazil (in
conjunction with IEEE/IFIP NOMS 2008), and in 2009 it was held on June
5th in New York, NY in conjunction with IEEE/IFIP IM 2009.

We seek to draw researchers with different backgrounds to share their
experience and knowledge of the current status of standardization and
technology development of BcN, to discuss challenges and present
possible solutions and innovations for the challenges that broadband
networking brings forward.

Topics of interest for this workshop include, but are not limited to,
the following:

- Trends in broadband networking, architectures and standardization
- Converged networking issues for telecommunication and broadcasting
- Fixed and mobile networks convergence
- IMS and Telecom convergence
- Future Generation Networks
- Broadband access networking with hybrid fiber optic and wireless networks
- Seamless service provisioning with roaming and handover
- Regulatory issues
- Provisioning of applications and services
- QoS, mobility and policy management in broadband networks
- 3P services over broadband access networks
- Security issues on the convergence of networks
- Accounting and Billing
- Automated resource management and service provisioning
- Signaling for application sessions and networking
- Virtual networks and operators
- Overlay networks
- TCP for broadband links
- Streaming services over wireless access networks
- Ambient network access technologies and services
- Trial results, migration and case studies
- Convergence in residential access and home networks

Paper Submission Instructions:
Authors are requested to submit full papers (up to 8 pages) or short
papers (up to 4 pages) in IEEE double column format. The contribution
must be original and previously unpublished. Papers must be submitted
online in a PDF format using the JEMS system
(https://jems.sbc.org.br/bcn2010) and will undergo a rigorous review
process handled by the Technical Program Committee. Accepted papers
must be presented at the workshop by one of the authors and will be
published in the conference proceedings on CD-ROM, as well as included
in the IEEE Digital Library. Further details on preparing a manuscript
can be found on the Author Information page on the workshop website.

Makoto Takano, NTT-West, Japan (m.takano(at)rdc.west.ntt.co.jp)
Kenji Leibnitz, Osaka University, Japan (leibnitz(at)ist.osaka-u.ac.jp)
Nazim Agoulmine, University of Evry, France and POSTECH, Korea

Important Dates:
Paper submission due: January 4, 2010
Notification of acceptance: February 8, 2010
Final camera-ready papers due: February 19, 2010
Workshop date: April 19, 2010

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