
[Tccc] SCN (Wiley) - Deadline extended to Nov. 30, 2009


Security and Communication Networks Journal (Wiley)

SPECIAL ISSUE ON: Security Challenges in Emerging and Next-Generation Wireless Communication Networks

Wireless network technologies are undergoing rapid advancements. Researchers are currently envisioning different attractive

properties of wireless systems such as the ability to self-organize, self-configure, self-heal, self-manage and

self-maintain. Different wireless networks having the potential to offer cost-effective home and enterprise access networking

solutions are being researched. Concepts such as dynamic spectrum access, convergence, unified network architectures and

seamless service access in heterogeneous networks are gaining widespread popularity. Technologies such as Wireless Mesh

Networks (WMNs), WiFi, WiMAX, Bluetooth, ZigBee, RFID, IEEE 802.20, IEEE 802.22 and software defined radio are becoming

increasingly popular. Even though these technologies hold great promises for our future, there are several research

challenges that need to be addressed. A significant portion of these research challenges are attributed to security and

privacy issues in these kinds of networks. This Special Issue aims to publish high quality research papers related to the

recent advances in the security and privacy of different emerging and next-generation network technologies. Topics of

interest include, but are not limited to, the security and privacy issues and challenges in the following:
* Emerging Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
* Wireless Mesh Networks
* Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network (VANET)
* Delay-Tolerant Networks (DTN)
* Underwater Sensor Networks
* Underground Sensor Networks
* Cooperative wireless communications
* Next Generation Wireless Network Services
* Wireless Telemedicine and e-health
* Next Generation Wireless Access Networks
* IEEE 802.11/802.20/802.22
* Emerging issues in 3G and 4G wireless
* Next Generation Cellular wireless networks
* Wireless Internet
* Software defined radio
* Ultra-wide band radio
* Emerging wireless network security issues
* Emerging wireless network architecture
* Multimedia over emerging wireless networks
* Inter-working of new and existing networks.

Guest Editors:

Dr. Sudip Misra (Corresponding Editor)
Assistant Professor
School of Information Technology
Indian Institute of Technology
Kharagpur, West Bengal, India
E-mail: smisra.editor@gmail.com

Dr. Mieso Denko
Associate Professor
Department of Computing & Info. Sc.
University of Guelph
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
E-mail: denko@cis.uoguelph.ca

Prof. Hussien Mouftah
Canada Research Chair and Distinguished Professor
School of Information Tech. & Engg.
University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada
E-mail: mouftah@uottawa.ca

Submission Details:

Original, high quality contributions that are not yet published or that are not currently under review by other journals or

peer-reviewed conferences are sought. For manuscript submission, authors should follow the guidelines described in the

http://www.interscience.wiley.com/security. Prospective authors should submit their paper online at

http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/scn. When submitting the papers, the authors should choose the "Manuscript Type" as "Special

Issue", enter the "Running Head" as "SCN-SI-020" and the "Special Issue Title" as "Security in emerging networks",

respectively. Contributing authors might also be asked to review some of the papers submitted to this special issue.

Important Dates:

Manuscript Due: November 30, 2009. (EXTENDED DEADLINE !!!)
First Acceptance Notification: February 1, 2010.
Final Acceptance Notification: April 1, 2010.
Camera-Ready Final Manuscript Due: May 1, 2010.
Publication Date: 3rd quarter of 2010 (tentative).

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